
Jelani Jenkins – May 26, 2016 Download PDF version

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Linebacker Jelani Jenkins

(On how nice it is to start OTAs and practice) – “Oh it’s exciting. I’ve been looking forward to it for a long time and I think everybody’s just gelling. We’re just having a good time running around and getting used to communicating with different people. We haven’t had a chance to communicate with (people) full speed. It’s fun and it’s exciting to see the offense and what they’re doing. It’s just exciting to compete, in general.”

(On LB Kiko Alonso) – “Things are really well. I think (him and I) have done a good job of talking outside of football and just hanging out. Just to hang out and just to get to know each other and how we react to different things, I think is going to really help out on the field. I think we have a really good friendship already and you can tell out there, just in the first three days, that we’re clicking really well. It’s going to be fun.”

(On how long it takes for a linebacker to gain chemistry with another linebacker) – “I guess it depends on the combination but it’s not too difficult. We sit in the same meeting rooms and a lot of times, whoever the Mike is – the middle linebacker – they kind of make most of the calls. We just play off of him. It doesn’t take too long. Like I said, we try to do a lot of things off the field to just grow our friendship outside of football.”

(On what gives him confidence that this year will be another step forward for him) – “I think with experience, you just get the chance to play faster. That’s what we all want to do. I think what gives me confidence, mostly, is this scheme. I think it works well for, not just me, but a lot of guys. I think that we’ll be able to make a lot of plays and play fast. I have confidence in our coaches. I have confidence in the players we have around me, and (in) year four for me, I have confidence in myself. All of that together makes (for) a pretty good year.”

(On if he feels like he’s back to where he was) – “Yeah, I think so. Like I said, mentally I feel like I’m a step further just being my fourth year in the league – having the whole offseason not injured and not coming off the surgery and being able to really just focus on getting strength work (and) preparing better for the season. I feel good about where I’m at right now.”

(On hanging out with LB Kiko Alonso and if relationships matter just at his position group or amongst all teammates) – “I think it’s all teammates but me and LB Kiko (Alonso), we’ve been playing some Call of Duty. We’ve actually gone out to eat a little bit. He lives right near me. He lives by the beach. We just hang out. We have a lot of time off with this phase, so we get a chance to just kick it. It’s not just Kiko (Alonso). (I hang out with) LB Koa (Misi), LB Spencer (Paysinger), the rookies, (LB Zach) Vigil, all of them. So I think we have a really close group and I think that’s going to transfer to the field.”

(On who is better at Call of Duty?) — “I’m the best. I think they know that.” (laughter)

(On his impressions of Defensive Coordinator Vance Joseph in the last couple of months) – “VJ (Vance Joseph) is brilliant. That’s the one thing I can say. He’s brilliant and he’s passionate and you can feel it. I think he commands the defense and when he’s in front of the room, everyone’s listening. He has a great track record and he obviously knows what he’s talking about. I think we’re learning a lot and understanding just the why behind why we do things. I think he’s definitely the right guy for the job.”

(On if anyone has stood out to him during this first week of OTAs) – “Yeah, a lot of guys. I think that whole offense is moving pretty (well) these last couple of days. It’s exciting to see what they’re going to do. I think the Pro Bowl d-line that we have; they’re going to cause some destruction. I think just all over the field, guys are just hungry. I like our receiving corps. I think WR DeVante (Parker) is going to make a big step forward this year. I’m excited to see what he’s going to do. I could go down the list of guys. I don’t want to just single one person out.”

(On his thoughts on the defensive line) – “I think they’re doing (well). They’re doing pretty (well). They’re playing fast. There’s not a lot that we can do now with(out) pads on, but they’re obviously ready to go.”

(On what his motivation was behind finishing he degree) – “Football doesn’t last long. I mean I was taught that at a young age so that was my motivation. It was never an option not to go back for me. When I decided to leave early, I was always planning on coming back and finishing as soon as possible. I tried to eat away at it every year, every offseason, and finally got it done. I’m excited about it.”

(On if Head Coach Adam Gase challenged him before practice by talking trash) – “Yeah, (he) and (Linebackers) Coach (Matt) Burke, they always go back and forth talking trash. He’s always laughing when they get us with a good play and the linebackers are out in space or something like that. We just have some healthy competition going back and forth between offense and defense. It makes us all better at the end of the day.”

