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David Long Jr. – July 29, 2024 Download PDF version

Monday, July 29, 2024

LB David Long Jr.

(For starters, how are you feeling physically now that you’re back and active on the field again with your teammates?) – “I’m feeling good, man. Second day – pads and that heat is a crazy combination, but it’s good for me just to get in that action, test my body. We play in Miami so that sun isn’t going anywhere no time soon.”

(What were you dealing with starting camp on PUP and just talk about coming back.) – “Just taking my time, listening to the trainers. We got along season ahead. They know how I play – very aggressive, throwing my body. Just timing it out, that’s about it.”

(You obviously were very good in the Vic Fangio defense. How does a Defensive Coordinator Anthony Weaver defense suit your skillset?) – “It’s a lot like Tennessee, I’m at the mike. We play actually a lot of the similar play calls, just different terminology. So it feels a lot like something I’m used to.”

(I saw you yesterday getting some mental reps on the end line in low red zone. I’m just curious your perspective on what that helps you with?) – “I was eager to get back out there. I did like three plays yesterday, so I was really kind of pissed and I was trying to get any type of work I could. Just watching Anthony (Walker Jr.) and Zeke (Ezekiel Vandenburgh) – Zeke is having a hell of a camp. Just watching those guys work and just finding ways to still learn while I’m still out there.”

(Were you dealing with a knee?) – “Something like that, little a sleeve on it. But as far as a season, 18 games just the way I play, it’s not like I got to go out there and show something that I haven’t showed. Just listening to them and taking my time.”

(What have you seen from LB Jordan Brooks? From watching him on tape and being around him for a few months as far as his skillset?) – “He’s like a quiet assassin, that what I’ve been calling him. He doesn’t really say much, but he knows some ball. He’s physical and he fits right in with the play style that we want to play.”

(T Kendall Lamm said that now that the pads are on it’s an equalizer for them on the offensive line. How much does the game change when the pads are on out there?) – “That’s football. Anybody can make plays without the pads, especially it’s easier to get through a block, it’s easier to call a hold. When the pads come on, you just get an idea of how a player is, how aggressive they are, just the play style. I was messing with Kendall Lamm today with a run block he had. Just getting back to the action, just seeing the guys getting after it, especially in this heat. It was a hot one today.”

(What’s it been like working with Linebackers/Run Game Coordinator Joe Barry?) – “I can’t say enough good things about Joe (Barry). He makes the environment fun, but also we learn. We learn so much. It’s great to have a coach like him. I’ve had five – I’ve been in the league for six years. I’ve had about five or six linebacker coaches. I’ve been learning different styles as my years went. Joe just shows it a little different, a new style from what I’m used to in a good way. He fits right in with the culture and what we’re trying to establish here.”

(It took you guys a minute last year to get your footing in the Vic Fangio scheme. I think the first three or four weeks before it took off. Why do you feel like that won’t happen this year with the new change in the system?) – “Because of the chemistry I’d say. It’s easier to learn when you can gel together. Also hanging out outside of the facility was a bigger emphasis this offseason, so we did that rather it was me or Nik Needham or Channing (Tindall), just having the young guys around. That plays a part, it’s the little stuff. If we’re going to get something to eat or whatever that may be. It easier to come out here and hold each other accountable because we know it’s not coming from a bad place.”  

(Is this an intuitive defense, or is this something that you really have to be in the book on or is it pretty straightforward?) – “It’s definitely intuitive. It gets straightforward when you learn the simple things because a lot of the plays go off each other. Once you get the basics down its easier and faster to learn once you get the basics of the defense down.”

(You singled out LB Ezekiel Vandenburgh earlier, what is he doing so far in camp that’s caught your eye?) – “Just making plays, man. He’s just like Jordyn (Brooks), he’s not really a talker, for real. He chops wood and seeing Zeke (Ezekiel Vandenburgh) through the offseason, he got hurt last year. Even in camp last year, he was making plays. It was unfortunate he got hurt. I’m just happy to see him back in action because I know how I feel when I am not playing ball. So just to see him out there having another chance to get after it, it’s cool.”

(What’s some of the finer points to pass coverage that you think you can still focus on to improve this training camp?) – “Everything – whether its assignments and just getting back in the gel. Like you said, I haven’t been here for the first four or five days, so getting back into the gel and getting back the chemistry from OTAs that we created, just trying to get back in the feel because they’ve been after it already a couple of days. So just trying to get a feel for it and get back to what I’ve been doing.”

(One thing we keep hearing about this defense is the level of energy you guys have felt on the field for the past month. How much of that is due to, like you said, the chemistry you built in the offseason versus what Defensive Coordinator Anthony Weaver has instilled in you guys?) – “I think it goes hand-in-hand. I think we all felt the energy, the change and how he installed it and how he incorporated the learning aspect of it. Whether it’s just the meetings, the environment, it’s easier to learn in good environments. Whether it’s football, whatever your workspace, it’s easy to come in and learn and retain once you get a good vibe.”

(What specifically? Or does an example come to mind of something that Defensive Coordinator Anthony Weaver has done where it’s like, “OK, this is going to be a fun environment. This is going to be a more relaxed environment?”) – “I wouldn’t say it’s something specific. Just gradually, every day, whether it’s something funny from the meetings or just being able to joke while learning. It just fits, the players on the team.”

(With LB Jerome Baker gone, how much will your role change on the field, if anything – calls and stuff? And also, how much will you miss him?) – “I miss Jerome (Baker) a lot. We hung together, especially off the field. As far as on the field, I think we gelled together just like me and ‘JB’ (Jordyn Brooks). As far as role, I’m the Mike, so back to having the play calls but also there’s different assignments for me as well than last year, but that’s something I’ve been doing since I’ve been in the league. So it feels good to be back doing that same thing.”

(How many snaps did you get in 11-on-11 today?) – “Probably like five, six each little – it’s revving up. As much as I want to hop back in there, that’s not healthy. Just trying to gradually, eventually get to playing fast.”

(So three yesterday, and five or six…) – “Yeah, you know – trying to rev it up, man. (laughter)

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