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Zach Sieler – September 2, 2024 Download PDF version

Monday, September 2, 2024

DT Zach Sieler

(What do you have to do to get a Miami Different t-shirt?) – “Be here for five years. (laughter) I can’t remember what year I got this – three or four years ago. It’s been around in the locker room. I can’t remember why we got them though, because we got one that was a ’Different’ one too.”

(What’s the t-shirt this year?) – “Don’t know yet.”

(You haven’t gotten it yet?) – “I don’t know, I think it’s a surprise. I’m excited to see what we got cooking up. Each year we try to focus on something as a team. (Head Coach Mike) McDaniel does a great job of trying to find something to not rally behind but to kind of encapsulate what we’re going to focus on this season, and that’s what it was early on so I’m excited.”

(So the captaincy, what’s your reaction?) – “It’s a big blessing. I think God has put myself and my wife here in this situation to be able to help young guys. I’ve been here for five years, in the league for seven. To be able to guide and lead by example and vocal hopefully and be able to set the tone each week, I think that’s a big thing. Obviously, you can’t lead without being the frontrunner and setting the pace, setting the tone. So it’s really exciting to be up there with those guys, awesome. Congrats to all the other guys that got the captains’ vote. And to Calais (Campbell), coming in here just before camp and being able to be that big of an impact and role model to get voted captain is incredible. It shows his testament to what he’s done all these years. So I’m really excited.”

(What do you guys have to effective against QB Trevor Lawrence?) – “I think it’s part in the same with just keep that pressure up front, stay on our keys and no selfish decisions in run game, pass rush. Just do what our job description is in the calls and let the plays come to you. Don’t stress for plays and really focus on each one of our individual techniques each play, and don’t try too hard to overcompensate and make a play when it’s not your play to be made.”

(So selfish decisions meaning play within the scheme?) – “Yes sir, yep.”

(FB Alec Ingold said it’s rare that a guy beat you in here to the facility. What time do you get here?) – “Every day is different. I’ve got a pretty strict routine. I’ve been following that for three years now, but today was up at 5:00 (a.m.), in here at 6:15, 6:10 (a.m.) – most days it’s probably about 6:30 (a.m.), if not a little sooner. For me, I like getting my stuff done in the morning. In college we’d do 4:00 a.m.’s to get before our 7 o’clock classes and our 8 o’clock meetings. So I’ve kind of since Day 1 been kind of doing that early bird schedule. And I think it’s awesome to start the day off ahead and kind of what step ahead.”

(What’s your bedtime?) – “Shoot, I’d go to bed at 8:00 (p.m.) if I could (laughter). But with the baby, we put him down around 7 or 7:30 (p.m.) and then have a little time with my wife – talk, catch up. And then probably around 9 o’clock, I’m starting to go to bed.”

(You might have been asked this at some point during training camp, but is this the Baltimore defense brought here?) – “What was it, six years ago when I was in Baltimore? There’s definitely similarities that I’ve learned, terminology and stuff back from Baltimore. I think ‘Weave’ (Defensive Coordinator Anthony Weaver) has done a great job putting his own flavor on it and really kind of tailoring it to the players and the talent that we have down here. But yeah, I’d say it’s a great scheme he’s come up with down here. I’m really excited to play in it and see how we can make it work this season.”

(Going back to being named a team captain, when you consider how your NFL journey went, does that make it even crazier to you that you got to this point?) – “I think it just shows hopefully to be a leader and a role model to kids and anyone that’s kind of been told they can’t do something. That’s how my story was from leaving high school. It was, ‘Hey, you’ll never play at Ferris. The best you could do is you’re tall, you might give our guys a good look on scout team,’ to kind of taking off at Ferris three or four years later, and then honestly kind of following that in the league and taking two, three, four years to kind of find my footing. It’s just to never give up and keep persevering. Not trying to get all emotional, but it means a lot. It’s something special, it means a lot to me, and I’m really excited to be able to put my best foot forward this season for all the guys.”

(What do you think Christian Wilkins would say?) – “(laughter) He’d be yelling. I think he’d be the first one cheering and excited and going crazy right there with me and my wife.”

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