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Emmanuel Ogbah – August 5, 2024 Download PDF version

Monday, August 5, 2024

LB Emmanuel Ogbah

(It’s impressive how you were been able to just join an NFL camp at the start of camp and be so impactful early on. How difficult is it to motivate yourself to stay in the shape that you did when you’re not on a roster in May, June and parts of July?) – “I knew going in I had to stay ready for any call I was going to get. So I just stayed down here and stayed training, just stayed in shape, just ready. I’ve been in the league long enough to know how to be prepared.”

(Were there opportunities that Drew Rosenhaus presented to you throughout the offseason where you thought “Well, I’m not sure that’s quiet right? Let me just be a little more patient and see?”) – “Yeah, I definitely had options. I just wanted the right fit, the right environment. That’s kind of why I took so long too to sign with a team.”

(During the exit interviews, you were concerned about your playing time and it was something you wanted more of. Is that something you were able to talk to them about now? Obviously, it’s a different staff, too. Is that something that you were able to discuss with them?) – “Definitely the conversations came up. We have the same mindset. We talked to each other, me and Coach ‘Weav’ (Defensive Coordinator Anthony Weaver). He explained to me in detail what he expects of me and what I expect of him. I’m just ready to see how we put things out this season.”

(How much more suited to your skillset do you think this defense is?) – “I feel more comfortable in this defense. I’m not asked to do way too much, but I’m still learning the defense because I’m still kind of new. I’m just taking it one day at a time learning this defense.”

(How far along do you feel you are and how much more do you think you have to…?) – “I’m almost there, I’ll say that. I’m almost there. Just little things here and there I’ve just got to fix and correct, but I’m almost there.”

(How much was asked of you last year on defense?) – “It was just stuff like I’m not comfortable with that I was asked to do, but it’s all good. It’s a new year now, enough with the old.”

(What do you think of the camp of the guy that was just up here, LB Quinton Bell?) – “I knew ‘Q’ (Quinton Bell) last year. He’s a worker, he’s a grinder. I always knew he was going to take advantage of his opportunity. I’m just glad he’s getting noticed now like he is now.”

(There are obviously differences between the Josh Boyer defense and the Anthony Weaver defense. Is there enough alike where you think your comfort level ultimately with Anthony Weaver’s defense will be like you felt in Boyer’s defense?) – “Most definitely, it’s a little similar too so I feel more comfortable in this defense.”

(Are you looking forward to joint practices and just the excitement of playing against another team?) – “Yeah, I’m looking forward to it. Going against the same guys every day, you get tired of it. Now I’m looking for some new competition.”

(This pass rush had been off to a very good start in training camp without LB Bradley Chubb, without LB Jaelan Phillips. Why have you guys been so effective without the top two?) – “It’s just the mindset, the work we’ve put in. You know our guys are banged up right now, we’ve got to put in the effort, we got to work while we wait on them to get healthy. It’s a good group. Good close guys, we work well with each other and with the d-line as well. We’re just trying to be the best we can be right now.”

(Is there a guy on the Baltimore Ravens defense that you’ve been watching and saying maybe this is the type of guy I can play in as far as a role in Defensive Coordinator Anthony Weaver’s system?) – “I don’t know – when (Matthew) Judon was there, kind of a similar role what he played is what I’m going to be playing. There are definitely guys – Kyle Van Noy, he was here too. I spoke on the phone with him a few times. There’s definitely different pieces that I can play, like I play all over the line as well.”

(Not dropping into coverage as much, I’m guessing?) – “Hopefully. (laughter)

(I think you came in for your workout Monday, July 22, two days after LB Shaq Barrett retired. Was there something General Manager Chris Grier said to you about reminding you that he was the guy who obviously had, among others, had a lot of faith and trust in you, gave you the big contract? Was there a moment you guys had that day where he reminded you, “I’ve always been a big fan?”) – “Like I’ve said before, I just felt like it’s unfinished business. I still have to come back; I still have a lot to prove here. I just felt like the job wasn’t done, and I’m just ready to go out there and give it my all again.”

(When we saw you at your best here, there were nine sack seasons, 12 pass breakups, batting down the balls at the line of scrimmage. How much do you feel like that player today?) – “It’s just – I’ve got a lot to prove. Last year wasn’t the best year for me mentally and physically, but I’m just excited to get back out there and do my job. Just doing the best I can to help this team win.”

(It was such a wild moment last year for the Chiefs game. Do you still keep in touch with Bruce Irvin and Justin Houston and all those guys that they brought in?) – “Oh, not really, but we follow each other on Instagram so I comment here and there on their pictures.”

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