
Xavien Howard – May 6, 2016 Download PDF version

Friday, May 6, 2016

Cornerback Xavien Howard

(On his size, how he fits into the team’s scheme and if he thinks that is why he is here right now) – “Yes, I feel like I fit the scheme they have going on. (I’m a) press corner. I’m six (feet tall). I’m a physical corner, a ball hawk, and I feel like I fit the scheme that (Defensive Coordinator) Vance Joseph has going on.”

(On how practicing against former Baylor WR Corey Coleman helped him) – “It helped me a lot. Me and (WR) Corey (Coleman), we stay competing. Every time we played each other, it was always good or bad. So we competed against each other (and) made each other better.”

(On if it means anything to him that he’s being talked about as a possible starter) – “I really don’t look at it like that. I’m just coming in here to make plays and hopefully be a starter. I love that they’re talking about it but I’ve got to live up to my expectations that I have for myself.”

(On what he thinks about not practicing during rookie minicamp and what he hopes to get out of this weekend) – “I plan on getting immensely prepared for it. (I plan to get) prepared for the NFL, the speed, the tempo and how the things go; and really learning the defense.”

(On his football background) – “I realized I was good at football in high school. In my freshman year, I had played basketball. I didn’t play football in my freshman year. (I did play football) my sophomore year. I got back into it. My junior year (was) when I started playing quarterback – my junior and senior year. I started really cornerback my senior year. So I feel like I had made some plays. I had a lot of interceptions in high school and that’s when I knew I was ready for college. So I got accepted to Baylor then I redshirted my freshman year. There was some stuff I needed to work on – technique and getting ready for the (college) game, the Big 12. Then after that, my redshirt sophomore year I had won a starting job and my redshirt junior year. I was just improving each year. As I left as a redshirt junior, now I’m here in Miami.”

(On if he agrees with the comparison to CB Byron Maxwell) – “Oh yeah. I had watched him when he was at Seattle and (with) the Eagles. I like his game. I feel like he’s a good comparison.”

(On how important it is for a cornerback to always know where his help is) – “It’s very important because you have to know where everybody is on the field. So knowing what’s going on and just being mentally prepared for it – like how they have us (learning) now – It’s just learning (where the help is and) learning defense.”

(On playing at Baylor and helping put the school on the map) – “When Coach Briles came in from (the University of Houston) he had started (to turn things around) at Baylor, going to a bowl game and stuff like that. As we had different players coming in (and some) top recruits coming in, we just worked hard over there at Baylor. And just competing against teams like OU, OSU, TCU, it was very important because everybody wanted to be the Big 12 Champs and we were the Big 12 Champs back to back. And we knew TCU, OSU and a lot of teams wanted to beat us.”

(On what area he feels he needs to improve and grow) – “I need to chill out with a lot of penalties that I had in college and really my technique. (I need to) get better in my technique. Not false stepping and stuff that my coach used to tell me in college. That’s really, basically it. I’m improving on everything around but I (have) good ball skills and being physical but I (have) to clean stuff up and make me an NFL corner.”

(On his first conversations with Defensive Coordinator Vance Joseph) – “When I came in, he had talked to me about learning the defense. Getting the mental (part) down and just know what everything going on.”

Adam Gase – May 6, 2016 Download PDF version

Friday, May 6, 2016

Head Coach Adam Gase

(On some rookies mentioning he was an offensive genius) – “They’ve been around me (for) five minutes. That will probably be one Matt’s going to (have to) review his media (training) as far as what guys need to say about stuff like that. (laughter)”

(On his unique approach to this rookie minicamp) – “It was something we’ve been discussing since … probably around the combine. Between (General Manager) Chris (Grier), (Executive Vice President, Football Operations) Mike (Tannenbaum) and myself, we’ve talked a lot (with) our coaching staff, especially some of the older guys. (We talked about) their thought process of kind of trying (to do) something a little different. I’d reached out to (Los Angeles Rams Head) Coach Jeff Fisher at the owners meeting because I had heard that he had always done it a little different. I mean I think he’s been doing it different than everybody else for a long time going back to Tennessee. So it was just kind of how we wanted to build it and see how we could kind of take that injury out of what goes on in this camp. A lot of our guys haven’t practiced (in) four to five months, so we just wanted to make sure that they learned our program. We got them ready to go so when we get to OTAs, those guys are in the right kind of shape. I think last year probably scared a few guys. When you lose a first round draft pick like Jacksonville did, it just kind of gets you thinking ‘What’s the right thing to do at this point?’”