(On DT Ndamukong Suh’s presence and if it matters to him if Suh is present for OTAs and offseason workouts) – “We definitely feel his presence when he’s here. We have all the confidence in the world that, Game 1, he’s going to be ready to go, whatever he does. There’s no mal-intent. We’re excited when he’s here. When he’s not here, we know he’s doing his thing.”

(On how he would compare his graduation to some of his accomplishments) – “Graduation was big. That was something I’ll never forget – long-lasting. It took a long time to do it and it took a lot of hard work. I’d say that’s up there with just getting drafted. In general, that was a big accomplishment. But getting that degree, which I finally saw, it came in the mail like a day ago, that’s a pretty big accomplishment in my book. I put that almost number one.”

(On where he’s going to put the degree) – “I’m going to hang it up at home back in my permanent house, back where my mom (is), back in Maryland.”

Andre Branch – May 26, 2016 Download PDF version

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Defensive End Andre Branch

(On how he feels in South Florida with the warm weather) – “It feels good. I came from Jacksonville, and I played at Clemson, so I know all about humidity. So it’s nothing to me. I’m going to always have sweats on and long sleeves to cover the sun.”

(On the challenges that linemen face in OTAs without pads and contact) – “That’s the toughest part. I think the no-contact part is the toughest. We’re grown men going against each other, battling at the end of the day. Even though it’s your teammate (you’re facing), you’re still trying to get better. But you don’t want to be too physical, because you can get practices taken away. You have to be smart – be very smart and cautious.”

(On his early thoughts about the defense) – “I just handle my job. We have a lot of great players on offense, defense and special teams. It’s early – like you said – but at the same time, we have a lot of great players in those positions that can help us. I just focus on myself and trust the coaches will put me in the right position.”

(On what he looks to accomplish in OTAs) – “Just to get better each and every day. That’s my main focus – to get better each and every day. The first practice is always going to be a little bit rusty, but then we’re back to football. (I’m) just happy to be back out here, going against the guys.”

(On if sees a chance to prove himself with DE Cameron Wake not practicing today) – “I just focus on being better than yesterday. That’s my main thing – just be better than I was yesterday and keep going. That’s my mindset day in and day out.”

(On what part of his game he is trying to improve) – “Everything. I know this defense, for the ends, we’re going to rush. I love that. No matter if it’s run, pass, or whatever it is. We’re going to rush. We’re going to rush the passer. You just focus on that each and every day and just keep getting better and keep putting things in your toolbox.”

(On G/T Laremy Tunsil) – “The young kid has been real open-minded. He asks questions, so he’s willing to learn. He didn’t come in here bigheaded by any means. (He is a) great player. I saw a little bit of film on him already. I haven’t gone against him yet, but I see him asking questions so that’s always a plus.”

(On how important endurance is with the emphasis to rush up field on every snap) – “I don’t think with me … When it comes to conditioning, that’s always been a good part about my game. I don’t get tired easily. With this group, with our d-line coaches, (Asst. Defensive Line Coach/Pass Rush Specialist Jim) Washburn and (Defensive Line) Coach T(errell Williams). We’re going to be in shape. That’s not even an excuse anymore.”

(On talent versus leadership) – “You have to have leadership because, at the end of the day, (a leader is) somebody that people are going to look on to lead them. There are plenty of players that are very, very talented, but just aren’t leaders. But they’re stars in this game. You can learn from them just by their (game) tape. But there are also students of the game and players that you just want to follow because they’ve been playing at a high level, so that is always a plus. For me, it’s stupid not to look at Cam (Wake) and Mario (Williams). They’ve been playing at a high level for a long time.”

(On playing with DE Cameron Wake, DE Mario Williams and DT Ndamukong Suh and how it improves his game) – “I learn things daily. I teach them some things, because they’ve been sticking with what they know. It works for them. Mario (Williams) has been in this league for 11 years so why switch it up? But at the same time, you learn things. If you’re a student and you want to be better then you learn from those guys.”

Adam Gase – May 26, 2016 Download PDF version

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Head Coach Adam Gase

(On what type of student QB Ryan Tannehill is) – “Very good. Very sharp. His intelligence is off the charts, which I feel like has been pretty well documented. He has done everything we’ve asked him to do. He spent a lot of time on things outside this building. It just shows in the way he’s able to call plays in the huddle and how aggressive he has been as far as learning the offense.”

