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Jonnu Smith – August 28, 2024 Download PDF version

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

TE Jonnu Smith

(When you were at FIU, were you envisioning or hoping something like this would happen?) – “At that time, you’re just focused on getting to the next level. Just focused on getting to the next level and playing at the highest level that you always dreamed of. It doesn’t matter what team, but obviously, I came here on local day when I was at FIU, right after my senior year. Thought about – definitely the idea floated around in my head, ‘What if I’m staying here?’ Eight years later, here I am. So again, it’s a blessing to be back and being able to represent the city of Miami.”

(DT Calais Campbell, he went to “The U,” you went to FIU. You guys have become friends and you guys did talk about this, I guess over lunch or something?) – “Yeah, we did. We did. That’s my guy, obviously. Ran it with Calais (Campbell) last year in Atlanta and we became really tight. He’s one of my guys, man. Great dude, great teammate and we just had the opportunity to grow and build the relationship over this past year. I guess I got in my recruiting bag when I took him out to lunch, because I was already signed and he was going through his process and everything. So got a chance to take him out to lunch – it was on me, you know what I mean? I had to treat my guy, and we kind of were talking to what we got going on here and knowing that we could build something special with him being a part of it.”

(During training camp was there a moment with the two of you were going, “We’re here. Isn’t this pretty crazy?”) – “Yeah, it’s always great. When I look at him, 93, man. That guy – his name speaks volumes, obviously his play, but just the presence he brings to the locker room, I’m just glad to have him again for another year. We talked about it at the end of last year after Atlanta, hoping that we’d be able to see what happens, see if we’ll play again together and just kind of keep the ball rolling, because he was kind of in between coming back or not. So again, it’s just good to have him on our side of the ball.”

(It’s been fun watching you run the ball against him. You did that earlier in your career – only a couple of carries your last two years – is that something you’re excited to add? Does it put more wear and tear on the body, or is it fun for you?) – “Not at all, not at all. I understand my skill set and I’m just trying to utilize it to the best of my ability and put this team in the best situation to win games. That’s what I’ve been doing when my number is called – whatever position it is, I’m going to answer.”

(If there’s a flip forward, they’re pass plays, technically?) – “We got a lot going in man. We’ll see Week 1; we’ll see as the season goes. Like I said, when my number is called, I’m here to answer.”

(Head Coach Mike McDaniel is good at laying out his vision to people. Before you signed – it was very early, obviously, in the spring. Did Head Coach Mike McDaniel lay out a vision to you in a meeting in how he planned to use you?) – “We were able to get into it – first off, (Head Coach) Mike (McDaniel) was a great guy. I got to talk and learn about the person, most importantly, and what kind of coach potentially I would have. That’s kind of what got me. And obviously, I know the system that they run and Mike’s ability to get guys the ball in their hands that can make plays. That was something that I definitely took to, and I’m excited to be here. Mike McDaniel is as great of a playcaller as they come, as great as a head coach as I’ve been around. That guy is really making a lot of strides over these past couple of years in building a real for a team, so excited to be a part of it.”

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