
Ja’Wuan James – May 24, 2016 Download PDF version

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Tackle Ja’Wuan James

(On if he lined up at tackle or guard today) – “Tackle. Right Tackle.”

(On if he thinks he will stay at tackle and if it matters whether he does) – “That’s the plan right now. But, like I said the day I got here, I’m trying to do what I can to win. Whatever they want me to do.”

(On what he thought when the Dolphins drafted G/T Laremy Tunsil) – “It’s always exciting seeing somebody get drafted and then it being a linemen and a guy coming in your room that can help us. So I was excited. I think everybody in our room was excited just because this added a guy, added a number. It brings out competition. It makes our o-line better. I think everybody was collectively happy.”

(On what his first impression of G/T Laremy Tunsil is) – One, he’s a strong kid. (A) good kid too. (He’s) trying to learn right now. He’s under me, asking me questions, BA (T Branden Albert), everybody. Just trying to really learn and head in the right direction.”

(On how he’s feeling health-wise and if he’s clear) – “Totally. I’m good.”

(On his goals for the season) – “I’m working day by day. I’m just out here trying to get better each day. As a team, we’re trying to do the same thing.”

(On if he feels 100 percent now) – “Yes, sir.”

(On if it was a tough process to go through) – “Oh, (it was) definitely a tough process. That was my first time being hurt in my life throughout my career playing football. It definitely was a tough process but that was the past so we want to focus on the 2016 season.”

(On how good can the offensive line can be) – “I think the sky’s the limit for us. Whoever (we put) out there, I think we’re going to do well. We just, like I said, working every day. We’re taking this thing day by day. We focus on the process and not the end result right now. Every day we go out there we try to get a little bit better.”

(On how Head Coach Adam Gase’s offense affects the offensive line) – “We love it. We saw it a little bit today when we’re out there going no huddle and the d-line starts slowing up, because they’re tired out there, gassed in the heat down here in Florida. So if we can get in good condition and we can learn this system as fast as we can and then play as fast as we can, it’ll definitely be an advantage for us.”

(On how it feels to just be back on the field) – “Great. (We’re) just out here playing football again, out there with 21 other guys playing football. (We’re) doing what we’re doing since we were kids. It feels good to be back out there competing.”

(On if he feels good about where he is after about a year and a half of NFL experience and if he sees room for a significant jump) – “There’s definitely room for improvement. A lot of room and that’s what I’m working towards right now. Like I said, every day I’m trying to get better at something.”

(On what the coaches have told him about his position and if he’s going to stay at right tackle) — “They told us that it is how it is right now. They haven’t really … not on scheme.”

(On areas to improve if there is anything in particular) – “Everything. It’s not just one thing that you could just be great at and say ‘I don’t need to work on.’”

(On how much responsibility the offensive line has taken for the offense’s struggles) – “We always take that responsibility because that’s our job. Our job is to open up holes for running backs and protect (QB) Ryan (Tannehill). And if we don’t do that, that’s seen and then we know it’s on us. We work hard every day to make sure that we can be as best as we can.”

(On if he’s excited for the season) – “I’m excited, especially after missing last year. This all feels new and fresh to me and I’m happy to be here.”

(On how he spent most of his time last season when he was injured) – “I used it to make myself mentally stronger, whether it was in the film room trying to get smarter (at) football (or) trying to learn (with) more X’s and O’s study because I couldn’t be out there on the field. I was watching extra film (and) working with our o-line coach back then (John Benton) and just doing a lot of stuff that I could do, whether it was in the weight room, whether it was anywhere. (I was) just (doing) anything I could to get better.”

(On if he’s talked to G/T Laremy Tunsil a lot) – “Yeah, I talked to him. Like I said, he reaches out to me. He’s a guy that wants to learn and I respect that about him and I like that about him. I really think he can help us.”

(On his expectations for the offensive line and C Mike Pouncey’s comments saying that this better be the best line that QB Ryan Tannehill has had in front of him) – “I agree. Everybody has another year under their belt and like I said, we’re working every day. We can’t see the future right now but we can work every day towards that future. We’re going to see.”

Tony Lippett – May 24, 2016 Download PDF version

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Cornerback Tony Lippett

(On how far he has come from one year ago) – “It’s still a process. I still try to go out there every day and get better and learn from the veterans we have now, learn the system and learn from the defensive coordinator (Vance Joseph). So, it’s a process still.”

(On his comfort level at the cornerback position) – “I’m (more) comfortable than I was last year. Every day, I’m still out there working to try to get better and try to become more comfortable every day in practice. I’m feeling pretty comfortable right now, but there’s still room to grow.”

(On whether he is competing with CB Xavien Howard to be a starter) – “I don’t know. I’m just out there trying to get better every day, practice and) basically compete. You can never go wrong with competing. Competition is always good. That’s basically where my mind is at – competing every day.”

(On whether there is an opportunity to compete for a starting role) – “I can’t predict the future. All I can do is predict today and the next day after that. (I am) going to go out there and compete and let the marbles fall where they fall.”

(On whether press coverage suits his playing style) – “I would probably say I’m getting more comfortable with it every day. (Defensive Coordinator Vance Joseph) harps on it every day as far as press (coverage). He loves it. He’s always in the DB (defensive back) meeting room. That’s what he wants to do, and that’s what, basically, all of us are trying to do every day – get better at that so we can understand his system more and compete at a high level.”

(On where he has made the most progress since last season) – “I would probably say I became (a) smarter corner as far as knowing … I became a little bit more comfortable with it (by) learning from last season and with all that happened and the players we had and things like that. I learned from them. I learned the schemes and basically learned the lingo of the cornerbacks a little bit more.”

(On where there is room for improvement in his game) – “Everything – every phase of my game, everything I can work on. That’s what I continue to do every day.”

(On when he stopped thinking about himself as a receiver) – “I’d probably say the day I got drafted. They told me I wasn’t playing receiver, so you have to convert right then and there.”

(On whether he still thinks about being a receiver) – “No, I’m kind of comfortable where I’m at. I like where I’m at.”

(On whether his size is an advantage as a cornerback) – “I would probably say it is. But at the end of the day, you still have to be able to do what the smaller corners do. You still have to be good with your eyes, good with your hands and things like that. That’s what I’m trying to do every day.”

