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De’Von Achane – August 3, 2024 Download PDF version

Saturday, August 3, 2024

RB De’Von Achane

(Nice to get a late game scenario and score a touchdown. How did that feel and being so active in the passing game on that drive?) – “It felt good. Like you said, I need the extra conditioning. It’s good to do something that you’re going to do in a real game before you get into the game, so I feel like that was a great period that we had.”

(Would that have been a touchdown? They signaled touchdown, but there seemed to be some dispute.) – “Most definitely that would’ve been a touchdown. But you know the defense, they’re a great defense. They’re good players, just like we are, so of course they’re going to say it wasn’t a touchdown. But we’re going with the ref. The ref (said), ‘Touchdown,’ touchdown.”

(Plus you got a little stronger this offseason, right? So you can power your way through?) – “Yeah, we’re on the two-yard line. It’s a touchdown for sure.”

(How has your pass catching improved year-over-year, your ability to catch the ball?) – “Improved a lot. That’s something I’ve always been doing, even when I was young. I like catching the football. Even though I am a running back, I also like doing receiver type of stuff. It makes me very different and unique in my own way.”

(On that drive you guys went up-tempo quite a bit, was the feed back positive on how quickly you guys got back to the line of scrimmage and got things going?) – “It was good. Like you said, we’re both competing – No. 1 offense and defense competing. So I feel like we kind of needed it because we’ve got one more practice before we go against somebody else. I feel like that period we did right there, the little two-minute period, its extra conditioning, because you can’t ever be in too much shape.”

(Can you talk a little bit about RB Raheem Mostert and how much he meant to you last year? What is one of the biggest things you picked up from him?) – “Raheem (Mostert) meant a lot last year. Just not him, just basically the whole room because I was a rookie last year so coming in, everything was new to me, so basically just him helping me out, learning the scheme. From this year to last year, I feel like I got a lot better and now we got a rookie coming in, I feel like, ‘OK, now I’m going to help him,’ because I know how I felt when I came in. I was kind of lost, wanting to know but not know how to ask somebody for help. So I just feel like ‘Heem’ (Raheem Mostert), I didn’t have to ask him to help. He’s been in the position that I was, so him just lending me a hand when I didn’t have to ask, I feel like he was a big support.”

(We’ve talked a little bit about getting more involved in the pass game and also in lining up out wide. How natural do you feel doing all that stuff right now?) – “I feel natural because, like I said, it’s not my first time. I’d see if I was new, like ‘OK, this is kind of new to me, me lining up outside.’ But I feel like this is something I’ve been doing for years, so it comes pretty natural. As long as I keep working on it, I feel like it just becomes a habit just like a running back.”

(Earlier today, Head Coach Mike McDaniel explained to us that he used WR Tyreek Hill’s block on a run play as an example of what the team needs to do in 2024. He said that the theme of today’s session was ‘We intend to be different.’ What does that mean to you?) – “Basically, like you said, Tyreek Hill is the No. 1 player in the NFL. So if he can go out there and block, why can’t nobody else? If he can go out there and lay his body on the line for us, why can’t we do the same? Basically just saying like as a team, I feel like we need that. Him being a leader, him going out there and doing that, it just shows us that if he gives his 110%, we can too.”

(Do you think you can get into that Top 100 this year?) – “We’re going to see, man. It’s a goal so we’re going to see how this year goes. If this year goes better than last year, then yes.”

(What are some of your goals for this year?) – “Most definitely stay healthy. I had injuries last year, so that’s something that I don’t want to go through again this year, so that’s a goal, and be better than last season. I had a pretty good season last year, but this time trying to not miss no games and be better. Always do better than you did last year.”

(Do you have a weight goal of where you want to play this year?) – “I wouldn’t say I have a weight goal. I don’t see myself getting too big because I run a lot, so it’s kind of – I wouldn’t say I’ve got a weight goal because I feel like I’m pretty comfortable at any weight right now.”

(Do you plan to play heavier than where you were last year or around the same?) – “I wouldn’t say I’m a – as far as muscle wise, I’m probably a little heavier, but I feel like for me it’s kind of the same. I still can run and do what I do, so I don’t feel too much of a difference.”

(What are your impressions of RB Jaylen Wright?) – “He’s great. I told him he’s doing better than I was last year as far as camp wise, picking up stuff pretty fast. He’s learning and he’s a quick learner. See me last year, it was kind of hard for me during this part of camp. It got easier for me as I got to the season, but I’ve already told him, ‘Man, you’re a quick learner.’ Last year I was struggling, I was stressing coming to practice, just not knowing. So I feel like he knows what he’s doing so he can go in there and he can play and feel like he’s in college still. He can go in there and play fast.”

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