(On how he can see QB Ryan Tannehill syncing with the offensive system) – “Anytime he starts getting certain plays and certain situations. We’re not really … In this offense, you’re not really locked in on what the play call is. For him to have the ability to know what to get to – that kind of flexibility – being able to do that as a quarterback is very valuable.”

(On the first three days of OTAs) – “(It was) probably a little sloppy, which is to be expected when you come off of Phase II. But (I) saw some improvement, especially in the second day. Today, we probably took a little bit of a step back. Guys looked a little sluggish – (a) little tired – but (it is) a little bit to be expected for the increase of intensity over the last two days. And then probably the body is not used to going through what they went through today.”

(On whether he was “getting after them” today) – “Our coaches do a good job of staying after our guys. Sometimes I like to see how we’re going to react as a group – who’s going to take control, who’s going to say what. I feel like our defense does a good job right now. You can see some of the veteran guys … We got a lot of veteran players – especially in that defensive line – that can grab ahold of what they’re doing. And if guys are a little bit out of line, they can say what they need to say to get them going.”

(On whether any players on the defensive line stood out to him in particular) – “No, not really. I think as a group, I can just tell that sometimes they’re a little bit … If things get out of disarray a little bit, they regroup really quick.

(On his confidence level that DE Cam Wake will be ready for training camp) – “Really high. He has been doing some things in the OTA practices that makes me feel like he’s right on track. It’s probably us holding him back more than him saying, ‘I can’t do something.’ I think we’re just being cautious and want to make sure that he’s as close to 100 percent as possible when we hit training camp.”

(On whether QB Ryan Tannehill being able to play “free” will help him acclimate to the offense) – “I think so. Anytime that you know that you’re responsible for what’s going on, that helps – really all players – they feel like it’s not the coaching staff’s (offense), it’s theirs. That’s what we’re looking for. We want those guys to understand that the ownership is on them. How far we can take this thing – our offense – it’s on them. It’s how much they can learn. It’s how much they can retain. And then when the bullets are flying, can they make the adjustments they need to make when a defense is doing something that, maybe, we haven’t quite seen.”

(On whether the rookies have stood out to him during OTAs) – “I think they’re trying to feel their way (around). It’s tough to really – after three days – to say someone has stood out.”

(On whether he has seen improvement from WR DeVante Parker) – “That’s hard to say. You’re talking about three (days of) OTAs. He’s doing a good job as far as knowing what to do. He’s battling (CB Byron) Maxwell a lot it seems like. He has had some snaps where he has won, and he has had some snaps where he has lost. He’s feeling his way through. When you’re learning a new offense and trying to get the details of the routes down and you’re being challenged by a guy that’s practicing really well right now, it can be a challenge for a young player.”

(On his expectations for DT Jordan Phillips’ second year) – “We’re looking for him to make a big step this year. We’re looking for him to (do) whatever he did last year (and) build off of that and improve. We’re looking for that from a lot of our guys. We have a young team. Whatever snaps they got last year, those were valuable, and they can’t let those go to waste. Now moving forward, they have to build on that and make sure that they’ve learned from last year and improve this year.”

(On what strengths DT Jordan Phillips brings to the table) – “I think for a man his size, he’s pretty quick. He’s powerful. Our biggest thing with him is being able to keep him on the field and get him going and be productive on a consistent basis. Every time – week in and week out – he becomes a guy that whoever’s in there with him, that group is disruptive.”

(On moving G/T Laremy Tunsil around on the offensive line) – “We’re moving a lot of guys around on that front, as far as the offensive line goes. We’re really just looking for movement skills. This is such a tough time for both the offensive line and the defensive line, because with no pads on, it almost feels a little unrealistic for them. Things are happening really fast. Defensive linemen can get through some of those creases a little quicker with no pads. (G/T Laremy Tunsil) and the rest of those guys have done a good job of understanding what we’re doing (and) what we’re trying to accomplish. I do feel like he’s getting a little better grasp of what we’re doing offensively. Every day is a learning experience for him. It’s brand new to him.”

(On what he has seen from CB Byron Maxwell) – “He has done a good job. He has challenged the wideouts. I know, offensively, he makes our guys better, because they know they’re going to get a tough matchup every time that they go out there. He hasn’t disappointed me one bit. He has been out there. He has challenged the ball. He has done a great job of getting his hands on balls, and it makes it tough on not only the receivers, but the quarterback, because that window is tight. When he’s covering a guy, it’s going to be a tight throw.”