(On how previously being a receiver helps him as a cornerback) – “It helps you. It helps me on the field as far as splits and separation and knowing how a wide receiver tries to create leverage against a corner and things like that. I try to use that. And it happens so quick (that) you have to really think about it in a split of a second and try to make something happen. That’s what I try to do out there.”

(On whether previously being a receiver has any drawbacks now) – “I’d probably say sometimes when …. I’d probably say when the ball is in the air or when he breaks and I turn around and look sometimes, because as a wide receiver when I broke, that’s probably what I did. I try to decrease that – decrease the habit of doing that – and try to get better every day.”

(On the biggest challenge of switching from wide receiver to cornerback) – “I’d probably say being patient. Being patient is a big thing. (Whether you are a) small corner, big corner, it doesn’t really matter. Patience is a pivotal trait that you have to have at corner. I try to work on my patience every day, work on my technique and compete.”

(On when he has to be patient as a cornerback) – “Being patient at the line of scrimmage. Being patient if that ball is not coming your way. Being patient as far as every phase of being a corner.”

(On whether his receiving background helps him when the ball is in the air) – “Yes, I’d probably say that. When the ball is in the air, I try to turn back to my receiver ways. At the end of the day, I’m trying to get the ball or deflect the ball or something like that. I’d probably say it helps me on the field somewhat.”

(On using his size to his advantage) – “I’m still learning. I’m still learning every day. I’m learning from (CB) Byron (Maxwell). I learned from watching film as far as corners around the league. I watch film a lot. I learn from (Byron Maxwell). At the end of the day – every day – I’m trying to become this big corner (and) use my strengths and understand what I need to do out there. That has always been my goal, and that’s what I try to do every day.”

(On whether there are other cornerbacks he models his game after) – “I watch a few corners. I watch a lot of people. It doesn’t really matter (whether they are) short or tall. I watch a lot of corners.”

(On the importance of lunging as a cornerback) – “I’d probably say the importance is not lunging, because sometimes when you lunge, you can get swept right on by and the receiver can be on top of you real quick. That comes with having patience, and that’s what I try to do every day is have patience and not lunge. When you get tired, don’t lunge just be technique-sound (and) at the end of the day, you’ll be in a good position if you do those things right.”

(On the 2015 rookie class and their contributions last season) – “We thought about it last year, but it’s a new year. We’re all trying to get better. We’re all probably a little bit more comfortable than we were last year. But at the end of the day, we’re going to continue to try to get better. We’re not known as the rookie class anymore. We’re all tight with each other (and) everything like that, but we all push each other day-in and day-out to go out there to compete and be the best. That’s what we’re trying to do.”

Jarvis Landry – May 24, 2016 Download PDF version

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Wide Receiver Jarvis Landry

(On what he likes about Head Coach Adam Gase’s offense so far) – “The speed. The way that different guys get involved. We spread teams out. I think we’re going to be able to run the ball really well and also pass the ball.”

(On following up on his 2015 Pro Bowl season) – “Keep working. I think that’s the whole goal of OTAs and this offseason – to keep working, keep getting better, compete at a high level (and) focus on the things that I need to do to help this team to win.”

(On what the next level is for him and his game) – “(To) try to remain as consistent as possible (and) continue to push the envelope and use this time to get better, get my conditioning up and compete.”

(On whether there is anything he wants to add to his arsenal) – “I feel like for me, (there is) always room to get better no matter how much you’ve accomplished, what you’ve done or what you can do. For me, I’m focused on continuing to build on my strengths, finding weaknesses in the details of our routes, details of catching the football, assignments and trying to master them.”

(On whether he wants to play a part in the return game) – “For me, that’s totally up to the coaches. If they decide that I need to return, I will. If it’s situational, I will. But right now, I think we’re trying to focus on bringing guys like (WR) Jakeem (Grant) up, bringing guys like (RB) Kenyan Drake (up) and a couple others guys. (We are) bringing those guys up and seeing what they can do early.”

(On the wide receiver corps) – “I think right now, (with Wide Receivers) Coach (Shawn) Jefferson coming in, he’s pushing us in the right direction. He’s pushing our conditioning level. He’s pushing our attention to detail. He’s pushing us to compete. I think for us, (if) we continue to hammer at these things, come the season who knows what’ll happen.”

(On the impact the skill position players can make in this offense) – “We’re still learning. I think that’s the key. Right now, for us, (Head) Coach (Adam) Gase always talks about us playing fast. Until we can do that in OTAs, I don’t think we’re ready for a game. We have to continue to keep on building on the progress we’ve made so far, and that’s key.”

(On what he liked most about his 2015 season) – “Honestly, not to … I don’t want to say, ‘avoid the question,’ but that 2015 season is gone. It’s past me. It’s good to talk about what I’ve done in the past, but honestly, I’m excited about this season, excited about this offense, excited about this team. I want to move in that direction and not look back in the past.”

(On the impact of adding G/T Laremy Tunsil to the offensive line) – “I think we were the most-sacked team in the NFL last year, no offense (T) Ja’Wuan James. (laughter) But I think, for us, this offense will allow us to have a better quick game and do things and keep the quarterback upright. Obviously, when you do that, you have more opportunities to catch the football – we have more opportunities to make big plays – but it starts here in OTAs.”

(On what he does well playing outside receiver) – “Trusting my release. Talking to (Wide Receivers) Coach (Shawn) Jefferson walking off the field, that’s what he said I did a good job (of) today – trusting my release. For me, it’s attacking one thing a day. I think this whole entire week, I want to attack my releases, trying to find ways to trust it, finding ways to win at the line (of scrimmage), so (that) down the field it’s an easy catch.”

(On what parts of the offense suits him well so far) – “Absolutely. The beauty about this offense is (that it) puts guys in different positions to create mismatches. Everything about the league is about mismatches, finding those matchups. This offense allows guys like myself – guys like (WR) DeVante (Parker), (RB) Jay (Ajayi), the tight ends – (opportunities). It gives the quarterback opportunities to pick his matchups and pick the winning guy.”

(On how he feels earning No. 98 in the NFL Top 100) – “Honored and disappointed. I honestly was honored, but disappointed at the same time. I think any guy that isn’t No. 1 believes he should be No. 1. If not, I don’t want to play with team; I don’t want them around me. That’s just the way I see it, and that’s my competitive nature speaking out a little bit. I got a couple more years left. We’ll see.”