(On what he has the rookies doing today) – “What we basically did this morning was football. They were in the classroom and then we got them with (Head Strength and Conditioning Coach Dave) Puloka in the weight room and kind of their introduction there. Then this afternoon will be a lot of things, whether it’s dealing with kind of how to go through the adjustment. Dealing with (the media) is different than what it is in college and how accessible they are. The Sports Science Department we have is … We have a big group and there are a lot of things that they offer. And then a lot of the things that (Director, Player Engagement) Kaleb (Thornhill) brings to the table with the player engagement stuff. So there are some different things set up. We’ll bring in a speaker on both days to kind of inform our players and let those guys understand kind of what it takes to be a pro. And then at night after dinner, we go back to football. For the coaching staff, they have the flexibility since there are so few guys and there’s a lot more one on one time … we’re able to have in the bubble. We can go over to the bubble and (Wide Receivers Coach) Shawn Jefferson (can) get those guys out there and say, ‘Oka,y show me this formation,’ and ‘Line up in the correct splits.’ The thing that we were just trying to avoid was the offense vs. the defense. I think for what we’re looking to do, (which is) to get these guys caught up to speed with the veterans, we felt like this gave us our best chance.”

(On how he feels G/T Laremy Tunsil has handled all the attention) – “I think he’s done a good job. I mean I know it’s been what, eight days? He looked excited when he got here. He’s probably happy that this is kind of starting. These guys have been almost on their own for so long and training with Pro Days and traveling and the Combine … It’s just a lot of things going on for them that’s kind of outside the norm for a college athlete. Now finally getting back into the environment all these guys know and understand, and that structure, I’m sure not only him, but everybody else is just happy to get going again.”

(On if he’s given any advice to G/T Laremy Tunsil on how to handle all the noise) – “No. I mean we haven’t talked extensively. I mean everything happened so fast after the draft with bringing him in, getting (him) with you guys and then him basically (leaving town for a few days) and then now coming back … I mean our conversations have been short but we’ve had a couple of good talks.”

(On what he wants to see from G/T Laremy Tunsil in this rookie minicamp) – “I think with all of our guys, we just want to see them attack this playbook. (We want them to) try to use the people that we have in this building to their advantage. The people in this building are going to try to help them become pros as fast as possible and that transition is a lot harder than what people realize. The good thing is we have such a good support staff. If they lean on the people that work in this building, they’re going to have success.”

(On when he starts the process of who is going to play guard whether it’s Laremy Tunsil or Ja’Wuan James – “We’re so far away from, I mean (OTAs are) really two weeks away, but we’ve got some time. The good thing is when you have the OTAs, you have the minicamp, you can do some experimenting. Obviously you guys saw what we did in that first minicamp; we were moving guys all over the place. We’re trying to see who fits in at the center position, as well, as far as a backup. (We’re) moving guys around in the guard position and see who can swing out to tackle because when you get to that 46-man roster, you have to have some guys that can be flexible. It’s going to be a little bit of a process for us to figure out what the right five are for us, but we’re going to use all that time.”

(On what he likes about QB Brandon Doughty) – “When I first met him, (I thought) that’s a confident kid and he has something about him that’s just one of those things. He has a presence about him. He has a swagger about him. He’s very confident. I mean his numbers are … a lot of you guys have probably followed him because from being down here. The numbers he put up in college and being part of a winner, I love that fact about him. I feel like we have a guy that’s going to come in here, he’s going to work to get better and he’s going compete with those guys. And that’s all we want.”

(On if it’s a coincidence that this draft was heavy on offense) – “Yeah, I mean going into the draft we initially thought it was going to be … more defensive guys were going to be available for us. The good thing that (General Manager) Chris (Grier) did was that he stuck with our board. We didn’t go and try to just grab a guy just so we could say ‘Hey, we drafted a defensive guy.’ And that’s why you go through that whole process. I mean they started it way … they started way before I even got here. And then going through that process in February, the Combine, coming back in with the coaches, and then leading up to draft day … All the things that they did research-wise and making sure the scenarios they had down, they adjusted on game day basically. And they stuck with the board. I though Chris (Grier) did a great job of that.”

(On what WR Leonte Carroo and WR Jakeem Grant both bring to the unit that maybe he didn’t already have) – “The way that we look at is our definitions for each one of those positions is something that we kind of keep in-house, but we do have a role for one, two, three, four, five, and if there’s a sixth guy. So right now those guys will be competing with the rest of those groups and we just need to see how it falls into place. We’re going to need a guy who can back up all the spots and contribute on special teams. I don’t want a guy sitting next to me the entire game just being a spectator. We need guys that can contribute on special teams, whether it be in the return game, or in all four phases. So those roles will develop as we get going and get moving into training camp, we’ll have a better idea because of preseason once we get into real games. But we do need to have guys in that room that are going to contribute on special teams.”

