
Xavien Howard – April 29, 2016 Download PDF version

Friday, April 29, 2016

Cornerback Xavien Howard

(On whether he had spoken to the Miami Dolphins before the draft) – “Yes, sir. I had talked to the Miami Dolphins (before) the draft.”

(On what his conversations were like with the Dolphins) – “The conversations (were about) telling me about cornerback and stuff like that, what they’re expecting from that cornerback that’s coming in.”

(On what the Dolphins expect from their cornerbacks) – “They’re expecting me to come in and make plays and learn the defense.”

(On his style of play and his strengths) – “I regard myself on making plays. My strength is my ball skill and being a physical corner.”

(On which NFL cornerbacks he models his game after) – “I looked at Patrick Peterson and Darrelle Revis.”

(On whether he likes to press on defense) – “I love to press. Yes, sir.”

(On what the draft experience has been like) – “It has been … It was just an up and down doing a lot of stuff and stuff like that. But, I’ll be thankful for it, going through the process. Everybody goes through it. I enjoyed it.”

(On if he is optimistic he can contribute to the team right away) – “Yes, sir.”

(On why he can contribute to the team right away) – “(I can contribute right away) with my ball skills and being physical. I’m working on my technique and stuff like that. I’m sure the coach is going to get me better in my technique and stuff like that. I got faith in myself that I can do the job.”

(On the tough receivers he has faced in college) – “I had one (game) against (Chicago Bears WR) Kevin White my redshirt sophomore year. He was a tough defender. He went with the No. 7 pick, but he was a good guy. (inaudible) I think he’s the best receiver I played against. (Washington Redskins WR) Josh Doctson, I think he was okay, to me. He didn’t really do much to me. I had got (inaudible) during that game. That’s all I can tell you about the top receivers that I played.”

(On if he has the mindset that he would come in and be a starter) – “Yes, sir. I have that in my mindset. Yes sir.”

(On if he has played special teams) – “Yes, sir. I played kickoff return, punt return and punts.”

(On if he knows of any players on the Dolphins roster) – “Yes sir, I know a couple players on the Dolphins roster. I know (CB Byron) Maxwell from Philly. I know (CB Tyler) Patmon from Dallas. I know the receivers Jarvis Landry (and) Kenny Stills.”

(On who his agent is) – “Todd France.”

(On comparing his game to that of Byron Maxwell and if he sees similarities between the two of them) – “Being physical and being pressing a lot, I could see that.”

(On how he knows CB Byron Maxwell) – “Just seeing him playing at Seattle when he was playing corner next to Richard Sherman. He was making plays. And when he got to Philly, he was being tested a little bit, but he was making plays too. Then on the video, I had seen the guy and things like that. That’s how I seen him. That’s how I know him.”

(On if there are any players on the Dolphins roster he knows personally) – “No, sir.”

Kenyan Drake – April 29, 2016 Download PDF version

Friday, April 29, 2016

Running Back Kenyan Drake

(On whether he expected to be drafted this early) – “No, not at all. This was definitely a real surprise for me, a real dream come true. I’m definitely going to go out down to Miami and make sure that I solidify my spot in this draft and even more.”

(On whether he had conversations with the Dolphins prior to the draft) – “Yes, I did. I actually made one of my four team visits to Miami. (I) loved the facility, loved the coaches, loved the city itself. I couldn’t have asked for a better organization and a better city to play for.”

(On whether his play was overshadowed in college) – “No, sir. I feel like everybody did exactly what they were supposed to do. I’m glad that Derrick (Henry) had his opportunities. The receivers that we had were great. We had a great o-line, a great offensive game plan and coaches in general. The chips (fall) where they may. I made the plays I was supposed to make and everybody else did their job. At the end of the day, we were national champions.”

(On how he is injury-wise) – “I’m completely healthy. (My) arm was reconstructed, (my) leg was reconstructed, and my play itself can attest for it. I can still make plays with the best of them.”

(On whether he will have the opportunity to become a feature back) – “Yes, sir. They gave me their word saying that I can come in and make my play speak for itself. That’s why they drafted me in this position: to come in and make an impact immediately. They have great running backs there now. I look forward to being teammates with them and playing alongside of them. But at the end of the day, you have to come in and you have to make plays. And that’s what I plan on doing.”

(On his ability in the passing game as a receiver and blocker) – “Being successful at Alabama in a pro-style offense, you have no choice but to be very diligent in the pass-blocking game and also as a receiver coming out the backfield. I feel like my versatility allows me to do that. Being an every-down back – (in) first down, second down, third down protection, coming out the backfield as a receiver and lining up out wide and creating mismatches – I feel like I can do that very well at the next level.”