(On how players can become leaders) – “Stepping up, I think. I think stepping up … Not only that, (but) moving past the past. Coach Gase started with this (team meeting) room in doing that as you see (with) some of the pictures up on the wall. Leaders stepping up, being more vocal, holding yourself accountable first and then holding other guys to a standard. When we create that standard like myself, (T) Ja’Wuan James, (C) Mike Pouncey, (DT) Ndamukong Suh (and) all those guys are trying to do right now, I think we can lead this team in the right direction and hopefully be a Super Bowl team.”

(On whether he caught passes from QB Ryan Tannehill in the offseason) – “Of course.”

(On whether the receivers and QB Ryan Tannehill are ahead of the curve as a group this offseason) – “I think so. Obviously, you’re always a bit rusty when you’re learning something new. At the same time, when you get back and we come in early and then we get the first minicamp – I want to say – and he threw defenders out there, you always look a little bit rusty. But at the same time, I think we’re continuing to grow. We’re getting better constantly every day, every week. The film study that we get all together is really helping us a lot.”

(On learning the new offense) – “I can say this about (Head) Coach (Adam) Gase: (with him) being an offensive-minded guy, he’s a great teacher. He’s a great attention-to-detail guy. When he gets up here and gives his presentations, he’s very precise. He’s very attention to detail (in) what he wants. He usually marries a clip up with the picture. So, a lot of times we get the film to what we see before (a play). It allows us to be – for visual learners like myself – to be more precise in what he’s looking for.”

Laremy Tunsil – May 7, 2016 Download PDF version

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Guard/Tackle Laremy Tunsil

(On his allergic reaction last week) – “I actually found out what kind of fish it was. I think it was called Mahi Mahi or something like that. I had never had that before.”

(On whether he would try Mahi Mahi again) – “Never again. I can’t go through that again.”

(On what he has learned from this past week) – “You live and you learn. But, hey, I’m glad to be here. I’m glad to be with this team. I’m glad to be going through this weekend (and) get to meet the coaches, get to meet some of the players, get to meet some of the vets. Like I said before, I’m blessed just to be here.”

(On his rookie minicamp experience) – “It’s going great. Like I just told you, I got to meet some of the players, some of the coaches, some of the vets. Meeting some of the vets, those are the guys you’re going to be looking up to, so it has been pretty good. I can’t complain at all.”

(On how his draft experience will be tied to him) – “I’m not worried about that. Everybody (has) their own opinions. I’m the only one who knows what kind of true character I (have), and that’s for me to prove to everybody.”

(On the veteran players he has met) – “They’re like leadership. You have to look up to them (and they say), ‘Hey, you do this. You do this in the film. You do this on the field. You do this in the weight room. Just work hard. Give it your all.’”

(On his response to the advice of veterans) – “I’m going to listen to them, of course.”

(On whether he has experience at guard or right tackle) – “Wherever they put me, I’m going to give it my all. If they put me at quarterback, I’m going to do a seven-step drop back and throw the pass. If they put me at tight end, I’m going to catch the ball. Wherever they put me, I’m going to give it my all.”

(On lining up on the offensive line) – “Like I said, wherever coach puts me, it’s fine to me.”

(On whether he has played guard before) – “I have never played guard. But hey, it’ll be a new experience. I’ll even play center. Wherever you want me to play, I’ll be fine.”

(On the difference playing inside or outside on the offensive line) – “(They’re) big guys down there. (There) would be no difference. It’s the game of football. It’s mental toughness. It’s all a mind game. It’s physical toughness also. Everything is good. Wherever they put me, it’ll be fine.”

(On the last time he played a position other than tackle) – “The Sugar Bowl, actually, when I played tight end. When I caught that touchdown pass.”

(On his personality) – “I just like to be positive in any kind of way. I’m a laid back guy, a hard worker. (I) just want to put everything on the line for the team.”

(On what veterans he has spoken to) – “I’ve been talking to (C) Mike Pouncey a lot about film work and how to work and field stuff. (He is) somebody to look up to, somebody that can show me how to lead the way.”

(On moving on from his draft experience) – “It was in the past when it happened. I’m not looking at that (anymore). I’m looking forward (and) trying to help this team out.”

(On signing his contract) – “It’s not about the contract. I’m here to help the team in any kind of way.”

(On whether he wanted to finalize his contract quickly) – “I got it past me, so yes, it was nice.”

(On how good the offensive line can be) – “I think we (are) good. In my opinion, I think we’re awesome.”

(On whether he will stay in town following rookie minicamp) – “I think I’ll be staying here (after) the rookie minicamp, yes.”

(On his rookie season goals) – “I don’t have (any) ego whatsoever. I’m here to help the team in any kind of way. Whatever I can do to help the team, I’m here.”

(On wearing No. 67) – “That was the only number available. So hey, I’ll be rocking No. 67. I’m fine with that.”

(On whether he has worn No. 67 previously) – “No. It’ll be my first time. I’m cool with it.”

(On who was responsible for hacking his social media accounts) – “I’m here to talk about the Miami Dolphins.”

Adam Gase – May 7, 2016 Download PDF version

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Head Coach Adam Gase

(On his three coordinators and which attributes impress him the most) – “Well, we’ve been through three practices so you are kind of putting limitations on … Being around the coaches, players, from what I’ve seen so far, (Assistant Head Coach/Special Teams Coordinator Darren) Rizzi obviously brings an energy level. (Rizzi brings) the experience, his background in game management (and) being an assistant head coach in the past. (Offensive Coordinator) Clyde (Christensen and) the experience (he brings). We were really coming from very similar backgrounds in offense. Like I always say, we kind of hijacked what they were doing in Indianapolis and he was a big part of putting that thing together. His experience in the past of calling games and being a part of great offenses, just that experience and our guys being around him, that’s been very valuable for our players. And then (Defensive Coordinator) Vance (Joseph), I always told him we were together in 2008 in San Francisco and I felt like he was the one guy I was always battling with. We would walk out of the building and he was always there. He was always working on something. He was a grinder. We both kind of did it a little different, being on offense and defense, but our work ethics were very close. Going against him over the last few years, he was probably the one guy that would drive me nuts. I know he gave us tons of fits when we played him when we were in Houston. And then two years ago when he was in Cincinnati and we were in Denver, it was a tough matchup. I think his DBs picked us off four times. His knowledge of defense and what he brings to the table and his ability to really go after an offense, as far as really teaching his guys what’s going on, it’s very impressive.”

