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Emmanuel Ogbah – July 25, 2024 Download PDF version

Thursday, July 25, 2024

LB Emmanuel Ogbah

(What does it mean to you to be back one day and already get the orange jersey?) – “I came in with a mindset, I want to be better. I want to improve this team, so that’s the mindset coming into training camp.”

(You had to have taken a certain approach during the offseason even though you weren’t with a team to be so prepared. Can you kind of take us through that and your preparations?) – “I mean, I had all the time in the world to get ready, mentally prepare, physically prepare, just to get ready for this season. I didn’t know where I was going to be, but I’m just happy to be here.”

(How did it develop to come back here?) – “It came down to two teams, and I picked Miami because I feel like unfinished business here, so that’s why I’m excited to be back.”

(We heard FB Alec Ingold talking about the defense that from the other side of the ball, the energy is so infectious. Everybody is flying to the ball, everybody playing with each other. Is that something that you felt, even in the two days since you’ve been back here?) – “Oh, most definitely. Just having the conversation with Coach ‘Weav’ (Defensive Coordinator Anthony Weaver), the energy is different, the team morale is different. It’s just guys want to play for each other, guys are having fun again going out there.”

(Was it tough waiting by the phone for that call?) – “I mean, shoot – I had all the time in the world, like I said, to get ready, so whatever call I got, I knew I was going to be ready.”

(The state – do you live here still?) – “Yeah, so I live and I was training down here, too. So I wasn’t far.”

(What town? Pembroke Pines, Davie?) – “Davie.”

(We saw last year how there were times that you weren’t as active as maybe you would’ve preferred. If I had told you at the end of last season on clean out day, “You’re going to be right back here,” would you have been stunned? What would your reaction be?) – “I honestly wouldn’t have believed it, but I always knew I was going to be back here eventually. Like I said, I have unfinished business here, so that’s what I’m ready to take care of here.”

(What is that business?) – “Unfinished business – we’ll see.”

(In terms of where you fit and how you fit into Defensive Coordinator Anthony Weaver’s scheme, how much is it different than what you previously played last year?) – “It’s still early and I’m still learning the system, so they’ve got me everywhere. So I’m just learning, taking it day by day and just getting better.”

(Today you were switching sides. Is that something that you hope to do on a consistent basis?) – “Like I said, I don’t have a specific spot, so I’m everywhere on the d-line or OLB, so I’m just ready to play whatever that need is.”

(What’s been your impression of LB Chop Robinson so far?) – “Speed, fast. He’s a good rookie. He’s learning. He doesn’t say much, but he’s always wanting to learn, asking for advice and stuff, so I’m just here to help him out, too.”

(You feel comfortable both with your hand in the ground and standing up?) – “(laughter) I like my hand in the dirt, but I’m ready to do both. So I’m familiar with both.”

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