(On if he has key weapons with varied skill sets that excite him as an offensive coach) – “I think it excites us as an organization to just know that we have options. If something bad happens, I mean it’s the NFL as far as injuries go. You just better have depth.”

(On if RB Kenyan Drake’s versatility is alluring) – “I think in a lot of positions that you look at, the more you can do, the better. You only have so many spots on game day and when you have a guy like him, who’s done so much … And no one talks about the fact that he played on punt. That was a big deal to him and again, a guy that was in a program like Nick Saban’s program and being with Nick for as long as I was … You just know these kids are brought in (and that they’re) playing special teams. It doesn’t matter how many snaps on offense and defense you play, whether you’re a starter or a backup, you’re going to play special teams. And at this level, there are a handful of guys that don’t play special teams so you better be able to roll in here and contribute in that area.”

(On what stands out to him when he looks at this team right now) – “I think the fact that we did get deeper at a lot of different spots (stands out to me). We feel strongly (that) if somebody did go down, somebody’s going to be able to step in. We’re starting to create that next man up mentality of ‘Hey, we need guys that have not initially been starters to be ready to go,’ because at some time, your number is going to be called. And the fact that we have competition at multiple spots, guys are fighting for starting jobs, guys are fighting to keep their starting jobs – that’s what you want to create. You want to create competition in as many positions as possible.”

(On if not practicing in this rookie minicamp hurts the undrafted players) – “I don’t think so. I think it helps everybody that’s involved in this rookie class. I mean once you get here, for the most part, everybody’s competing. It’s hard the way that everything is structured nowadays. There’s very few guys where you’re like, ‘Oh, this guy automatically makes it because he was drafted in this round.’ For the most part, it’s just how you know get here; and then what you do with that after you get here, that’s on you.”

Jakeem Grant – April 30, 2016 Download PDF version

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Wide Receiver Jakeem Grant

(On whether he can be a special teams returner or a receiver at the line of scrimmage) – “I definitely think I can play receiver, and I definitely will be the return guy. I feel like I can do the same exact role I did at Texas Tech there at Miami.”

(On why he is confident in his return skills) – “I have faith in myself. I feel like once you get the ball in my hands, there’s nobody that can stop me. With God being behind me and then after my back bone (injury), I haven’t had any injuries off the field. I’m as healthy as a horse. I’m fast. I’m quick even if I don’t have the size. But you can’t hate what you can’t get.”

(On whether he has run a 40-yard dash faster than 4.38) – “A lot of teams clocked me at 4.1 (seconds). They said a 4.3 would have been labor time or whatever that is. I definitely feel like a 4.3 is definitely not my speed. I feel like if I would run a 40 (-yard dash) over and over again, (I would) tell guys that I don’t run a 4.3, because … When they told me I ran a 4.3, I was ticked off, because that’s slow to me.”

(On which NFL players he compares himself to) – “Yes – Darren Sproles, Tavon Austin. A lot of those guys. Andrew Hawkins – all those guys. I try to make my game after all those guys and try to be best as I can and try to take all those guys moves and put it all into one body. If you can do that, then there’s no ‘how high’ I can go or what I can do.”

(On whether he can return kicks and punts) – “I’m a kick and punt returner.”

(On how he sees himself fitting in with the other receivers on the Dolphins roster) – “I feel like I could fit in as a slot guy on the roster. Yes, there’s going to be competition but  … (inaudible) … it’s a competitive sport and I’m looking to go in with a chip on my shoulder. I’ve been that way my whole life and I’m going to continue to do that. That’s never going to go away.”

(On if he was as confident and entertaining with the Dolphins coaches as he is on this teleconference and what the coaches thought of that) – “I definitely wanted to come in there and show them my personality and show them that I’m just an outgoing guy. I’m confident, self-motivated, and that’s just the type of guy I am. I’ll continue to show people that and show them that I don’t wish that I’m bigger than I am. I commend my size; I love my size. And I feel like I’m not blessed with the height but I’m blessed in other areas that some guys do not have.”

(On how he succeeds in making defenders miss in small areas and if that is something he can bring to the NFL) – “Yes sir, most definitely. I feel like that is one of my specialties and I feel like a lot of guys in the league … Some of them can do that but I add more oomph to it.”