(On his interactions with G/T Laremy Tunsil) – “I think he’s just happy to be back to football. When you go through that whole process … I’m sure if any of us went through that on draft day, it’d be interesting to see how everybody else reacted. I thought he handled it great. He did a good job last week in the press conference. I think he’s just happy to be back in the building, getting back to football (and) doing what he loves. You can just tell – when you see him in a meeting, when a guy is engaged in as many meetings as we’ve done over the last day and a half – he’s really engaged and you can tell he’s really excited to get going with football stuff.”

(On G/T Laremy Tunsil lobbying to play tight end) – “That started about 10 minutes after we drafted him. (laughter)”

(On what he thinks about G/T Laremy Tunsil’s desire to play tight end) – “We’ll worry about the o-line part first and then we’ll move out.”

(On what has stood out to him so far about this rookie minicamp) – “I think the fact that these guys are taking to it and listening to what we’re talking about. The presenters have done a great job – the people in our building. We had Zach Thomas come in yesterday and then Jason Taylor will come in today. Getting those two guys in front of our players, it’s a different perspective when they talk to them. It’s not like when you talk to the full … when Zach has talked to the full group before, he’s talking about something different. Last night he was able to talk to those guys about being a rookie, what it takes to really survive and become a guy that’s on the team and then contributing during the season. It was a different speech than what he has normally done (with) the veteran players. I can’t wait to hear Jason tonight and see what he has to say. But I think our players have been engaged. I know it has been a grind because it’s not easy to sit in meeting rooms. But coaches have been able to pull their guys and do some kind of a walkthrough. The thing is, they’re in street clothes. So I know they can’t be running anywhere. The coaches know that if anybody gets hurt in this thing, I won’t be in a good place. (laughter)”

(On if he has had a chance to talk with former Dolphins Head Coach Don Shula and how he is doing) – “I have talked to (President and Chief Executive Officer) Tom Garfinkel and I’m going to just leave it at that.”

(On if he has met former Dolphins Head Coach Don Shula before) – “Yes, I have. I think it was maybe two or three weeks after I got here. I went over there and had lunch with him. It was a great visit. He had some good lines for me. He had some advice too. It’s still … A lot of the things that he stood for and what he did with the team here in the past, it still applies today.”

(On if he has been in a situation with a running back group as young as the one he has now and if a veteran will be needed at some point) – “I’ll say it again, we are young everywhere. I think we have one room where I could really say we have veteran presence and I’m pretty sure I just heard somebody ask a question complaining about the ages of our defensive ends. (laughter) What do you want? You’re either young or old. It’s great. The fact that we do have a bunch of young guys, guess what? They’ve got nothing to lose. They’re going to come out here and give us everything that they have. I like that group. I like what (RB) Jay (Ajayi) and the rest of that group bring. We’ll see who steps up and contributes this year.”

Darren Rizzi – May 7, 2016 Download PDF version

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Assistant Head Coach/Special Teams Coordinator Darren Rizzi

(On how this draft was for his special teams purposes and if he found a lot of quality in this draft) – “Yeah, I mean obviously time will tell. But I think right now, when you look from a special teams standpoint, the background that some of these guys have certainly excites the special teams staff – mostly myself. But yeah, a lot of the skill sets that some of these guys have – you look right on through from the second round on – I think all of these guys’ (have the) skill set (and) have the ability. A lot of them may not have done as many jobs, but certainly guys like (RB Kenyan) Drake and (WR Jakeem) Grant have done the return stuff. (Kenyan) Drake has actually played a lot of core teams as well … Being CB Xavien Howard’s skill set. So right on through, I think that that’s what we’ve been doing these couple of days is just trying to get them caught up to speed on the mental part of it. It looks, again on paper and certainly on film, based on what those guys did in college, that a lot of them should be able to help us, for sure.”

(On if he got anybody on the table) – “On the table is a strong word. You guys know I’m a pretty strong personality. But I’m not afraid to give my opinion so a lot of those guys, like I said, to me – and you guys know that I’ve been around here a decent amount of years now – I’m a big believer in collecting as many guys as you can and having options. I feel like some years in the past, we haven’t had a lot of options in the return game and I think with this draft, we’ve brought a lot more options here, which hopefully will help us.”

(On the value of kickoff returners given the rule changes in the NFL regarding kickoffs) – “That’s a great question. (If you) talked to the other 31 coordinators around the league, I think there’s probably some mixed opinions right now with what’s going to happen with the new rule. I think the intent was to maybe increase touchbacks. I’m not sure that’s going to happen. I think it’s going to be really curious. A lot of guys aren’t going to tip their hand right now but there’s certainly some talk around the league throughout the coordinators on whether or not they’re going to go for the touchback or hit it high and short. So you may actually see more returns. Now, if people are going to try to hit the corners a little bit and try to get you tackled inside the 25 (yard line), that may change our alignments and adjustments a little bit, as well. So having two guys back there, not just us but throughout the league, could be more of a common theme. (When) people are starting to try to go high and deep into the corners, there may not just be one person back there. There could be two. A lot of times you see, (in a) formation, guys will have a lot of linemen in the back, for example, and just one returner. You may see teams starting to put two guys back there. That could change a little bit depending on how people treat the new rule. I don’t personally think the touchback percentage is going to go up dramatically. That’s just myself. We’ll see how it plays out.”

(On if WR Jakeem Grant will work on both punt and kickoff return) – “Yes, that is the vision. We went down and worked him out pre-draft and we felt comfortable about that workout and his Pro Day. He’s a guy that caught punts all the time, but for whatever reason he didn’t do it in games. We felt very comfortable going into the draft that (returning punts) is something he could do. So he’ll definitely be working at both for sure.”

(On the type of speed the team has acquired in the return game) – “I’ve always said this, I, as a coach, I hate going against opposing teams that have a lot of options at returner because you never know which guy you’re going to get – whether it’s a big guy, little guy, quick guy (or) fast guy. The one thing about some of the guys that we’ve acquired is that you have some guys that (give us) different options there. So now, if you’re playing us, you don’t know if it’s going to be … maybe you knew it was going to be (WR) Jarvis Landry back there as a punt returner. That’s not really going to be the case now. I think we have developed some options here that will make us more dangerous (and) make our team (harder) to defend, for sure.”

