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Chris Grier – August 28, 2024 Download PDF version

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

General Manager Chris Grier

(Nose tackle and guard. Did you make any attempt in recent days or are there any ongoing intents to add a quality starter at either spot? Do you trade, do you waiver wire? And if not, what gives you confidence in both of those positions?) – “It’s always interesting because Mike (McDaniel) and I were talking about this the other day with the offensive line how every year, you guys are like, ‘not good enough, not good enough’ but then, offensively we’re a pretty good offense the last two years, and a number of you guys have talked about how the guys have improved. Those guys on the offensive line have worked their tails off. We feel confident in them, the coaching staff believes in them and Butch (Barry) and Mike (McDaniel) and Frank (Smith) have done a great job and ‘Lem’ (Lemuel Jeanpierre) in helping those guys develop and work. I think the important thing is they all work together. It’s a really cohesive unit and just watching them work together is great every day. They hang out together so it’s a very close-knit unit. That said, we’ll add someone to the practice squad like we always do. Just for your information, we released Jack Driscoll recently because we claimed Grant DuBose, wide receiver. And so that was the roster move for him. Jack is a good kid, worked his tail off. Just unfortunately a numbers crunch for us. But we’re confident in the offensive line, so again, it’s just one of those that Mike and I always kind of chuckle. I know you guys made a joke about me saying you guys are more worried about it than we are, but internally that’s how we feel about our group here as a team. The defensive side, we’ve added a guy on the practice squad that we feel really good about. We think he’s got a lot of potential and upside, but we feel good about our group again. We think (Brandon) Pili has done a nice job, improving every day. (Da’Shawn) Hand has been really good for us. We’ve been really happy with him from last year coming in and continuing working, and then obviously with Zach (Sieler), and Calais (Campbell) has been an outstanding addition for us. We’ve been really, really happy with him so we feel good about the group, but obviously we’re always looking for depth. If we tell you this is just a snapshot in time for us and you guys have known since you’ve known me and been around me, we’ve always worked to working the roster and making additions. We’re not afraid to add something at some point if the opportunity arises.”

(What are traits that interested you guys in WR Grant DuBose?) – “He’s got size, he’s tough. Really good route runner. He’s got good hands and it was the physical and how physical he is in his play. Obviously, Mike (McDaniel) knows a lot of people up there in Green Bay with the relationship as well as I do, and they’re all very high on him and said it was a very hard decision for them to move on from him. So it was an opportunity we were excited for and just working for where we are right now.”

(As you reflect on your journey from an intern to a GM, what has been some of the most challenging aspects of that transition and has your perspective at all changed on team building?) – “Obviously when I started – just dating myself, it was mid 90s (laughter) – coming in with Coach Parcells. Different time, different era of how you did it. It was, at that time, a lot of manual work in terms of like nowadays you can go on PFF, click on a guy and watch him in 15 minutes, where back then, you had to go pull the tape out, fast forward all the way through and go through and search. So the evolution to where it’s got to is cool, and I think even for player safety to where it’s gotten to now for the players. But it was a different era. Back then, coaches were I would say a lot sterner and the rules and how the players were in – we had three-a-days when I was back in New England with (Bill) Parcells. You’d go 7 a.m., then we’d have three o’clock and then we’d have another one, walkthrough at seven o’clock at night. Then we had staff meetings at 10:30, 11 o’clock at night so we were always going from seven in the morning until midnight, one o’clock. It’s like anything; change is good, but it’s been a fun road. I’ve enjoyed it and I wouldn’t change anything about it.”

(Are you planning on having OL Isaiah Wynn play for you guys at some point this year?) – “Yeah, we’ll see. Like I said, he’s worked his tail off. He’s done a great job of rehabbing. He’s here every day working so yeah, that’s the plan, but we’ll see.”

(There’s a report that when WR Odell Beckham Jr. came here, signed and you guys knew or suspected he might not be able to start the year because of a procedure. Is that right?) – “Yes.”

(Can you say what the injury is?) – “I appreciate the question, but I don’t like to talk about people’s medical history.”

