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Mike White – August 9, 2024 (Postgame)

Friday, Aug. 9, 2024
Postgame – Atlanta Falcons

Miami Dolphins QB Mike White

(There seemed like some young talent out there. When we talk about some of those guys undrafted and some of those guys that we drafted for this year as well, seeing WR Malik Washington and handing the ball of as well. Just kind of tell me who was it that really stood out today?) – “Malik (Washington) had a great week. If you were at the joint practice you would know, you guys saw it. But Malik is actually my locker mate so I got to know him really well. He is such a good kid. He cares so much. Every time we get out of meetings, he’s already in his locker looking at the script, writing things down, having questions for me like, ‘hey, what do I have on this?’ and ‘if I have to go in on this, what does this have or what are we trying to get accomplished here?’ So he’s been awesome. Whenever you’ve got a guy like that, that cares and puts in the work and then it shows on the field, you can’t help but root for him.”

(What did you feel like the left tackle Patrick [Paul] did for you guys today?) – “’Pat’ (Paul) was awesome. I think what I liked about ‘Pat’ too was his demeanor on the field, he was very calm, the moment didn’t seem too big for him. He’s a humongous human, so that’s one thing that benefits him, but his mentality today is what stood out to me. It felt like the moment never got too big for him. I’m sure he was gassed because he played damn near the whole game, and we practice and it’s hot and all that, but nothing compares to the game. I thought he did well. Now granted, I wasn’t really watching him the whole game, but the fact that I did notice him probably was a good thing. He did his job and I’m sure we’ll hear about it tomorrow or when the o-line gurus break it down and all that good stuff, but that’s not my forte. But I do know that I didn’t have to tell him what we were running, he broke the huddle and got to the line, good communication at the line of scrimmage. So I thought he did well.”

(Was there anything that surprised you after playing with this group today?) – “For the most part, the guys up front, the young guys, and new guys; they did a really good job. Protection calls were loud and normally when you get younger guys, they’re kind of iffy about it and they’re at the line of scrimmage for a long time and you’re trying to get a call out of them. But they got to the line and made their calls. And honestly that’s what I told them, whether they were right or wrong, we’ll just live with the call. As long as you’re up there, demonstrative, everybody knows the call, for the most part you can just play convicted like that so I thought they did a good job in that point ad same with the receivers. They were shuffling around doing things they’d never done before. Shoot, between (Je’Quan) Burton, Mike (Harley Jr.) who just got here, Kyric (McGowan). They haven’t played a ton of ball on this league so for them to go in there and to be able to execute the plays, whether they were successful or not, it’s Preseason 1, and we have much more to improve on, but their mentality is what I was proud of.”

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