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Jordyn Brooks – August 13, 2024 Download PDF version

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

LB Jordyn Brooks

(Obviously you didn’t play on Friday, but from your perspective on the sideline, how did you notice your teammates that were on the field picking up this Defensive Coordinator Anthony Weaver system?) – “I thought it was good. Any game – it was a long game. It was a lot of plays, so any time you’ve got a lot of plays there are going to be some mental errors and mistakes, but for the amount of young guys that we had out there – even vets, first year in the system – I thought that the mistakes were limited and played great defense.”

(What was it like being on the sideline for a preseason game? I’m sure it’s kind of like an internal conflict of always wanting to play but knowing that this is we are where we are in the season?) – “It’s kind of like a bittersweet thing. Like as a competitor when you get out there, you want to play. You feel the juices from the game, but at the same time, it’s an opportunity for young guys to get their reps in, show the coaches (and) organization that they can play football. So it’s kind of the best of both worlds.”

(We saw you knock down a pass today. Your numbers in pass coverage were good last year. Is that something that you’ve made an emphasis over the past couple years to improve and how do you do it?) – “I didn’t knock it down – I dropped it and so I’m trying to catch it next time. But yeah, that’s always the emphasis (in) all of my game, try to get better in each and every phase. So next practice I plan on catching it.”

(The defense had a good showing out today. What do you think was behind that?) – “It’s just the standard every day. You can’t be perfect every day, but we’re trying to be great and not just be one of them teams that talk about it but actually put in the work, day in and day out. Practice is the only time that we get that opportunity to be better, so I think everybody has a collective mindset of getting it done.”

(I know you made a really good recovery last year from an ACL. You played a whole season, but do you feel different at all this year, another year removed from that?) – “Yeah, I feel great. I feel like I’m in the best shape of my life. Got down here, lost a lot of weight, put on some muscle. I think the strength staff and the nutrition staff here have just been great for me as far as getting myself in the best shape that I’ve been in. So I feel the best that I’ve ever been in my career.”

(You said you lost some weight. Where do you want to play this year weight-wise?) – “Two-thirty. Right now I’m 230. I haven’t played that since high school and so I feel good, feel fast, feel light. So everything’s good.”

(Saw a couple plays there where it looked like you anticipated both pass and run game and got there before the receiver or the running back. I’m just curious, what do you think contributes to that for your game to playing so fast?) – “Just being instinctive and knowing what’s going on. Just doing your pre-snap reads, playing ball and knowing what the offense likes to do in a certain formation or just anticipating. I think that helps you play fast.”

(Going back to injury, the mental side of learning to trust your knee again and not to have that in the back of your mind – how long of a process does that take?) – “I think for me personally I never had that problem. I always believe in my Lord and Savior Jesus, and he helped me go out there and play worry-free from Day 1 when I came back. So I never had that problem and that’s what I trust in.”

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