(On the vision of drafting both RB Kenyan Drake and WR Jakeem Grant) – “(RB Kenyan) Drake doesn’t have a long resume as a punt returner, either. Everybody thinks of him and remembers that one big play he had (in) the national championship game. (It was a) huge play. But he didn’t really … I think he only had 20 kick returns in his college career. (WR Jakeem) Grant had much more experience as a kick returner – a lot more reps, for sure. Again, it’s those options. The more options we have the better we’re going to be. I feel very comfortable in that aspect, with those guys skill sets, for sure.”

(On what it is like working with Head Coach Adam Gase) – “Every head coach has a unique style. I really enjoy being around Adam (Gase) every day. We’re very similar personality-wise. I think we share a lot of the same visions in terms of different things we’re doing, in terms of inside the building, itineraries, schedules (and) things like that. We bounce a lot of things off each other – a lot of ideas. He has been at a lot of great places and has been around a lot of great people. I really like his demeanor around our players. I think they appreciate it. I think he relates very well with today’s athlete and certainly his success, I think the guys really respect that. They respect him certainly as an offensive coach and now as a head coach, just being around him every day. I like being around (him). He’s refreshing. He’s really brought an energy to the building. He has a lot of great ideas. (He’s) very, very ingenious in some ways (and an) outside the box thinker. I think he’s really been a very welcome addition. I’ve seen a lot of things here in the last seven years and he’s the fifth guy, the fifth boss that I’ve worked for. And he’s been nothing but positive. I’ve got really nothing but positives to say. I think he’s brought a lot of new ideas and forced some of the coaches here to think outside the box and I think that’s only going to make us better for sure.”

(On two point conversions and if he favors attempting more two point conversions) – “I think it depends on the game. There’s a lot of factors involved. I think the defense you’re playing (against), to be honest with you, (is a factor). The percentages still tell you that it’s a little bit less than a 50 percent play. Remember that Baltimore situation last year? We had the penalty and then got the ball on the 1-yard line. There’s a big difference. I think getting that PAT back to the 15 (yard line) has changed some of the dynamics, for sure. You look at a great kicker like (New England Patriots K Stephen) Gostkowski misses a PAT in the postseason. (He’s) a guy that had made every one in the regular season. I just think the dynamics will change game-to-game, week-to-week and we’ll talk about those things in our game-manager meetings. There’s always going to be … it’s always going to be on the table. It’s always going to be an option to go for two, like in that Baltimore game, where I think we jumped up 15-0. At the end of the day, that actually helped us win the football game big time. I don’t think it’s ever going to be one of those deals where you’re saying ‘Hey, we’re definitely going to go for two every time,’ or definitely going to go for one every time. I think it is going to be game-by-game, week-to-week, weather … All of those things are going to be involved in the decision making. But I think the thought process, all along, (is) always going to be that (it is) an option that we have, for sure. Again, the percentages will tell you that still, at the end of the day, it will probably be about the same amount of points based on stats.”

(On the type of growth he expects to see from P Matt Darr and K Andrew Franks in their second seasons) – “I want to see a big jump. They say your biggest jump should be from year one to year two. The old NFL adage is from game one to game two, you see teams improve the most. I’d like to see those guys make a big jump this year. Now some people would say, ‘Well gosh, Matt Darr was third in the league in gross punting.’ But there are certainly areas of the game he can improve on. Our net punting could go up better. He did a great job on going-in punts inside the 20. But some things like location, hang time … little things that he can work on. I’d love to see … I think the sky is still the limit for this guy. I still think he could be an elite NFL punter, if he’s not already. Andrew Franks didn’t get a lot of field goal opportunities last year. He missed one from 63 (yards) and then he missed two others. Some people may think the jury is still out on this guy. I saw a major improvement out of him from training camp, this time last year, until we got to game one. He made a huge jump and that’s why he made the team. He has a huge leg. I want to see him become more consistent in everything he’s doing. We missed three PATs last year. One wasn’t on him, it was on the operation. But the makeable kicks are the ones – the makeable kicks that he missed – are the ones we want to see. We just want to see him become more consistent. I’ve seen that in practice. We want to see that translate onto the field, for sure.”

(On if he has a lifetime contract with the Dolphins) – “Nah. (laughter) I’m day-to-day like everybody else.”

(On if there are certain things he likes about K Marshall Koehn) – “I’ve said this before, I really believe that anybody we bring in here … in training camp, has a chance to make team. No different than (K Andrew) Franks and (P Matt) Darr last year. Marshall (Koehn) had a hell of a career in the Big Ten. He kicked in inclement weather. He kicked in some big situations. He made a 57-yard game-winner last year at home. He’s going to definitely compete for the job. No doubt about it. And again, it would be a disservice, in my opinion, to bring anybody in here and not say they were competing. So on a daily basis … He has a great skill set. He has a real strong leg. He reminds me a lot of Andrew (Franks), to be honest with you, coming out last year. The only difference is that
(Koehn) kicked at a bigger school. But they have a very similar skill set and kicking leg.”

(On if WR Jarvis Landry is his best option at returner, will he be returning next year) – “If he’s our best option, then yes. If we’re going into Week 1, Game 1, the best option for the football team is going to be the guy that goes back there. I still will always use the Antonio Brown example. He’s still the Pittsburgh Steelers punt returner and you could argue he’s their best player. You could argue he’s one of the best receivers in the league and he’s still back there returning punts and making game-changing plays. I think the thought process is to get more options on the table. We didn’t have a lot of them last year. We haven’t had a lot of them the last couple of years, (that’s the) bottom line. So at that point Jarvis (Landry) was our best option. I’d like to think moving forward that guys like (WR Jakeem) Grant and guys like (RB Kenyan) Drake and some other guys we’re bringing in are going to now be options for us and now make the decision at the end, ‘Hey, can this guy do it week one?’ But I’ll just keep going back to that same thing, having more options for me and certainly the football team is the best scenario for everybody.”