(Do you think he’ll be ready? I mean when you signed him where did you expect him to be ready?) – “Yeah, we were very hopeful that it would be around Week 1 here, and to be honest with you guys, we put him down. He did not want to go down. He feels – and he is very close. You guys have seen glimpses of him running around outside doing stuff. He’s very close, but for us it was the long play. We didn’t want him to rush back feeling that he had to rush back and then something happen and sets us back. So this was more Mike (McDaniel) and I sitting down, talking with Kyle (Johnston), the trainers and then we just felt what’s best for him long haul to help us here win games is to put him down for a little bit right now.”

(Chairman of the Board/Managing General Partner Stephen Ross said on the local broadcast during the preseason that if healthy, he views this as a Super Bowl contender. How does this roster align with Super Bowl contention?) – “Each year we’re always judged by wins and losses at the end of the day. So you last year people were saying our roster was one of the best in football and we had injuries and fell short in Kansas City in the Wild Card. So I think each year is a different year. I think we feel very good about our roster, where we are, and again, this is just a moment in time. Like if guys remember in March, everyone was worried about salary cap, ‘we can’t do anything.’ So it’s always little pockets of time when you do your roster and stuff, but we feel good about it like everyone. Health and luck all contribute to it and team chemistry, and it’s a very close-knit team already. It’s been exciting to watch these guys all together. So yeah, we feel if we’re healthy and ready to go, that we have a chance to compete, which is what we always want – that chance.”

(How do you define a successful season for this year? Does it require you to end the 24-year drought?) – “Yeah, I don’t think we shy away from it. Mike (McDaniel) has talked about it, yeah. For us, it’s always – again, every team wants to win the Super Bowl and we’re no different. And at the end of the day, one team wins, and to me, if you don’t win it, every team is not a successful season. So that’s the way I’ve always looked at it.”

(We haven’t spoken to since the QB Tua Tagovailoa contract. How relieved were you to get that done and take us through your perspective of those negotiations?) – “I think my wife was glad it was done, just because all the phone calls and back and forth, but Tua (Tagovailoa) and his representation were great, Ryan Williams. These things take time. Look at all the deals trying to get done around league that are happening slowly, but for us, it was just working through to find a place where both sides felt really good and so that it doesn’t affect us where we can’t keep building and adding players and doing what we need to do in the future. So we’re very excited to get it done. It was a long process but well worth it, and we’re excited for Tua.”

(You previously mentioned DT Calais Campbell earlier. He’s a happy guy. He’s always motivated. Do you get a sense that in the latter stages of his career, not only does he have a lot left but he wants to prove it here?) – “Yes, most definitely. The guys love him. As you know him, he’s always around like, (pounds a fist on his chest), so everyone walks around and goes, ‘Hmm.’ (pounds a fist on his chest) (laughter) So he’s a really good dude. Just watching how he prepares and keeps himself in shape for his age and what he does, so all the guys are taking note. He’s a mentor to people, but even watching him like in the joint practices, I think you guys saw some of the stuff. He can still play and it’s amazing what he does and just how physical and strong and tough he is. So adding him to us I think will pay big dividends and I think it’s a great – he is a great measure for all our players to learn for being able to sustain a high level of play for a long time and take care of everybody and being a true pro.”

(Have you had any conversations with Mulugheta about S Jevón Holland’s contract and if so or if not, either way, is it priority by the end of the year to get something done with him?) – “Like everything, unless a player’s representation tells me to speak publicly, OK, I will. So I will keep any conversations we’ve had private, but with like with Jevón and any other player, there’s always a lot of stuff behind the scenes that we’re working through. He’s an important player for us, so we’ll just leave it at that for right now.”

(At the moment, two of the top backup cornerbacks are undrafted rookies. Actually I don’t know if CB Ethan Bonner counts as a rookie – Bonner from Stanford, CB Storm Duck from Louisville. How ready do you feel these guys are to contribute if needed?) – “Very confident. Ethan (Bonner) played a little bit for us last year and the thing we love about him is he is a smart player, he’s very competitive. We’ve had a number of teams try to trade for him in the offseason, even last year, and so very excited for his opportunity and he’s taken advantage of whatever time he’s had. Storm (Duck) has come in and just worked right from the beginning, so he’s been a pleasant surprise. We thought he had a lot of ability but you never know till you get here, and he’s worked his tail off and he’s earned it. So I’m very excited for him and his future because he’s got a great work ethic. So I think the one thing that (Cornerbacks Coach Mathieu) Araujo has done a great job developing and working with those guys and they have a great belief in him and the system from Coach (Anthony) Weaver so if they have to play, no one will bat an eye. We’ll just ‘back to work.’”