(On if the height the NFL listed him at 5’5 ¾” is accurate) – “Yes, they had me at 5’5 ¾” but I always tell people that I’m 5’6 ½” because you never going anywhere without shoes on. (laughter) You never see me playing a game in my bare feet, so I always tell people I’m 5’7 because you never know how tall I am once I step on the field.”

(On his weight) – “I weigh 170. I weighed in at 165 on Pro Day only because I had pneumonia the week before so I couldn’t get my weight back up. Once I come in (to Miami), I will be at 170.”

(On the size of the rest of his family) – “My family is all in the five-foot area. I was just blessed to have the five-foot gene but everyone in my family has lightning speed so that’s where I get my speed from.”

Jordan Lucas – April 30, 2016 Download PDF version

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Defensive Back Jordan Lucas

(On what the Dolphins have planned for him) – “I just got off the phone with the coaches and they want me to play corner. They want me to be a press corner, come in there (and) be physical and just be the type of player I am – physical, aggressive – and a smart football player.”

(On whether he has experience playing press coverage in college) – “Yes, sir. I played corner for three years in college and safety for one. (I) played a lot of man (coverage), a lot of press, close to the line (and) a lot of bail technique, so (I) mixed it up.”

(On his best game at Penn State) – “I would say my best game at Penn State was probably the Michigan game (in 2013).”

(On why his best game was against Michigan in 2013) – “I had my first career interception that game. It was just a great team win for us. We went (into) four overtimes with Michigan. I had a great game for such a young guy. It was probably the most fun I’ve had playing at Penn State.”

(On recording four sacks) – “They sent me on a lot of blitzes. I’ve been playing nickel for three years as well as corner. I would come on a lot of blitzes and sometimes I didn’t get the sack, but we were able to cause pressure. We had a great defensive line so they would occupy the offensive lineman and the tight ends and sometimes I could come free.”

(On why he moved to safety) – “Just to help the team out. They felt that it was the best thing for the team at that time and (the) best thing for me. They felt that it would help me out on the next level – being able to play both positions – and my knowledge for our defense was great. I knew the safety position. I knew what the corners had to do. I knew what the linebackers had to do down to our defensive linemen movement. I was a senior and they felt that it was best to have a senior back there.”

(On what the draft process has been like for him) – “It’s been crazy dealing with the injury and rehab and everything, and then getting ready for the combine and Pro Day. It was a short amount of time for me because I was rehabbing a lot throughout that process, but it was great. I met a lot of great people and I’ve been blessed. I’ve been blessed to keep a clear mindset throughout this whole process and now I’m just ready. I’m happy to be a Dolphin and I’m ready to work.”

(On if he has played slot corner) – “Yes, I did. I played slot corner for three years out of my four years at Penn State.”

(On if he played outside at all) – “I played slot and inside for three years. On certain packages, I would move into slot. I played field, corner, boundary corner, slot and strong safety.”

(On if his shoulder injury will limit him in the offseason) – “No, I’m not limited. I’ll be ready to go. I’ve been lifting. I’ve been running. I’ve been doing everything, so I’m ready to go (with) no limitations and that’s that.

Brandon Doughty – April 30, 2016 Download PDF version

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Quarterback Brandon Doughty

(On his reaction to being drafted by his hometown team) – “My hometown team; the Miami Dolphins. Who would have thought? It ended up being a blessing for me (to be) taught to by Dan Marino and being coached by him in high school. It’s an unbelievable honor for me. I can’t be thankful (enough). I am so thankful for all of the opportunities I have in front of me.”

(On his strengths as a quarterback) – “I’m a gunslinger. I led the nation in passing these last two years. That doesn’t really mean much at this point. But I’m going to come in there and compete, work my butt off, learn from Ryan Tannehill, learn from Matt Moore and the other guys on the roster right now. (I will) try to compete, try to win myself a spot and hopefully make it on this roster and be an impact player. That’s my goal. I’m not just trying to … This wasn’t the goal for me, just to be drafted. It’s to be an impact player on the field, off the field and really just be Brandon Doughty. I’m excited to let the fans (learn) about me.”

(On if he can name all of the school records he broke) – “I have absolutely no idea. (laughter) I have literally no clue. Winning all those rewards, winning all those records and all the other stuff … College was an amazing experience but now I’m a dang Miami Dolphin. I’m excited about that. I’m excited about the future, for sure.”