(On what he has learned about his rookies this weekend and what has been his early impressions) – “We’ve done a great job from the scouting department and coaching staff, as well, of evaluating these guys up through the process. We kind of know their skill set and their athletic ability based on film, combines, workouts (and) all (of) that stuff. What we’re evaluating this weekend is really what they can retain from a mental standpoint. I think that’s really the premise here. I really enjoy what we’re doing. I think this weekend was a great idea. It’s an out-of-the-box idea. But I think its great idea because … it’s just no different to me than anybody starting a brand new job. You start a new job with Apple, what do they do? They send you for a two-week orientation. You start a new job with Google (and) they put you in an orientation program.  They’re not going to just throw you out into the field. To me, it’s no different. We know these guys have the skills. I think our scouting department has done a phenomenal job of drafting and bringing in these free agents. This weekend is more about getting these guys caught up here and (seeing) how much they can retain. They’re getting a lot of stuff thrown at them this week mentally, not only from the football standpoint but from a building standpoint, a resource standpoint. We’re really loading these guys up mentally and we really want to see what they can retain. And so far from what I’ve seen, at least in my meetings, they’ve done a really good job of it.”

(On if the returner competition is close if he would shy away from using WR Jarvis Landry on returns to lessen his injury risk) – “I don’t want to avoid the question, but I think it’s a little bit early for that. Again, you look at what (WR) Jakeem Grant has done in college and if he can bring that same juice and energy and big-play ability. You look what (RB Kenyan) Drake did as a kick returner. If those guys can match what they did in college, then they are certainly going to be great options for us and they’re going to have a chance to do the job. For me to sit here and say who the kick returner or punt returner is going to be in Week 1 is certainly premature. But I will say Jarvis (Landry) is still in the mix, for sure, because at this point right now, he’s the most proven guy that’s done it.”

(On if RB Kenyan Drake will fill in on punt returns) – “Yeah, absolutely. I mean you look at what he’s done in the kick return game and here’s a guy that’s done … You look at his career (and) he’s done a little bit of everything. He’s caught passes. He’s run the ball well. He’s had high yards per carry. He’s caught the ball out of the back field. He’s covered kicks. It’s almost like ‘What can’t this guy do?’ And I’ll go back, (WR) Jarvis Landry never returned a punt in college either. I think people forget that. You look at what Jarvis (Landry) has done the last couple of years in punt returns in the NFL (and) this guy never returned a punt in college. We’ve proven that we can do it with a guy that hasn’t done it (in college). Obviously WR Odelle Beckham was ahead of (Landry at LSU). So certainly I feel very confident with these guys’ ability and the fact that we’re going to have a lot of great options moving forward.”

Vance Joseph – May 7, 2016 Download PDF version

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Defensive Coordinator Vance Joseph

(On CB Xavien Howard, how he sees him fitting in and if he will be a starter) “He’s a guy we liked in the draft. We liked his size. His movement stuff was really good. He’s a press corner on tape. As far as him being a starter, I can’t guarantee that. He’s going to compete with (CB Tony) Lippett and (CB Byron) Maxwell and those guys and the best guy will play.”

(On if he hopes CB Xavien Howard emerges since he was a second-round pick) – “Absolutely, He’s a second-round pick for a reason so he’s going to be in the mix. He fits our prototype, as far as corners. He’s long. He’s got good, long speed. As an off corner, he’s got good movement stuff. He’s a second-round pick so we hope he becomes a guy that can help us win.”

(On why lengthy, press corners are his prototype) – “The receivers in the league are getting much bigger now. Obviously, you look for good players first and if they have the size you want, its prototype. But you want guys who can cover first (and have) quickness, ball skills, good lateral movement stuff and the size is extra.”

(On guys with good size generally not having good hips) – “(CB Xavien Howard) is a second-round pick. When you are drafting guys in the first and second round, you’re hoping (they) have size and the movement stuff. And (Howard) does. Most guys, when you draft them later on, they may have one redeeming quality. It could be size but not movement, but (Howard) does have both. He’s a 6-foot guy with a 5-foot-10 corner’s movement skills. That’s special.”

(On if he pled his case to draft more defensive players) – “To be fair, our draft on defense started with the trade from Philly. We got (LB) Kiko (Alonso) and we got (CB Byron) Maxwell. That’s two penciled in starters. So for me, those were our first two draft picks, along with (CB Xavien) Howard and (CB Jordan) Lucas from Penn State. We’re fine. We signed (DE) Mario (Williams) in the offseason. That was huge for us. So we’re fine. It was a great team draft. That’s what the draft is about – improving your team, not really one side of the ball. Once you go to the draft, it’s hard to guarantee who is going to be there and what is going to happen. It’s a wild card. But our team got better last weekend so that was a plus.”

(On DE Cameron Wake and whether he will be ready for the season) – “Cam looks fine. He has been here every day working hard. Cam is a worker. He’s a great leader. He’s a great worker. He has been here every day. He looks fine. We won’t know (if he will be ready for the season) until training camp starts. But if I’m guessing, he’ll be ready to go Week 1.”

(On CB Xavien Howard and working on his t-step and backpedaling) – “That’s a small part of his game. Some guys t-step; some guys don’t. That’s a personal preference. That’s really small. He’s more of a press corner. When you’re a press corner, it’s more about lateral footwork and having long arms. He has those things.”

(On early impressions of the rookies) – “(CB Jordan) Lucas, he’s a very mature guy. He has played safety. He has played nickel. He has played corner. So, he’s going to fit well for us just being a defensive back for us. I think (CB Xavien) Howard is a guy who’s also a mature kid. It won’t be too big for those two kids. They want to come in and play. Most guys come in, and they’re wide eyed. These two kids are not. They’re ready for the primetime.”

(On his scheme and how it will fit DE Ndamukong Suh) – “Our scheme is going to be an attacking scheme. We’re going to play on our terms. With his size and quickness, (there) shouldn’t be any reason why he shouldn’t be successful inside. Obviously, he’s a three technique, so he’s going to face a bunch of double teams. It’s our job to free him up, and that’s schematically; that’s weekly. We’re going to be an attack front, so that should benefit him.”

(On whether the team has enough cornerbacks) – “Absolutely. Most teams have, probably, three capable corners who they can play and trust. They have, obviously, a one or two and the nickel player. We have three or four guys who can play. It’s really more about the entire scheme and entire defense. Corner is one position (where) if they do their job and play great leverage and stay on top of deep balls, that’s their job. I think we’ve got three or four guys – guys that we know can play – and hopefully three or four more that can help us.”