(On how LB Kiko Alonso is moving on the practice field) – “He looks good to me. He seems like he’s around the ball a lot. I haven’t seen anything where I’m alarmed by (it). I feel like he’s really moving – especially side-to-side – and his change of direction has been really good.”

(On whether CB Byron Maxwell’s ability to takeoff has surprised the receivers) – “I don’t know if it has surprised them. I know for myself, I’m not surprised by it, because unfortunately I’ve probably been a part of throwing a lot of incompletions on him. He’s exactly what I’ve seen in the past. We’ve gone against him three or four times and he looks the same guy I’ve seen.”

(On his plans to revamp the offense) – “It’s hard for me to talk about what’s going on here in the past. I just know what we’re doing as far as our offensive strategy and our scheme. We’re putting those things in. The No. 1 thing we always like to do is make sure we put ourselves in third-and-manageable positions. That has always been something that has been friendly to the quarterback. It has been friendly to the entire team, because when you get those third-down conversions and they’re manageable, (it) keeps the defense off the field and (you) put yourself in good position as far as getting on the other side of the field, getting in the red zone and then taking those third-and-shorts and being able to score in the red zone as well.”

(On his relationship with QB Ryan Tannehill at this point and how often they meet) – “There is a time restriction. We’re only allowed to be (meeting), basically, when we have our meetings in the morning. Once practice is over, that’s it. It’s really on the players to make sure that they’re taking time outside of the building on their own to get either caught up or ahead of the game, which they’re able to do, because we do try to get a little bit ahead in our meetings and give them the information a couple days in advance so that they can mentally get ahead of it. As far as our meetings go, we meet a lot offensively together. And then when we break up to individual, between myself and (Offensive Coordinator) Clyde (Christensen) and (Quarterbacks Coach) Bo (Hardegree), we’re able to rotate who’s going where. We try to spread ourselves out, so we’re touching all of the position groups on offense.”

(On whether the installation of the offense is where he would like it to be at this point) – “We’re on the same schedule that we’ve been doing basically since 2013. Nothing is really different for us.”

(On the thought process that goes into shifting guys on the offensive line) – “Because when you go into a game and you have seven guys active, you better have a whole bunch of guys that know how to play a lot of different positions. If you’re going to do it, this is the time to do it. I know there will be a time when we’ll say, ‘Alright, here’s our starting five.’ And we have to make sure these guys are on the same page. But right now, it’s about getting all these guys work, experience, moving them around, getting them used to the cadences, play calls, changes, (running) game. There’s a lot of things going on, and you have to be flexible.”

(On DE Mario Williams being in the backfield a lot today) – “That’s how it has been his whole career, for the most part. It doesn’t surprise me.”

Mario Williams – May 25, 2016 Download PDF version

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Defensive End Mario Williams

(On the process of learning Defensive Coordinator Vance Joseph’s defense) – “It’s fairly easy, but it’s difficult. By that, I mean he’s really relying on the guys up front to turn it loose and get after it, which is what most of us (are) accustomed to doing. The difficult part is changing old habits in general, especially with the new acquisitions and stuff that we have. We’re players who have done different things in the past as far as schemes and stuff like that, but it’s exciting to cut it loose, turn loose.”

(On what the Dolphins want him to accomplish as a defensive lineman and how that is different from other teams he has played with) – “At the end of the day (with) whatever scheme that defensive coordinators have or whatnot, you have to take it and adjust to it and run with it. It could be anything. It varies not just (for) myself, but my teammates. They’ve been other places and experienced other things. I think the biggest focal point and (what is) exciting for us is knowing that (we can) cut it loose. It’s almost like saying, ‘Go! Every time, just go. We’re going to put you in the best position for you to get after it and everything else is going to trickle downhill from there.’ I think we take it on our shoulders as d-linemen and most of us are vets across the board. We’re going to go as far as the d-line goes on defense.”

(On whether the emphasis of getting after the quarterback has translated into the team adding more depth along the defensive line) – “I don’t know. I can’t really say that correlates, because I think we’re definitely focused and emphasizing being in tip-top shape come the season, for sure. But at the same time, yes, if you can get guys that are full go and have different repertoires – I guess (you) can say – as far as how they play and their playing style … (There are) power guys, agile guys, guys who move a lot as far as getting off the ball, getting up the field. It is a good thing to have guys you can roll in and mix it up a little bit, so the offense isn’t seeing the same thing. It keeps them on their heels a little bit.”

