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Mohamed Kamara – May 10, 2024 Download PDF version

Friday, May 10, 2024

LB Mohamed Kamara

(Do you like the Mets, Knicks, Rangers, Giants? Who did you grow up with, the sports teams that you like?) – “The sports team that I like? The Miami Dolphins. (laughter)

(How do you feel about the combination of the aqua and orange together?) – “I really like it; I’m not going to lie. There was a fan – I ended up posting it on Instagram, a fan made fan art of my old jersey being in the aqua. It was more white, but it was really good. I was like, ‘Oh, that 42 looks good,’ but I ended up getting 50.”

(No one can argue with the production and how relentless you were and the numbers you had. What did you hear in the draft process about any concerns or questions teams had about you that resulted in you falling to Day 3? What specifically was voiced to you as their reservations or concerns about you?) – “I want to say – it was quite some time, I tried to keep the negative out of my head. Probably I’m short or whatever, but besides that, it was not a lot of concerns.”

(Are you still as fueled as you were when you spoke to us on draft day to prove the world wrong?) – “Of course. It’s no diss. Of course, I have to be humble about, because (shoot), I’m here. I’m still glad to be here. I’m still rocking and rolling out. I’m fired up. Even Coach had to tell me to calm down today when we were in walkthrough.”

(Head Coach Mike McDaniel or Defensive Coordinator Anthony Weaver?) – “Oh no, (Outside Linebackers) Coach (Ryan) Crow.”

(In terms of this opportunity, when did you know the NFL was a reality for you?) – “Getting 13.5 sacks, production speaks for itself. Then even going into Arizona competing with those guys over there at Exos. Chop (Robinson), I was over there with Chop and (Laiatu) Latu. Those are two first rounders, and I was still competing and still holding my own. So I knew it was a possibility for me.”

(What was the moment like the first time you put on an NFL jersey?) – “Today is the first time. I didn’t really get to feel that moment yet, because as soon as I put it on, we had to go outside. I couldn’t really tell you.”

(What does it mean to you?) – “Man, my brother called me last night. He said, ‘You made it to the locker room.’ So that’s all it means, I just made it to the locker room, nothing else. I still have to prove myself.”

(Older brother, younger brother?) – “Older. Amara Kamara.”

(Does he play?) – “He did play. He played over there at Temple University.”

(No relation to Saints RB Alvin Kamara?) – “No, no. We can figure it out. We probably can probably trace it back, but it’s too far gone, too much.”

(What did your brother Amara play?) – “Oh, he played inside and outside just like me. He’s a little smaller now. When I was small, he was big, but he’s a little smaller now.”

(In what ways is being a 6’1 edge rusher beneficial to you?) – “I’m low to the ground, so I’m going to always use that. I’m quicker, too. Some of those guys have a longer length and longer strides and stuff like that. I’m quick and will put my hands on you fast.”

(Obviously the goal this week and over the next month is to get your feet on the ground and learn the system. In time as the summer goes on, do you want to add another pass rush move or merely polish the effective ones you have right now?) – “Polish. Polish. This is not my offseason. I don’t have an offseason to get a new move. Once this situation is done, I get a month, then I get right back into it. So there’s no offseason for me. So whatever I have, I’m going to use to beat the opponent in front of me.”

(Without disclosing the number, have you already or will you at some point write down on a little piece of paper sort of like a sack goal for your rookie season and put it in a drawer or something like that?) – “At one point, yes. I still have to make the team. I think once I’m on the team, I am efficient on the team, I’m playing and then it’s like, ‘OK, I get some playing time. OK, it’s attainable.’”

(I have to ask you about what happened in the walk through that led to Outside Linebackers Coach Ryan Crow kind of telling you to temper it down, were you ready to tackle somebody?) – “Oh, no. No, no, no. There was no offense out there. It was just getting off. I always have to work on my get off, that’s something I’m always going to work at. So it was just my get off.”

(Every player learns the playbook and plays in a different way that’s best for them. Some walk-through, some write it on a board in their house, some do a notebook. What’s your preferred method of learning?) – “All three. I even have my tablet out here. I knew I was supposed to be in media, but I forgot. But I got my tablet right here, I was about to work on my tablet. I have stuff on my tablet. I have my notebook – I’m already writing my notes. I like to see visuals. Whatever it is, however I can obtain the information, I’ll do it.”

(Does it seem like there are more plays than the Colorado State playbook or about the same?) – “I think it’s about the same. It’s the same. It’s about being efficient. I think the terminology is different, so for me I have to understand the terminology and that’s the hard part, just getting over that hump. Once I get the terminology down, it’s over.”

(Have you had the chance to talk to LB Bradley Chubb and LB Jaelan Phillips?) – “I talked to Bradley Chubb today. He’s a nice guy. He’s my locker mate actually, so we had a brief five-minute conversation. So nothing crazy. Just a brief, five-minute introduction.”

(Did any of Colorado State alum pass rushers reach out to you? Those of prominence?) – “Colorado State?”

(Yes, any of them over the last three weeks since being drafted?) – “Oh yes. Quite a few, actually.”

(Biggest name would be who?) – “Uh, Adrian Ross, I know he hit me up. I’m going to see Shaq Barrett at one point in time.”

(We were talking to LB Chop Robinson about the time you spent with him in the pre-draft process. What are some of your best memories from that time together?) – “Most of the time we were competing. We have a friendly-hate relationship. (laughter) But that’s my guy right there. We’re always going to help each other in any aspect. Most of the time, we were just competing. Most of the time, it was just realizing how good he is and how good I can be, because he’s a hell of a talent. So I’m just trying to get there. He went first round for a reason.”

(What’s the best thing LB Chop Robinson does on the field?) – “Go. Man, he goes.”

(Have you started looking for an apartment to rent or a condo to buy?) – “Make the team. Once I make the team, I’m here forever.”

(My wife won’t let me get a place at the beach. Are you a beach guy or suburbs guy?) – “Beach is too much of a distraction, I’m going to the suburbs. Got to stay inside.”

(From working with LB Chop Robinson, how much do you push each other? He said you guys always talking. You were always talking when you guys are pushing each other?) – “Oh, that’s what he said? Yeah, we’re always talking. We talk now. We made a bet, I’m not going to disclose it, but he owes me money. He knows what I’m talking about. (laughter)

(Was there anyone else in that group in this draft class across the NFL who worked with you? Anyone else besides the two of you when you worked together?) – “Yes, everybody who came from Exos, all the d-ends. We had Chop (Robinson)…(Xavier) Thomas, I had nicknames. We had Jonah (Elliss), who else? I’m forgetting some.”

(And where was this?) – “Arizona at Exos.”

(Phoenix or Scottsdale?) – “Phoenix, Arizona. So we had a couple guys, I think there was eight of us. I can’t think of it right now, but there was definitely eight of us.”

(Eight pass rushers?) – “I believe so. We also had Nate (Nathaniel Watson), but he’s an inside linebacker. I forgot where he went to, but Nate he was on (Mississippi State).”

(And how many of y’all got drafted?) – “Oh, I think if was eight of us, I think it was six.”

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