(What about the other undrafted rookie to make this active roster – OL Andrew Meyer – what did you like about him?) – “I’ll tell you; he looks like a truck driver. So you’re sitting there the first time and I’m like ‘Uh…’ (laughter) But I’ll tell you what – he’s got personality, he’s tough, he’s smart. He loves ball, he’s a grinder. And every day he just got better and better and it got to a point where it’s hard that you even see in talking with the coaches and (Offensive Line Coach) Butch (Barry) and Mike (McDaniel) that we see that there’s a lot of potential in his future so he still has a lot of work to do to improve, but this was a player we just felt like we didn’t want to lose because he’s got something we’d like to see what it looks like at the end.”

(As you self-scouted yourself this offseason, what did you do and what were the ideas to improve against playoff teams? You were 1-6 against playoff teams last year. What do you say, “We got to do this and this is where we improved?” How do you get better at that against those teams?) – “It’s always something we go through and try and figure out the whys after the season when you do it. For us, working through some of the stuff offensively, there were some of those games just off the top of my head, Philly where we had a dropped touchdown pass at one point. A borderline pass interference call on one, so we’re like – that one and then the Kansas City game in Germany. We had a couple of miscues at the end where we didn’t function the way we should. So at the end of the day, looking through it, it’s just talking, looking through situations, really spending time on talking to our players, going through situational football basically. That’s just my opinion. But also, I think we have the players to win, and I’m very confident in them. For us, it’s just finding that way to get over the hump like you said. We feel confident in what we are doing, and (head Coach) Mike (McDaniel) and the staff have done a great job and the scouts in working through it. So I’m very excited to see what happens this year.”

(Is there a feeling that injuries have been the biggest obstacles the previous two years? As opposed to not being good against the better teams or gameplan, strategy, philosophy? Is it mostly injuries do you think?) – “Injuries happen; I don’t want to use that as just the excuse. That would be trying to take the easy way out to just use that. Again, there’s 11 players on the field at a time. It could be one person messing up to cause it and the other 10 are doing their assignment right. It’s just again, executing – find a way to execute in moments with everyone on the field at the same time. So (Head Coach) Mike (McDaniel) and the staff have been working very hard on that, and that’s been a focus of ours. Because if we play well consistently and not just halves and stuff, we feel that we can compete with any team in the league.”

(You had six draft picks make the 53-man roster, and make it seven if WR Tahj Washington hadn’t gotten hurt. How would you evaluate that group so far? LB Chop Robinson in particular, seems like he may have to play a role. How much confidence do you have in him early on?) – “The group has done a great job coming in. It’s a very mature group. They’re all very – as you guys have talked to some of them, they’re all very focused on ball and really love football. We’re very happy with all of them. Chop (Robinson) has come in from Day 1 and just has been a sponge. It’s cool. He talks to (Terron) Armstead about different rushes against different people, and then (Bradley) Chubb spends time with him. It’s just cool. They’re all just like, ‘The kid wants to learn and his work ethic.’ He’s got the talent and everything. He’s a tough kid, he loves ball. Watching all of those guys from – Patrick Paul has done a great job for us. He’s played a ton of snaps in the preseason learning a whole new technique of how to block, so I’m very happy with him. (Jaylen) Wright has done a good job running the ball for us, and Mohamed (Kamara) and (Patrick) McMorris, all of those guys. We are very happy with the group because at the end of the day, they all love football and it’s important to them. They have talent, so we’ll see how this plays out, but very excited for them.”

(You mentioned the feedback from the Packers with WR Grant DuBose. Is that a common practice in terms of waiver wire claims is getting that feedback from teams?) – “Yeah, I mean you’re always reaching out to different people you know because you want to make sure that – they don’t have to tell you what kind of player you’re getting, it’s just the person really. Because when you’re adding someone into a building, you just want to be careful who you’re adding into it. Yes, you always talk to people, because obviously if they let him go, you try and find out why here and there. But you watch the film at the end of the day, that makes the ultimate decision when you’re putting a claim on someone.”    