(On his motivation this season) – “I think the most motivation that I have – and that I want to show – is to this organization. Fans are everything, don’t get me wrong, but (Defensive Coordinator) Vance (Joseph) believes in me. I think the biggest thing is showing them that, ‘You’re right,’ and that I’m definitely going to do everything I can to impact (the defense). I believe in (Joseph’s) word and what he’s putting together as a defense for us to be able to cut it loose and play to our abilities.”

(On DE Cam Wake) – “Until now … Obviously, it’s not like (it was) a day-to-day basis (relationship), but I know him. I’ve spoken to him before in the past but being in two different regions, it was one thing. But being around him, he’s a great guy to be around. He’s 100 percent all the time (with) his work ethic (and) how he goes about his business walking down the hallway or in the meeting rooms or when we’re on the field. You can tell with years and experience, you can tell the guys who are students of the game and I feel that is him all the way.”

(On what it will be like to play with DE Cam Wake) – “I think it’s going to be great. His ability and over the years with his career, he’s definitely caused a lot of havoc. I think being able to play alongside of him, it’s going to make it, I guess you could say a little bit easier. This is the NFL, but it’s going to make it a little bit easier for the guys across the front, the guys in the back end (and) the whole defense.”

(On whether he still has everything in his arsenal to be a big-time pass rusher) – “I think first and foremost, at the end of the day you have to believe in yourself and believe in your ability. It’s not about saying you’re over-confident or anything like that. If you don’t believe in what you’re doing, then you’re not going to be good at it at all. And by all means, I know that with what we have surrounding (the) defense and what the coaching staff is implementing, it gives (you) the opportunity to go out and show that (and) show what you believe is reality. I look forward to it.”

(On whether he is put in a better position in this defense compared to last season) – “The only thing I can really say – looking forward and everything – is that this defense that (Defensive Coordinator) Vance (Joseph) is putting in is definitely (an) attitude defense. With the guys that we have – and like I said, it starts up front – it’s going to be highly weighted to our attitude, and cutting it loose is definitely going to be a part of it. I’m just fortunate to have the opportunity to do it, even at this age. It’s not something (where) you’re trying to do other things schematically and things that you’ve made a name on … Doing that and (having) an opportunity to do it is very fortunate.”

Bobby McCain – May 25, 2016 Download PDF version

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Cornerback Bobby McCain

(On if he’s been with the first group so far) – “Yes. (I’ve been) inside with the first group. I’ve gotten corner reps as well.”

(On how exciting it is to get that opportunity to win that job) – “It’s a great opportunity. It’s just competition. Iron sharpens iron and I’m trying to do what I can for the team. (I’m trying to) do my best, whether it’s slot corner, safety, special teams … Whatever it may be, I’m going to do my best.”

(On what he’s looking to accomplish during these three weeks of OTA’s and how significant they are) – “These are big because we have no pads on, so (we’re) focusing on technique. (We’re focusing on) little things like eyes, the right steps to take and playing the coverage the right way. They go a long way right now because they carry over into camp. The more reps you take the better you’ll be so that’s big for me.”

(On how much more comfortable he is now than at this stage last year) – “I’m a lot more comfortable. I have a year under my belt so I got some playing time last year and you get to see it and now you learn. You live and learn and so you may make mistakes, but you learn from them. You do good things and you learn from those as well. (I’m) just trying to stay positive and be consistent in what I’m doing and that will take you a long way.”

(On some of the things he learned from last season) – “(I learned) football 101 stuff (and) just being smart out there on the field. (I was) just taking things from the classroom, the film room, to the field, and using them as such. When you are playing a guy like (QB Tom) Brady and (QB) Philip Rivers and all your great quarterbacks, you have to be a step ahead. It’s because they’re going to be (a step ahead), honestly. (I learned from) taking those small things and small details.”

(On if he thought that things began to slow down for him a bit last year) – “Yes, they did. They definitely did. At the beginning of last year, you’re wide-eyed, you’re big-eyed and everything’s going fast; but you calm down and you learn to play the game. It’s a game we’ve been playing our whole life and now towards the end of the year, things slowed down and things got a little easier. I wouldn’t say easier but things got a little … They didn’t come at you as fast.”

