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Jevón Holland – July 25, 2024 Download PDF version

Thursday, July 25, 2024

S Jevón Holland

(What were you experiencing? What were you feeling in that…?) – “Just like a thigh contusion kind of thing. It was like a bruise. It goes away, but it was crazy. One minute, I was like, alright, I’m running up. Next minute, I’m like why are my feet above my head? So it was all right. I’m alright.”

(Are you auditioning for the Olympics?) – “Not trying to. That was in involuntary, but that would be cool.”

(Talking to FB Alec Ingold and LB Emmanuel Ogbah just now, the defensive energy that this team has felt since Defensive Coordinator Anthony Weaver has gotten here, is that something that has been translating to the field these first few days of practice?) – “Yeah, definitely. It’s a blast out there. I don’t know if you guys got to see, but I’m having a bunch of fun. He’s a fun coach to play under. He really established an exciting culture and allows us a lot of room to just grow within it, so I’m enjoying myself a lot.”

(I guess what about the culture? What makes it so fun?) – “It’s both, like he knows what he wants, but he also allows us to be players, because he was once a player. He understands at some point you kind of just go out there and ball, and so I feel like that’s the main thing for us. We’re just allowed to go out there and make plays.”

(What is his communication style?) – “Just straightforward. It feels like he’s just talking to us like he was if he was a player and that’s kind of how – you know what I mean? I don’t really know how to explain it, but it’s real healthy. I can say that, it’s real healthy.”

(He’s not yelling.) – “No, I mean he’ll yell if he needs to, but it’s never unwarranted.”

(A lot of people talk about CB Jalen Ramsey being the guy who’s been able to do a lot of different things. You have that kind of same skill set. In this defense is Defensive Coordinator Anthony Weaver going to allow you to do a lot more than what you’ve done the last few years?) – “If he wants to. He is the defensive coordinator so it’s kind of like whatever he wants, but I’ll be down to do it. I played nickel in college and corner in high school and whatnot, but yeah, I’m down. I’m sure he’s open to it. He loves our input and seeing what we see, so for sure.”

(That input, that’s coming from you?) – “Me saying I play other positions? I mean, he knows it. I’ve told him, if you want me to move around – I mean in indy drills, I’ll go to nickel and try stuff.”

(We saw DB Elijah Campbell make some plays today. How have you seen his game grow since you’ve been here with him?) – “He’s just gotten the reps honestly. Like in years past, he’s kind of been focused on gunner and whatnot. He’s kind of been in, not really been in; but this past new regime, he’s gotten the reps and he’s instilled the confidence and now he’s really starting to pick up. So I love playing with him, definitely.”

(What do you think of the addition of S Marcus Maye?) – “It’s dope. Marcus is a super cool dude. He’s been around the league, real knowledgeable so I’m really enjoying myself. Just being able to ask questions from him as another vet in the room. So he’s a dope dude.”

(I see you S Jordan Poyer working out a lot in individual before. Can you maybe describe what the chemistry of those kind of reps can do to try to build?) – “It’s just insight into what I’m thinking, what he’s thinking. Kind of knowing your partner without having to ask him, things like that, you know what I mean? I kind of know what he’s thinking, what he wants to do, and that adds to the on-field like when things are flying around, fast bullets. It adds to that chemistry so those little one-on-ones, the yellow cones and whatnot; that stuff helps a lot just kind of to get to know the person next to you.”

(Are you seeing a fired-up LB Emmanuel Ogbah out there since he left and came back?) – “Yeah man, hell yeah. You see him with the orange jersey like Day 1, he’s back with the orange jersey. That’s my dawg. I’m so happy for him. He gets to just get to the quarterback. Like my rookie year he had like 14 PBUs (pass breakups) so I’m excited for him. I love the success, for sure.”

(What was your reaction when you heard he was coming back? Were you surprised?) – “I was excited. I wasn’t necessarily surprised – I was excited. Like he should be here. He’s a hell of a player, so I’m just glad he’s back.”

(How about the early returns on the additions of LB Jordyn Brooks and LB Anthony Walker Jr.?) – “It’s great. Both of them, great. They’re generals in the middle, and we really need them. They help a lot of the young guys at backer really come along, Channing (Tindall), Zeke (Vandenburgh). So I’m really excited for him.”

(Is your stance still that you’ll wait for QB Tua Tagovailoa? You’ll wait your turn?) – “It’s not like I’m dictating time on my contract because if I was dictating the time, I would’ve got paid my rookie year, no… (laughter) But when it comes, it comes. I can’t control none of that. Whenever they want to, I’ll pick up the phone, but I’m out here every day just trying to get better.”

(You mentioned LB Jordyn Brooks. I wanted to ask you about him. What’s he like with the guys either – I don’t know how much you’ve huddled up with him but just talking to other players?) – “Him as a person, he’s quiet off the field, real reserved. But on the field, he’s making calls, making checks, making sure we’re all on the same page. So it’s really everything you look for in a linebacker, all four of those guys. Like every one of them has a thing that they’re really good at and they help each other grow as a group so I’m loving it. They’re great. Their coach is great. I love the way that they’re approaching this defense, it’s really making it easy for me.”

(Going back to the energy on defense, we can see and we can see how fired up y’all get, but what is it like being on the field when that lightbulb is seemingly turning on at the same time for everybody?) – “It’s great. It’s great. It feels great knowing that you have a hold on the offense and right now we’re going against each other so obviously offense-defense, but the opponent, I should say. But yeah, it’s great. I love it. I really do. Playing with energy like that, it just makes the game fun. That’s why I like playing defense.”

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