(On the greatest strength of his game) – “My accuracy. I led the nation in completion percentage this year. I think I take pride in taking care of the ball (and) not being able to turn the ball over. I think in every game – if you play in a game – and you win the turnover battle in the fourth quarter, you’ll have a chance to win at the end. I take pride in taking care of the ball, being a leader, being a captain and being (a) three-time captain. I’m really going to try to bring that in. First, I’m going to just kind of have my head down and try to grind this thing out. I have a lot to learn. I’m excited. I’m just really, really excited about the opportunity.”

(On what his role will be) – “We just kind of spoke briefly before I got pushed to you guys, so I’m not really sure where I’m going to be at. I got to meet with the Dolphins on Local Day and meet with coach and really had a good experience there. I had a really good time. Like I said, I’m just really excited about this, for sure.”

(On if he had previously spoke with the Dolphins and if they were on his radar) – “Absolutely. They were one of the top five teams I had. It’s crazy. It’s very surreal. My whole life, God has kind of just rolled out a red towel and said, ‘Brandon, just follow this thing for me.’ It has really been a huge and amazing blessing and now I’m a Miami Dolphin. It’s my home town team for the rest of my life, and it’s something I’ll tell my kids about someday hopefully.”

(On what his expectations were before the draft) – “I did have a little bit of expectations. I thought my stock was a little higher than I thought. But don’t worry, I’m going to be playing with a chip on my shoulder for all the teams that passed on me, all 31 other ones. We’ll see what happens when the time comes and when an opportunity presents itself but I’m really excited about the opportunity and just ready to get back to work, for sure.”

(On how close he lives and if he has spent a lot of time around the team) – “I’m from Davie. It’s where I was born – where I was raised – so I’m about 15 minutes (away). I live in Shenandoah right near Weston. Funny story: Dan Marino, I went to the same high school as his son. He used to have this foreign exchange student that would come to the school, and I would take him home every day to Dan Marino’s house. Occasionally, I would go in there and try to talk to Dan and stuff like that. I’m very, very local. My brother is actually – it’s crazy – but he’s wearing a Dolphins shirt right now. We didn’t plan that, nothing happened, we’re just Dolphin fans. Now that they’re my team, I think I’ll work a little harder, because this is my team. This is my home team. This is whom I’ve loved since I was a little kid. It’s going to be really cool run. Everybody involved, I would like to thank everyone for sure.”

Thomas Duarte – April 30, 2016 Download PDF version

Saturday, April 30, 2016 

Tight End Thomas Duarte

(On being drafted by the Dolphins) – “I couldn’t be more excited. I took a visit down there and loved it. It just felt like home.”

(On whether he is more of an H-back or tight end) – “Really, (I am) just trying to be an NFL tight end. Whatever these coaches want to use me as, that’s what I plan on coming in and doing and contributing in any way.”

(On how he would describe his game) – “If there’s one way I would describe my game is just a playmaker. I’m always around the ball. (I) make sure I catch everything. Definitely that’s my biggest thing … Once it leaves the quarterback’s hand, (it is) my job to catch it, and that’s what I plan on doing.”

(On if he plays special teams) – “I did a lot of special teams at UCLA and that’s what I plan on doing for the Miami Dolphins.”

(On whether there is an NFL tight end that his game resembles) – “Definitely Jordan Reed. I got a lot of comparisons to him and I definitely watched a lot of his games this year and tried to implement his quickness with his speed. The key awareness in route running transfers over to the same thing that I can do.”

(On how he feels health-wise) – “Really well. I had a little hamstring pull and ankle sprain in 2014. But other than that, I’ve been real healthy, really adamant about taking care of my body.”

(On which teams he spoke with before the draft) – “My agent fielded a lot of calls. I’m not sure from what teams, but I took a visit out to Miami, and that was about it.”

(On his family history and playing football) – “Really, my whole family played football. On my dad’s side: both my uncles played, my grandpa played and my dad obviously played football. We were always around the football field and just watching football on TV on Sundays. Growing up, (it is) something I knew I wanted to do. From a young age, I had a real passion for it.”

Mike Tannenbaum & Chris Grier – April 30, 2016 Download PDF version

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Executive Vice President of Football Operations Mike Tannenbaum General Manager Chris Grier

Mike Tannenbaum:
(Opening Statement) – “I want to thank everybody for all their hard work and the organization. (General Manager) Chris (Grier) did a great job and the entire department. Chris, (Head Coach) Adam (Gase) and I feel really good about starting … The three of us going back to January with the eighth pick in the draft and adding guys, LB Kiko Alonso and CB Byron Maxwell, that kind of set the table. And then adding the draft choices over the last three days, we feel like we’ve improved the team, added competition and added depth. (We are) really excited about where we are. We are in the process of finalizing some free agents here and we will try to get that news to you guys as soon as it is all finalized and that will transition into Phase 2 of the offseason program.”