(On what stands out to him as a highlight from last season) – “We had a great win to last us, to end the year against the Patriots. That’s good team win – defensively, offensively (and) special teams. All three phases did their job. That was probably the highlight of the year for me.”

(On an individual highlight that stands out to him from last season) – “You make good plays and you have bad plays but individually, just playing and getting the plays and the starts I did. Being able to take those and carry them over throughout this year and being able to learn from those. Like I said earlier, to me that doesn’t sound like a highlight but that’s the thing I’m learning from. I wouldn’t call it a highlight but I’d call it something that I need.”

(On how much an opportunity to potentially start motivates him) – “It’s a great opportunity and you have to just live within the moment and play ball. If you’re going out (there) thinking numbers of who’s going to be here and who’s not, it’s not going to be any good for you. Just go out there and play ball. It’s a great opportunity. Like I said, competition makes everyone better. That’s what I’m looking forward to – going out, competing and winning ball games, to be honest.”

(On what he has taken from Defensive Coordinator Vance Joseph in terms of technique and physicality) — “We’re going to play a lot of coverages and a whole lot of schemes so just knowing the defense and playing within the defense. (I’ve learned) just making sure your techniques are on point, regardless of what it is. Whatever defense is called, (we) just (are) making sure that you are physical. But at times, you don’t have to be (physical and) at times you need to be. That’s what I take from him.”

(On what the biggest difference for him with Defensive Coordinator Vance Joseph)  — “Coach Joseph is a great coach. I still have my defensive backs coach (Lou Anarumo) from last year. Those two together, they’re really good coaches and they taught me a lot and they’re still teaching me a lot. You’re still learning. You can learn every day. You can learn something new. Coach Joseph is bringing things in that we haven’t heard and that we have heard. That’s probably what’s best for us, as a group, to hear things that we don’t know and that we do know, to reiterate.”

(On if he has sat down with the coaches and looked at plays last year that he defended) – “Yes, we sat down. We watched a little film and (learned) from it. (They’re) just making sure ‘Right here, use your eyes. (You) did a great job right here. (You) didn’t do so well right here.’ That’s the biggest thing – just learning. As a group we’re learning and we’re learning each other. We’re getting better every day.”

Jordan Phillips – May 25, 2016 Download PDF version

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Defensive Tackle Jordan Phillips

(On the expectations for himself this season) – “I feel like I didn’t (do) what I needed to do last year, so I really need to come in the league and prove myself.”

(On why he feels like he didn’t accomplish what he needed to last season) – “Just because there were a lot of expectations and a lot of stuff. I didn’t feel like I reached them the way I wanted to.”

(On what he plans to do differently this year to reach his goals) – “(I’m) taking a different mindset to it and really focusing on the little things.”

(On how last season can help him going forward) – “I needed to get a year under my belt, I think. It’s a whole different ball game coming from college and playing in the NFL, so I think that was it.”

(On the changes from last year’s defense) – “We’ve only had two practices, but we’re out there flying around (and) having a good time. We’re playing together. We have a lot more leaders. That’s nice to have people that should be leaders (who) are working (and) everything like that, so it’s fun.”

(On how DE Mario Williams’ play will positively affect the defense) – “It’s all the same around. If he’s playing hard – (Ndamukong) Suh is playing hard, I’m playing hard – then everybody is going to be making plays. We all feed off of each other. That’s the best thing about this defense is if we’re going, any four of us is going to make a play.”

(On DE Mario Williams playing at a high level) – “Oh, yes. He’s a freak. Freak of a man.”

Ifo Ekpre-Olomu – May 25, 2016 Download PDF version

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Cornerback Ifo Ekpre-Olomu

(On how difficult the past year and a half has been emotionally and physically) – “Over the last year there has really been ups and downs, definitely. Every single day you have to come ready to work and have to have the right mentality, because you have good days and then you have bad days. It’s kind of like everybody else. At this point, I feel like I’m healthy now and ready to go and (ready to) start trying to get better (and) get back to doing football stuff rather than doing rehab stuff every day.”

(On what went wrong in Cleveland) – “I think it was just something with new management. They wanted to go in a different direction, and I guess I wasn’t in that direction. They gave me every opportunity to get to another team and be able to compete here, and I’m happy I’m here.”