(On what he has seen from LB Kiko Alonso and whether he can return to his 2013 play) – “Last year’s film was tough. It was a different scheme. They were in a 3-4 defense. But what I’ve seen– in our minicamp, the last couple of weeks – is he has got great instincts. He’s a long, tall, Mike-backer that has great instincts. He covers a bunch of ground with his movement. He has great eyes. He has been a great leader in the huddle, and that has been surprising. He has been very vocal. He has been assertive in the huddle. That was good to see from him.”

(On whether the safeties are athletic enough to get off the hash mark and makes plays on the ball) – “Absolutely we do. Walt Aikens, he has corner movement. He’s going to be a guy who’s going to grow into a pretty good free safety or strong safety. Obviously, Reshad (Jones) is a great player. Mike Thomas is very, very efficient (and) a very sold, smart player. Isa (Abdul-Quddus), he can really run. He’s a low 4.4 (seconds in the 40-meter dash) guy. We’ve got four guys who are very capable.”

(On whether he interchanges free and strong safeties) – “We want those guys to be twins. We don’t want a strong safety who is a bigger body in the box. We want two guys who can play halves, two guys who can cover and two guys who can tackle. If you have that, you play them left and right. If you don’t, you play them strong and free. Hopefully, eventually, we can work to just being left and right safeties.”

(On S Reshad Jones’ participation in voluntary offseason conditioning) – “Right now it is voluntary. It has not really affected us a lot. Because for him, he has played a bunch of ball. It’s really terminology more than it is a difference in scheme. He’ll be fine. He’ll be back in time to have his assignments in writing. He’ll be ready to go.”

(On whether the age of the pass rushers concerns him) – “We’re fine. (DE) Cam (Wake) is a proven pass rusher, and so is (DE) Mario (Williams). I’m fine with those guys. Cam is going to be alright. Mario, in my opinion, he’s motivated. When he’s motivated, he’s pretty good.”

(On how he feels about the linebacker unit’s playmaking ability) – “Between Kiko (Alonso), Jelani (Jenkins) and Koa (Misi), that’s three pretty good athletes. That’s more scheme than it is a personal gift. We have to move those guys around and we have to blitz those guys and allow them to make negative plays.”

(On if he is encouraged by the social media activity surrounding DE Dion Jordan and if he is counting on Jordan in 2016) – “That’s a league issue. Obviously, he was the third pick of the draft for a reason. So if he’s here then I would be excited to have him; but, right now, I can’t speak on it because that’s a league issue.”

Clyde Christensen – May 7, 2016 Download PDF version

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Offensive Coordinator Clyde Christensen

(On whether the offensive line, QB Ryan Tannehill or the running back position is job No. 1 with the offense) – “I think it’s all of the above. It’s teaching a new system. This has been the first week … The last week was the first week we really saw our players. You talk about plays, but you really haven’t seen what anyone can do and what they’re good at. I think it has really been a feeling out period of, ‘What do we have? What can guys do? What are they good at? How does that fit into the system?’ I really think it has been all the above right there. It’s really … Staff-wise, right? (It is about) learning how (Head) Coach (Adam) Gase wants things done, what he likes. What’s he like on third down? What’s he like to run? When’s he going to call the stuff? What are his shots? All those things I think has been really a fun feeling out process. It probably isn’t as focused as (the media) might think it is. It’s really … We’ve been out there in Phase II (of the offseason conditioning program), and I love Phase II, because it’s a skills time. You’re teaching, ‘How do you get out of a curl? How do you teach getting out of a curl route? How do you teach running an out cut? How do you teach running a comeback? What (does) a post like?’ At some places, you head for the near goal post. Some places you head up the near hash (mark). Some places its flat. Some places it’s a steep angle. It has really been more of a skills and discussion and brainstorming type of atmosphere, both with the players and with the coaches.”

(On drafting G/T Laremy Tunsil) – “I was ecstatic. I tried not to watch the (draft). It has always been kind of a work weekend for me. I’ll sit at the desk, but I’ll have it on in the (office) and watch. The further he dropped, I was starting to … I kind of started feeling myself get a little knot in my stomach. I’m going, ‘Don’t get your hopes up. You know better than to do that. Don’t get your hopes up. There (are) five places to go.’ Even when it was one spot away, I’m going, ‘Someone’s trading up. Do not let yourself get your hopes up. You’ve done this before; it’s no fun. You’ll be disappointed.’ When it did happen, I couldn’t believe that it happened. What a great way to start the time here for the whole franchise, for the new staff and the franchise, etc.”

(On why he was excited about drafting G/T Laremy Tunsil) – “He’s such a good player. I don’t think in my wildest dream that I thought we had a chance of him falling that far and us having a chance to get him, especially when we went from (No.) 8 to (No.) 13 early. I didn’t see it as a possibility. I think the other thing is – for us – is to try and build it from the (offensive) line out, to solidify the line to give you some depth and to give you some young offensive lineman was a priority. Now, you start off with arguably the best lineman in the draft – what we thought was the best lineman in the draft. I think for me, personally, that it was, ‘Hey, if we can solidify that and start working out, that’s a great way to build this thing.’”

(On QB Ryan Tannehill) – “I love the way he works. I love the way he’s attacking it. (We are) still way in the getting-to-know-each other process (with) him trying to learn a system. To judge him yet would be unfair, and that’s what I told him. This isn’t an evaluation period as much as it’s a teach(ing) period. Let’s learn how to throw these routes. Let’s learn how the combinations. Let’s learn the progressions. Let’s learn how this thing works. We’re a ton more (adjust) at the line of scrimmage (team) than the average place. Don’t worry about making a team – not in his case – but for these guys … Worry about learning. Just worry about learning, and we’ll teach. The evaluation will come training camp-wise. Training camp, now, you got to be able to apply this stuff. That’ll be the first time I talk to you where I’ll say … But I think he works. He learns. It’s new. He has embraced it. Like everybody else, I think it has been a fun teach. It’s always kind of fun from the ground floor up (for) I think players, coaches, everyone. It’s new. It’s different. For me, it’s a new set of players. Having been in the same place for so long, it’s fun. It’s energizing to me to start from scratch again, if you will. It has really been (about) that more than it has been (about) evaluating. It has been more of a teach mode.”

