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Zach Sieler – September 10, 2024 Download PDF version

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

DT Zach Sieler

(What was it like coming in this morning, and how did you guys address everything once the body cam footage came out?) – “I think the team had a really good opening statement, what was it, last night about everything. I completely support it; I think all of us do here. It’s crazy how things shook out. Thankfully everyone got to the game and made it on time. I know all of those guys personally and it kind of shook my wife and I both up watching it. I think we need to move forward and have some open discussions with local enforcement as well as players around here. Hopefully everyone can take some responsibility from this and learn and figure out a way to make this better and make a difference.”

(How do you think the team is handling kind of understanding how important this issue is but realizing Buffalo is here in 48 hours?) – “Honestly with a Thursday night game, things go by fast, so you don’t really have much time to sit and think. But I know we have some time this weekend and hope we can reflect and figure out a way to move forward with everything that happened, but right now the goal is winning Thursday.”

(The first three weeks are tough. For this to be two games in five days against one of your biggest rivals, how difficult is that physically and everything like that?) – “It’s super exciting. It’s difficult – you’re getting used to your pads again and getting a feel for the thing, get your rhythm in check again, but at the same time, it’s Buffalo. It’s a division game, it’s time to take the East. Let’s go for it. I think it’s really exciting to kind of hit the ground running early on in this season and show what we are made of right up front.”

(QB Josh Allen kind of has had your number. I think he’s 11-2 against you guys. What is it about stopping him, how do you go about it?) – “Josh Allen is an amazing player, there’s no two ways about that. But at the end of the day, there are 21 other players out there. I think if we come together as a team in all three phases – we did some great things last Sunday. If we make some corrections and really tighten some things down, we really have a good shot and really take it to them.”

(Do you have a feeling it’s going to be you and Buffalo to the end in December and January just like last year?) – “I love when that happens.”

(So much was made of this offseason about rotating defensive linemen more, but you still play at a very high snap count. Were you surprised by that after it was kind of the idea? Or not really just because you’ve played so much?) – “Obviously (Austin) Clark and I have worked together for four years now. Calais (Campbell) here, (Da’Shawn) Hand, (Brandon) Pili, Benito (Jones), all of those guys that were up, we focus on even practicing like how we’re going to play in the game. We take the reps and we kind of go into each week knowing what we’re thinking and how we expect to play each game. I think it’s just kind of play by play, game by game feel. Some games you might be able to take more, some games, you might be able to take less. I think at the end of the day, it kind of matters how you’re feeling and how your body is feeling. Week 1 it’s obviously pretty exciting to get out there again and run around. It’s just maintaining it all season. It’s a long season – 18 weeks, 17 games plus playoffs, hopefully. So it’s just a matter of staying on top of recovery and staying on top of things week by week to get the dub.”

(Do you feel good about the short week, quick turnaround from one game to the next?) – “I’m super excited. Like how we talked about earlier was two games in five days, that’s actually like – to get there and get the ground running and really kind of show our stuff early on is exciting.”

(Can you give us an idea of how much more daunting it is when you have a guy like QB Josh Allen out there with so many different options? He’s a quick thinker too for you guys out there to sort of just contain him) – “I think it’s what we do – we’ve obviously played him plenty of times. We know his game and he knows our game, so it’s a matter of how can we come into the week preparing the best. Especially on a quick week is getting the right checks, getting the right adjustments made and correcting what we did wrong this last weekend. Obviously, there’s a lot we can correct on and get it right and get ready to make the adjustments and play on Thursday.”

(Quick question on WR Tyreek Hill. You guys have the same agent. I’m just curious what the conversations have been like between the two of you after everything has happened?) – “I think all of us have told Tyreek, just A – sorry and then B – how can we help, how can I be there for you, what can we do to help in the future, make a difference, make an impact. I think some of this stuff is so just gray area sometimes, and I think it’s how can we make it so that everyone is on the same page and make this earth a better place and not just a one-off.”

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