(On if there is a skill he had before his injury that may be slower coming back after the injury) – “I really think I’m starting to actually develop all of my skills back more. It’s more now just repetition and getting reps because doing rehab stuff is a lot more structured. You know you are doing 10 reps, but now you are doing … It could be 10, it could be 20, it could be 25 (reps). When you get to rep 25, you’re the same as rep No. 1, and that’s the kind of thing I’m battling right now.”

(On if he feels like he is the same player he was in college) – “I feel like I’m getting better. This is only my second day playing in almost a year and a half. I definitely have to learn the game all over again and get a feel for a new defense. But I feel like I’m not too far away from where I was, and I think it’s only going to get better.”

(On if the team has him working at both the slot and boundary corner positions) – “They have me working at both inside and outside. (I’m) just trying to learn everything and be a guy that they can play anywhere so that I can get on the field.”

(On how his change of direction is coming along) – “I think it’s coming along great. We’ve been playing a lot of press-man (coverage) here, so I think I’m doing really good in that. Like I said, it’s day two. It’s day two (for me) in a year and a half, so I feel like I’m at the lowest that I am right now and by the time we get to minicamp, I’m going to be where I need to be.”

(On if he has any nicknames in the locker room) – “I’ve always went by Ifo. That’s what everybody has always called me. Short and sweet. The guys in the secondary are pretty close for being only here for about a couple weeks. Everybody is cool and everybody wants everybody to get better.”

(On the defensive back group) – “It’s great. There are a lot of young guys, so you can definitely relate to a lot of them. You’re all working to do the same thing – compete and find a role on the team. I like it a lot. Coming from Cleveland where you had a lot of veterans to learn from, now it’s like everyone is together, and we’re all in the same boat, and we’re trying to learn together at the same time.”

(On how much the Pro Bowlers on the defensive line help the defensive backs) – “It definitely helps a lot scheme-wise. But at the same time, you just see how those guys work and how hard they (work), what they do to actually get to where they are to become Pro Bowlers. It really just motivates everybody on the team, not just the secondary. (You) see how hard they practice and they don’t have to practice that hard. They’re already established, and they go as hard as anybody else so it just motivates you.”

(On how he feels about there being a wide open competition for two starting spots) – “I think it’s great. As far as the secondary, everyone knows that every day counts. You’re not going to have your best day every single day, but at the same time, you know that everything is on film and as long as you are getting better, that’s all you can really focus about. You can’t worry about other people and what they’re doing. You have to worry about how you’re performing and how you can get better.”

(On how many operations he’s had and what doctors have told him about his long-term prognosis) – “I had two operations, both by the same doctor – Neal ElAttrache in (Los Angeles). At this point, he said that I’m perfectly fine and that he would have cleared me a couple months back but when I got to Miami, they wanted to make sure that I went through the offseason program and did all the stuff with the team before they decided to clear me. The doctors said that I’m perfectly fine and that he thinks that I just have to maintain it. Every day before guys get on the field, they’re doing some exercising and stretching for 15 minutes. I have to be out there 30 minutes early and do everything I can to make sure (I’m) ready to go every day. That’s the thing; you don’t want it to get stiff. You want to make sure that you keep moving every day and on your off days doing a little bit. But at the same time, (you want to) manage not doing too much.”

(On how he would describe his journey from the injury to where he is at now) – “You definitely get humbled a lot. You understand now what you need to do and now you’re at a different level – a bigger and better level. You realize how much you have to improve to be a player that they can trust and you learn, especially with the knee, how much (you) have to work to get to past the point that I was, because if I’m at the point I was in college, that’s not good enough anymore. You just realize that you get humbled and you understand what it’s going to take now.”

(On if his adversity has given him more appreciation for the game) – “Most definitely. (You’re) definitely more appreciative of what you get to do every single day. I mean, you get to play a game for a living. It’s an honor because there are a lot of guys that could have been in my situation wouldn’t be able to be playing right now.”

(On what the Dolphins told him they liked about him when they claimed him off waivers) – “They just said that they feel like, if I’m healthy, that I can be a guy that can help contribute and help the team win. That’s all it really comes down to. I mean, nothing is given. I have to go out there and perform or else I won’t be here, just like everybody else in the secondary. You have to make sure that you come out every day with the right mindset and remember that you can’t take this for granted, because you are one of the guys that are truly blessed to be in your position and you have to keep working every day.”