Chris Grier:
(On WR Jakeem Grant’s size) – “I’ll tell you what, Mike (Tannenbaum), to his credit, he was all over this guy. I mean I was busting his chops the whole time going ‘Hey, this guy could fit under the table in the draft room here.’ But seriously, spending time with the kid, we had him in for a 30 visit, and we kept hearing the term that this guy is ultra-competitive. He walks in the room and he thinks he’s the biggest guy on the field. And that’s how he plays, how he runs; again it’s added another … He’s an explosive dynamic player. He has some traits we like. The size isn’t a concern. He’s played in the Big 12 against all these elite players now in the draft. Again, it’s his mindset (and) his toughness. This guy is an alpha.”

Mike Tannenbaum:
(On if WR Jakeem Grant is a possible impact player at receiver in addition to special teams) – “When you look at the middle part of the draft with (RB Kenyan) Drake, (WR Leronte) Carroo and him, those guys will all add to us in the kicking game. To me, that always sets the floor in how much they play on offense or defense … is what they have to earn. But those are all three explosive players (with) good play speed. Our special teams coaches are certainly happy with those picks.”

Chris Grier:
(On why there were more players picked on offense than defense) – “It was just the opportunity of the players available, plus adding (LB) Kiko (Alonso) and (CB) Byron (Maxwell) … (They) were also added to that mix as well as (DE) Andre Branch and the other guys we’ve added with (DE) Mario Williams, etc. on defense. We’ve done stuff to address the defense, adding (DB) Jordan Lucas as well today – another corner with size, height, weight, speed. (Lucas) has position flexibility. He’s player corner, press corner, he’s played safety as well. So we think that we’ve addressed it. We feel good but we will always keep turning over the roster.”

Mike Tannenbaum:
(On whether the team is on its way to being built offensively to match Head Coach Adam Gase’s vision)
– “I think when you’re sitting in our seats, you feel that way until 9 a.m. tomorrow, and then you’re always looking to add. We’re trying to build the roster for us and our vision in all three phases. We feel like we’re improving. Again, the journey started back in January and making that trade (with Philadelphia). We feel like we added two players (Alonso and Maxwell) that fit what we want to do, and that’s something that we’re constantly talking about. The day that Chris (Grier) became our GM, he talked about prototypes and getting the right guys that fit our scheme. We really tried to stay as close to that as possible knowing that we don’t live in a perfect world, but the conversation always starts with that.”

Chris Grier:
(On the aggressiveness in the number of trades this weekend) – “I just think it’s about the advantage of the opportunities we have to improve our roster. These are players we had targeted. I think all of our trades we made will benefit us in the future. Again, you have to be open and flexible to move up and down the draft. For us, it’s about the opportunity to improve our roster.”

Mike Tannenbaum:
(On the trade with New England)  – “The phone rang and we’re always going to do what’s best for us. Obviously, they thought it was good for them, as well. We traded with a lot of teams, they just happened to be one of them.”

(On whether he spoke with Patriots Head Coach Bill Belichick to make the trade) – “We had a few conversations.”

(On insight into the trade with New England) – “Like I said, it’s one of those things – I think – it will hopefully work out well for both sides.”

(On WR Jakeem Grant’s 40-yard dash time) – “Every time that Chris (Grier) reminded me how tall (Jakeem Grant) was, we made his speed a little bit faster.” (laughter)

Chris Grier:
“We had a scout that was there at the Pro Day. (Jakeem Grant) ran fast.”

Mike Tannenbaum:
“In all seriousness, that was one of those decisions we made that you really feel like everybody touched on. The area scout liked him and then (the) special teams coaches worked him out. (We) wanted to make sure how he would factor in the return game. Obviously, we had the offensive coaches – because obviously he’s a unique style of player – what would be the vision for him offensively? Everyone signed off on him. That’s what gave us the comfort to draft him where we did.”

Chris Grier:
(On whether WR Jakeem Grant ran a 4.1 or 4.3 40-yard dash) – “He was really fast. He was in the 4.3s for us.”

Mike Tannenbaum:
“Once he signs his contract, we’ll answer that question.” (laughter)

Chris Grier:
“If you ask Mike (Tannenbaum), he’s a little faster than that.”