(On what makes G/T Laremy Tunsil a special player) – “He’s light on (his feet). He’s a good athlete. He’s a good athlete. He has a great disposition for an offensive lineman. He has been very impressive in this camp – how he has attacked the learning. We’ve thrown a bunch at him in this camp. It has been 99.9 percent mental, and he has attacked it. I’ve been impressed with him through the whole process and even with the adversity (and) how he handled it. That could shipwreck you – what he went through for an average, young 20-something year old guy. I’ve been really impressed with how he has handled it, which is a great mentality for an offensive lineman. They just have to keep trucking. There (are) some good pass rushers in this league, and they’re going to get some hits on the quarterback, and you’re going to feel bad and you shake it off and go play the next play. That’s a great characteristic to have for an offensive lineman.”

(On what WR Leonte Carroo and WR Jakeem Grant bring to the table) – “Again, I’d say we haven’t seen them (on the field). We’ll get them out on the field, but I think they’re going to bring some juice. They’re going to bring some versatility. I think anytime … You guys have seen (Head) Coach (Adam) Gase enough to know that he’s aggressive. He likes sticking guys in different positions and giving them different stuff to do and getting into some non-conventional matchups in non-conventional places (where) there’s not a running back on a linebacker coming out of the backfield necessarily. It may be two yards from the sideline out there on a safety doing something. I think this really gives you a couple guys for Coach Gase to brainstorm with. And who knows what he’ll come out of the thing with as you watch these guys. But, I know one thing: you watch his mind tick and I could see it on draft day. He’s going, ‘We could do this and this and this.’ We’re still trying to head for first base here, but that’s how his mind works. It’ll be a fun thing, because they’re versatile guys. They’re really versatile guys.”

(On transitioning from tackle to guard) – “It’s a little bit different. You have a guy on your nose rather … That edge is different. I would say this: you cross train these guys. What’s the difference in blocking a wide three and a wide … You still have to learn how to block wide rushers. You still have to be able to handle an inside charge. You still have to handle some guy trying to run right down the middle of you and knock you into the quarterback. (With) the teaching, there’s a ton of carryover that way. There’s a ton of carryover. Tackle is kind of the easy position, because 90 percent of the time you’re blocking a defensive end. That’s not easy to do, but it’s easier assignment-wise. There’s less going on out there. We would cross train … We cross train as many guys as we can all the time anyway, because of how small these rosters are in the NFL. The more guys you can get trained … Every year you say, ‘Has he ever snapped? Is there any possibility he can snap?’ Because you can’t have enough guys who can snap a football. It’s always hard to get some guys who can slide outside and play tackle. It’s a little easier to find (guys) who can slide inside and play guard. This is going to be probably the most depth at tackle I’ve ever been around that you have four, five guys that have played at a high level (at) left tackle. That’s awesome. The rest will fall into the right spots. You always have trouble (asking), ‘Who’s our backup left tackle? What if we have a catastrophe here?’ You don’t just go open your newspaper and find a left tackle in the classified (ads) right there. (laughter) They’re hard guys to come by. I think that’s part of the excitement during the draft. That’s a hard position, because the percentages say, ‘Hey, there are going to be some weeks and stretches …’ It’s kind of like quarterback (where) it’s hard to find a guy who can come in and win a football game. It’s hard to find a guy who you can throw out there up in New York and play left tackle. It’ll give us some depth there. But the skills are still … We’d cross train them anyway. If you’re only suiting up seven (lineman) for a game, there’s a good chance some guys better know a bunch of positions. It’s not abnormal for us. That would be the rule of thumb, that you’d cross train as many guys as you can. The more positions guys can play, the more likely they are to be dressed on Sunday. It’s really hard for a center who only plays center to get suited. It’s hard to have that guy on the roster, because it’s hard to get him dressed. You can’t react to a problem during a football game. So, this guy (Laremy Tunsil) has a lot of versatility and he keeps telling me he’s a tight end, too. (laughter) We’ll see. We’ll get on the field and see.”

(On finding mismatches in an offense like this) – “Yes, sometimes. Although, I think it makes it easier that (Head) Coach (Adam) Gase does a great job with formations and moving people around; where all of a sudden you look up and you have a linebacker out there two yards from the sideline, well there’s a pretty good chance that it’s man (coverage). That’s a pretty good indicator. So, (there are) a lot of times, moving people to different places reveals what coverages they are (in). It kind of limits what the defense can do. You have to be on your best because of all the pressure. You still have to be able to handle pressure. And the more places you put people, the more people have to understand what’s taking place protection-wise. But it’s a fun problem to have. It’s a fun problem to have. For a coach, it’s hard sometimes (for) you, especially in the no huddle. The no huddle makes it even more important, because you don’t want to sub. In the olden days – when I first came in the league – you had your first and second back and on third (down), in ran a third receiver, out ran the fullback, in ran your receiving tight end. But when you’re no huddle, part of the advantage of this thing is that we want to be able to keep the same bunch on the field. So, they have to be versatile guys. You can’t have a single dimension … It’s harder to have a single-dimension guy, because all of a sudden you don’t want to go into huddle on third down and get a massive substitution. You want to be able to empty out and everyone knows what the concepts are, and you keep rolling with the tempo. It’s really, really accentuated with the no huddle.”

(On Head Coach Adam Gase calling plays) – “I like this situation, and I have been in it quite a bit with (former Indianapolis Colts Offensive Coordinator) Tom Moore. Even at the end of his time there in Indy, there were different roles. I think I told you the first time I spoke to you, that was one of the things that made it attractive. I enjoy that part of it. I enjoy complementing and fitting in a spot and helping tie the thing together, helping set the thing up, if you will. (For) whatever reason, I get a charge out of that. No, it wouldn’t be a new situation for me. I’ve been a positional coach, obviously. I’ve been a coordinator, obviously. But with Tom Moore (I was) a hybrid – if you will – (like) Bruce Arians. (I) remember Bruce and (when Colts Head) Coach (Chuck) Pagano had the cancer, and we were all in … (Chuck Pagano) was in the hospital, and we were all in a hybrid situation. I embrace it. I enjoy that. That’s more fun to me than having the whole thing heaped on your back. It would be, really, a familiar situation for me. There were a lot of years at Indy where it was kind of like that and then even just recently with Coach Arians and with Coach Pagano and the cancer, his bout with cancer.”

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