(On his strengths in college) – “I think instincts, for sure. Playing multiple positions, I can do that. I’ve always been a good press corner so I think I can do that, as well. I mean getting back to his point, (my) short-area quickness is coming back, and I think that can be a strength for me. But at the same time, right now, I’m really just working on trying to improve everything, because I want to get better, and I know that I’m not at the point that I want to be.”

Jason Jones – May 24, 2016 Download PDF version

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Defensive End Jason Jones

(On if he had any inclination the Dolphins wanted to sign him after he took his initial visit to Miami) – “At that time, I was just taking my visits. I took a few other visits, as well as Miami. So it was just that free agent process I was going through and just feeling out what spot was best for me.”

(On if the Dolphins told him on the second visit that they wanted to sign him later in the free agency period) – “It was nothing like that. Like I said, it was just the process that I was going through. (I was) just trying to find the best place for me and my family.”

(On if DT Ndamukong Suh tried to influence the recruiting process coming to Miami) – “No, there was no influence (from Suh) at all. (My decision) was pretty much based on taking advice from my family and my agent (about) the best football fit for me.”

(On what he brings to Miami’s defense) – “During my whole career, I’ve been a playmaker. I can play outside or inside, as well. Just playing hard – that’s what I was brought in to do. Just make plays and do my job.”

(On why this was the best fit for him) – “The atmosphere down here. (Head) Coach (Adam) Gase – to me – is a wonderful coach. I just feel comfortable. The feeling I have, my gut feeling, that’s what I went with.”

(On if he expects to play defensive end or defensive tackle) – “I think they are going to use my skill set at wherever (Defensive Coordinator) Vance (Joseph) wants to use me. I’m a defensive end and I’ve moved inside at times so whatever they want to use me as, I’ll be ready.”

(On how much pride he has to play both positions) – “That’s kind of where I started off at. When I was with the Titans, I started off inside. I didn’t play defensive end right away. To me, it’s just a natural feel for me. I did the same thing in college, as well. The more you can do to help out the team, the better.”

(On if it feels like there are some fingerprints from Detroit on this defense and if that is a good thing) – “I just know that from the first (defensive) meeting that we are going to be an attack-style defense. That’s what I’ve been in for most of my career. Playing with (DT Ndamukong) Suh and playing with (S) Isa (Abdul-Quddus) is just a bonus.”

(On if the team has given him any indication if he will start) – “Right now, and I’m telling you the truth, I’m trying to feel my way through the building right now. (I’m) just trying to find my way, get into the playbook and learn the defense as well. Right now it’s a learning curve for me. Even though I’ve been in the league now – this is going on my ninth year – it’s still a learning curve being on a new team.”

(On how many teams he picked between before signing with the Dolphins) – “I took visits with Dallas and Pittsburgh.”

(On if he felt Miami was the best opportunity for him) – “For me, it was just a gut feeling. I just felt good coming here.”

(On his thoughts of the defensive line group) – “Everybody knows that we have a really athletic defensive line right now with a lot of interchangeable parts. Of course those guys (DE Cameron Wake, DE Mario Williams and DT Ndamukong Suh) have been to multiple Pro Bowls. (I’m) just looking to play alongside those guys and doing my job out there to make their job easier.”

(On the benefits of having a deep rotation at the defensive end position) – “From a rest standpoint, if one person goes out then there won’t be a lack of production. It’ll still be a high, steady line of production. And just be fresh for the whole game and help each other out. (Those kind of defensive lines) are what I’ve been in for my whole career.”

(On the benefits of playing in a Wide 9 defense) – “To tell you the truth, there are a lot of defenses that work around the league. Being a nine-technique, it does have its advantages in the run game. It’s just about the players you have, how it is coached and how you go out there and play. It could be a 3-4 or it could be a 4-3, it’s just how you go out there and play.”

(On what kind of players you need for a Wide 9 defense to be successful) – “To me, it’s all talent. I think any player could probably play (in a Wide 9 defense), it’s just what that player has built inside and what coaches you have.”

(On playing for Asst. Defensive Line Coach/Pass Rush Specialist Jim Washburn for the third time) – “I started out my career with (Jim) Wash(burn in Tennessee). He taught me the right way to play. He’s had a lot of players in his lifetime that have gone on to make a lot of Pro Bowls and make a lot of money. Coach Wash(burn) prides himself in coaching. He loves teaching the game. For me, having him here is always a bonus. (Defensive Line) Coach T(errell Williams) is a great coach, as well. Having (Coach) Wash(burn) here is a good bonus.”

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