(On whether they see QB Brandon Doughty competing for the No. 2 quarterback role this season) – “I don’t think we want to set any limits for what he can or can’t do. This is a player who’s obviously local. He’s a Miami Day guy, so we got to spend the day with him. We watched him play over the fall the last couple of years a lot (with him) being a six-year player. We really like the kid. He’s very football smart, very competitive. He has good arm strength and he (had) great production in college. (We) wouldn’t want to say what he can be, but we’re excited to have him.”

(On trading CB Jamar Taylor) – “(It was) just an opportunity to improve our roster and to give him a fresh start somewhere else.”

Mike Tannenbaum:
(On whether they are comfortable with the level of talent at linebacker) – “We think (LB) Kiko (Alonso) can be a significant upgrade. The more you study those things, a player the second year after an injury, traditionally you see a bigger uptick. We think he has a chance to be a really good player for us. Certainly, there were some linebackers we thought of (in the draft). The board just fell the way it did. We’ll continue to be open minded, but there are some young guys that we like. (LB) Zach Vigil played for us last year. We re-signed (LB) Spencer Paysinger. We’ll always be open-minded, but I think Alonso really has a chance to help us.”

Chris Grier:
(On whether RB Kenyan Drake and WR Jakeem Grant were drafted to be return punts and kicks and keep WR Jarvis Landry from doing so) – “A little bit. Jarvis, still, is … Even though he’s not the fastest guy on time, he plays fast on the field. These guys are explosive guys (and) have a history of doing it. Again, it was an opportunity for us to add an element of speed and explosiveness to the return game.”

Mike Tannenbaum:
(On whether he is comfortable with the high roster turnover this offseason) – “Look, we don’t just say, ‘Hey, it’s an old player or a new player.’ I think we’re sitting there and saying, ‘We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished collectively. This is our team.’ Every day, the coaches get more comfortable with the players they’ve inherited. At the end of the day, we want to keep the best 53 (players) to give us the best chance to win whether they’ve been inherited, drafted (or) signed. That’s really what it’s about.”

Chris Grier:
(On what the draft was like for him as a general manager) – “To be honest, it was a great weekend working with Mike (Tannenbaum) and Adam (Gase) and our coaches and scouts in there and Mr. (Stephen) Ross in the room. I’ve been in the draft room now for 20-plus years. Again, I think the communication, our discussions we’ve had … We hashed out these big decisions we thought we’d have to make at that point. It was smooth for us. Really, I think the biggest one was, obviously, Laremy (Tunsil) falling to us, which was unexpected. It was a great opportunity for us.”

Chris Grier:
(On how well he has worked with Tannenbaum and the advantages of working well together) – “Well, you see I dressed up today and (Mike Tannenbaum) didn’t. I took it more serious than him today. (laughter) But no, honestly, working with Mike (Tannenbaum) has been great. From Day 1, it’s been our communication (and) our talks about players. Mike loves this game. We spend a lot of time. There’s a lot of times we’re the first ones in the building and the last ones to leave. Again, when you have someone there you can talk to, have open debates, you’re not afraid to be honest about stuff. I think that’s key, when you can really express how you feel. He and I, we’ve had moments where we’ve gone at each other and stuff and I think that’s what makes it work.”

Mike Tannenbaum:
“And I think people don’t always understand the complexities of the decisions. I always say ‘Hey, let’s go watch the tape. Let’s lay it out,’ and usually those decisions resolve themselves. I just feel really good about the preparation and the process and then obviously getting Adam (Gase)’s two cents on things is really important. But like Chris (Grier) said, a lot of the decisions we made were made well ahead of time.”

(On what he feels will be differently about the cornerback position with the recent moves made) – “I think it’s really just the defense that we want to play. Obviously, (Defensive Coordinator) Vance (Joseph) has had a tremendous influence on that. Again, philosophically I believe we are here to serve the coaches. We got together in January when the staff was on board and we know exactly the type of defense the Miami Dolphins are going to play. Obviously those players we’ve acquired were purposeful and by design. It fits an overall scheme. It’s not just about the corners but it’s how we are going to play. We like the length. We like their athleticism. And we still have a long way to go. We feel good for tonight but if and when there are more players we can add, we are not going to sit here and complacent.”

(On if he feels like they still need to add some more cornerbacks) – “Look, we always want to get the best player available. I’ve been fortunate enough to be around this game a long time and I’ve added starting cornerbacks in June and August. You just never know when the right opportunity comes along, as Chris (Grier) mentioned, we will attack it aggressively.”