(Do you have a practice squad quarterback lined up?) – “Yes, we do. Tim Boyle.”

(What did the staff like about him?) – “(Head Coach) Mike McDaniel liked him. Mike and ‘Bev’ (Quarterbacks/Pass Game Coordinator Darrell Bevell) spent a lot of time here the last couple of days watching a lot of the quarterbacks, and he caught their eye. Obviously, he was in Houston, little similar scheme, and obviously with the Jets, we saw him before. He’s got some background in our offense, but just watching him, Mike and ‘Bev’ felt really good about adding him to the practice squad for his skill set and what he can do. A veteran guy that’s been around and has a good reputation, good locker room guy, smart, so we’re excited to add him.”

(Any concerns over state secrets that QB Mike White can give Buffalo?) – “(laughter) I used to be that way, but so many players go back and forth between – I’m sure Buffalo is not losing too much sleep about (Jordan) Poyer being here. It’s just one of those, it happens. The ones that I always laugh at are Week 1 – when Week 1 teams play each other and then they start claiming guys from each other’s team, I think that’s funny.”

(I’ve seen tweets where agents are telling reporters that they’re adding players to the practice squad with a promise to elevate them for Week 1. Is this kind of a new thing you’re hearing this year?) – “To me, I think it’s hard to promise someone to come up, especially if you’ve never worked with a person and seen them. So I would never want to put our players that may have earned a spot to play just to satisfy and trick someone – I’m not saying that team or person is doing it, but that’s just not something that I would believe in doing. But yeah, that’s – you do hear it every once in a while, but that’s just not the practice that we believe in.”

(A question about your interior offensive line theory, philosophy. I think OL Robert Jones and OL Lester Cotton are the only true guards, that your centers have been converted guards with Connor Williams and OL Aaron Brewer, your guards are converted tackles with Robert Hunt and Liam Eichenberg. What is the thinking there that you’d rather focus on the tackles? I know that OL Aaron Brewer is a quality player and he’s out with an injury, but there haven’t been any high-profile free agent signings or trades or draft picks the last couple of years. What is the thinking on the interior offensive line?) – “Patrick (Paul) was a guy, so for that, tackles are always of value, but the guys that have the ability like Robert (Jones) and Liam (Eichenberg) to go inside and play, position flexibility always for your roster and spots. With those guys, you look for guys that are tough and competitive. They have to be smart, obviously, but in this scheme as you guys have seen, athletes are kind of the priority. You want guys who are athletic, who have twitch and can come off the ball. I think the way (Offensive Line Coach) Butch (Barry) teaches and I think what all our players appreciate and all the players that have been here and left that you guys have talked to, is to allow the teaching style of how Butch and (Assistant Offensive Line Coach) ‘Lem’ (Lemuel Jeanpierre) work with them. Just philosophy wise, guard – tackles that can play guard as well are always of value, but then centers are very important. Like with (Andrew) Meyer, those guys – you like a guy that’s not a one-hole player, but at the end of the day, the ability to communicate, see what’s going on, get everyone calmed down, lined up and the quarterback trusts is a huge thing.”

(How did you balance LB Jaelan Phillips’ desire to play full versus keeping him long term?) – “We’ll be very smart with Jaelan (Phillips), just because he’s even back earlier than some people thought in just my opinion. I think with him – yeah, you’ve got to put a governor on him because he wants to go 100 miles an hour, and it’s like, ‘Dude, you just came back from a serious injury faster because you’re a freak healer, but let’s be smart about this.’ I just think Kyle (Johnston) and his staff do a great job of getting our guys prepared and healthy, so we’ll take the approach – because it is about long term; it’s not just about right now.”

(You mentioned a young defensive tackle that you’re encouraged about on the practice squad. Could you share his name? The promising defensive tackle you said you were signing?) – “Yeah, Naquan Jones, came over from Arizona. A big, big body nose tackle. As you’ve kind of seen (Defensive Coordinator Anthony) Weaver’s defense, it’s a little different type of d-tackles now that we’re looking for, but very excited. Coach is – Coach Weaver, (Defensive Line Coach) Austin Clark, everyone is very excited. Our video guys that had to stay here at night and get the video going for him were very excited to do that at 10 o’clock last night. (laughter)

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