
Search Transcripts
Jordyn Brooks – September 16, 2024

Monday, September 16, 2024

LB Jordyn Brooks

(Can you tell us the mood of the team right now considering QB Tua Tagovailoa’s situation? Is everybody confident? Is everybody low key? How would you describe it?) – “I think everybody is good. I didn’t see anything crazy. Obviously, the energy won’t be as high as it usually is coming off a loss, but I think it’s good energy just moving on and getting ready for this week.”

(What’s the hardest part of moving on when you played well that second half particularly defensively against Jacksonville and then the struggles that last game to not be able to win that game? What is the key to bounce back and refocus?) – “Just knowing that it’s a long season. You have 17 games, so you don’t have all day to keep harping on what happened. Learn from it and then move on, because we’ve got another team this week. That’s the motivation is that we’ve got another game, so we’ve got to get ready for that.”

(When a team loses its quarterback – we don’t know how long he’ll be out obviously, but he’s going to miss some time. Does it feel like everybody else has to up their game a little bit, defense has to play better, running game has to play better all of that?) – “I think we always have to play better whether the quarterback is playing or not. That’s everybody’s individual goal to be the best that you can be so that we can be better together. It’s unfortunate what happened with our quarterback, but had that not happened, the goal will still be the same as far as us getting better and getting to the place that we know we can be.”

(Is this going to be emotional for you on Sunday going back? And heading into March, had you thought you might re-sign with the Seahawks?) – “Yeah, I spent my first four years there. It was a good thing for me, but it’ll be good to go back and get to play against those guys. I think it will be a great opportunity for me.”

(Who are you still close with over there that you are looking forward to seeing?) – “A lot of the guys on defense that I played with, a lot of the younger guys. It will be good to see them and then compete against them.”

(How important is veteran leadership when it comes to bouncing back after a loss on Thursday?) – “It’s important. It’s important, but I think it’s more so important that guys be the example rather than always having to huddle everybody up and (say), ‘Hey, this is what we need to do.’ Just show them, and that’s by moving on, attacking each day like a professional, going to practice and doing everything with intent and making sure that we improve this week.”

(How do you describe the atmosphere in that stadium from both what it gives the Seahawks and what it might present as a challenge to visiting teams?) – “It can get loud in there if we allow it. The fans out there, they’re crazy about the team, so whenever the Seahawks are making plays or whatever, they get really loud. But I think we can control that if we play our game.”

(What stood out about QB Geno Smith as a quarterback to you when you were there?) – “Just his preparation. He was there my first two years. When he was sitting behind ‘Rus,’ (Russell Wilson) he prepared the same way as if he was going to play. When he got his opportunity, it wasn’t a shock. So I’ve always respected him for that, just how he approached the game.”

(Hypothetically speaking, if QB Skylar Thompson has to make a road start this week at Seattle, as somebody who has played in that stadium famously loud, what is a piece of advice you would tell him to, I guess, keep his head on straight throughout that entire game?) – “Just know that we’re on the field with him. He’s not out there by himself – literally, there’s 10 other guys out there with him. Just know that; trust in the preparation that we go through this week and just play your game. You don’t have to do nothing special.”

(Is it as loud as everybody says? I’ve never covered a game there. How loud does it get?) – “Like I said, it gets as loud as the team can make it. So if we’re stopping them, it won’t be that loud. If we don’t, it will be pretty loud. I think the way the stadium is designed to keep the sound in or whatever, so that helps too.”      

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