(On why scheme is so important to the team now) – “It’s always been important to me. I don’t know it any other way, to be candid. For us to be successful, you have to have a clear understanding of how players fit in all three phases. In talking with Chris (Grier) about the opportunity and putting the team together, we talked about (scheme) from Day 1. Chris had a very clear vision. We married that with the coaches and everybody in this building now knows, from personnel to coaches, what we’re looking for at each position. Are we going to make mistakes? Absolutely. But in my mind, that just narrows the bandwidth of … it should cut down the margin for error.”

Chris Grier:
(On what sort of contribution you hope for and need from this group of players) – “I think when you’re always building a team – especially championship teams – you have to build through the draft. Obviously they have to be your foundation because free agency is used to supplement your roster. You don’t want to have to go out and spend the big money all the time to do that. We’ve done that here over the years that we’ve been here, and other teams have done it as well. I think you struggle to win consistently that way. For us, yeah they are part of the foundation of the Dolphins going forward and help setting the tone for a winning program and organization.”

(On if this is the most talent on the offensive side of the ball he has seen in his time with the organization) – “It’s hard to say right now. It’s really about players gelling, getting on the field, working together and competing. What we’ve built is a very competitive roster now and I think that will push everyone to be better. It has a chance to be good but we’ll see what it ends up being.”

(On if there was a concerted effort to get “alpha” players and if he thinks he’s changed the makeup of the team mentally and physically) – “When you say ‘alpha,’ it’s those guys that love football. They’re mentally and physically tough, they’re not afraid of challenges (and) they love to compete. It was stuff that we talked about a lot through the process and you guys have been around (Head) Coach (Adam) Gase – he definitely has that mentality. We’ve tried to change the roster with the guys we’ve added, especially on the pro side too through free agency. We’ve been aggressively looking for players like that. I think that’s the only way you can win.”

Mike Tannenbaum:
(On if the team has added an undrafted college free agent kicker) – “We’re certainly heading in that direction. We don’t have anything signed yet or anything. We don’t have anything official. We’re working the free agency process pretty aggressively but until anything is signed, there is really nothing to announce.”

(On if improving team speed was part of the plan going into this draft) – “Yeah. I think explosive playmakers at certain positions that we thought we could add at reasonable prices and parts in the draft is something that we wanted to do. When you look at the middle part of the draft with (WR Leonte) Carroo and (RB Kenyan) Drake and (WR Jakeem) Grant, those are three guys that can help in the kicking game (and) the return game. We think they have a chance over time to be four-down players.”

Chris Grier – April 29, 2016 (on Xavien Howard) Download PDF version

Friday, April 29, 2016

General Manager Chris Grier (on CB Xavien Howard)

(Opening Statement) – “We traded up for corner Xavien Howard from Baylor. This was a prototype player. We spent a lot of time with him. It’s a core position – premium need for us. This guy checks all the boxes in terms of height, weight, speed, competitiveness, toughness. This was a player that was a target player for us and when the opportunity arrived for us to make a play to get him, we jumped at it. We’re ecstatic to have him on our roster.”

(On if he thought another team would select Howard if the team did not trade up) – “Yes. We expected a corner run to start. In the draft, there are always periods of positions where there are runs. This is about the time (where it is) really getting to that time where there aren’t very many corners left.”

(On if there was a specific team they thought might draft Howard) – “I don’t want to speak for any team, but yes, we had an idea of who those … There were probably two teams we thought – in front of us – that might take him.”

(On which of Howard’s attributes most appeals to the team) – “First of all, it’s his competitiveness. This guy is ultra-competitive. He’s an alpha. For him, it’s the size, the length, the speed. Obviously, he’s a scheme fit for us. Again, we spent a lot of time with this player. We hold this guy in high regard.”

(On how Howard compares with CB Byron Maxwell) – “Just being around Byron at practice the last three days of the minicamp, he’s super-competitive. You know he and (Head) Coach (Adam) Gase were talking crap to each other out on the field. So, this guy (Xavien Howard) is that way. As we spent more time with him, we really thought that this was the type of player we wanted to add to our program.”

(On whether he sees Howard as a starter) – “I think everyone … When you make a play … Again, it’s (about) adding competition to our roster. The best guy is going to play. Again, he’s got a lot of traits and attributes we really like. He’s got a chance to start, but I’m not going to … Again, that’s up to the coaches and the play on the field.”

(On if the team tried to trade up higher) – “We were active today. I’ll just say that. We were active.”

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