(On whether he played special teams in college) – “Yes, I played every facet of special teams from kick return … I didn’t do punt return, but I did all down-linemen punt return, the lead on punt. I was on every position on kickoff also.”

(On how the level of competition in the SEC is going to benefit him in the NFL) – “It’s definitely going to prepare me for the next level because every day-in and day-out, not only did I play against the best players every week, but I practiced with the best players on a daily basis. And that always makes you a better competitor day in and day out.”

Chris Grier – April 29, 2016 (on Kenyan Drake) Download PDF version

Friday, April 29, 2016

General Manager Chris Grier (on RB Kenyan Drake)

(On Kenyan Drake’s injury history and the team’s confidence in his health going forward) – “We’re good. Obviously with every player, he’s been to the combine, and the doctors have done the whole work up on him. I always tell the story, I was in New England when we took Curtis Martin. And everyone said, ‘Why are you guys taking Curtis Martin, he’s always hurt and never made it.’ Curtis, the year he came out as a junior, he only played two games. So Curtis has gone on to be a Hall of Famer. I’m not saying this is Curtis Martin, but I think every player you always have to look at … Jake Long never missed a game at Michigan and unfortunately here his career (was) kind of ravaged by injuries. Obviously he got off to a great start. I think you take it into account, but you never let it determine the player’s value and where you take him.”

(On what skills of Drake’s drew the team to draft him) – “Yeah, he’s got a unique skillset for us. You know, obviously with the group we have, he adds an explosive element that we’ve lost with Lamar (Miller) leaving. This guy’s a good receiver out of the backfield, so you can do a lot of stuff with him. So we love the versatility he adds and I know (Head) Coach (Adam) Gase is really high on him as well.”

(On if it’s essential to have a three-down back in the team’s new offense) – “I think kind of the unique thing about Adam (Gase) when you look at his history with running backs is he’s kind of used all different types of guys. I just think what he adds to what we currently have, like I said before, with the speed, the playmaking, the ability to play in space … This kid’s a tough kid. He’s a very good special teams player as well as returning kicks. This guy loves to cover kicks. You can watch him, he goes downfield, he makes tackles. We spent a lot of time with this player as well, so this was someone we targeted as well.”

Chris Grier – April 29, 2016 (on Leonte Carroo) Download PDF version

Friday, April 29, 2016

General Manager Chris Grier (on WR Leonte Carroo)

(On if Carroo was the best player available and what is intriguing about the pick) – “Yeah, it was the best player available. This was a guy who was a target player. This is a highly-competitive kid that loves football. He has 29 touchdowns in his career. This is a guy that adds toughness. He’s got speed for a big guy. He’s 5’11 7/8”, he’s basically six foot, 215 pounds, runs a 4.48. This guy’s been a good player there for Rutgers. So he kind of filled a need. He can play special teams; he’ll compete for playing time right away. So this guy, again, checked a lot of boxes for size, speed, toughness, competitiveness, so we’re really thrilled to add him.”

(On what they gave up to get him) – “Some picks next year.”

(On Carroo comparing himself to a faster Anquan Boldin) – “He does. He’s a physical player. Adding that type of skill set to our receiver mix is important. With Coach (Adam) Gase and the staff, he’s talking about player’s versatility and ability to do different things. This guy can play inside, outside so we kind of liked what he added to our team.”

(On why they traded future picks for Carroo) – “This was a target player. With the coaching staff and the scouting staff, this was a player that we held in high regard. We had him here on a 30 visit, so we spent a lot of time with this kid. And the opportunity to get someone that can contribute, we think right away, on the field, in terms of as a receiver and on special teams … Again, this is a guy we are really high on.”

(On what he can bring to the offense) – “(He brings) the ability to play inside and out. And for a big guy he also has vertical speed. Again, it’s the flexibility to do a lot of things in Adam (Gase)’s offense and we’ll see what he can do. We’re just really excited to have this player.”

(On the competition among the wide receivers now) – “We added another alpha personality, so it’ll be interesting.”

(On the importance of having ‘alpha’ personalities on the team right now) – “I think the teams that win in this league are physically and mentally tough. You have to understand that if you lose two games in a row, the season’s not over … and you just collapse, and then, you know … Again, I think you add players that love to compete and love to play the game. When you add a bunch of those guys to your roster and to your core, that’s just contagious and makes your team better.”

(On whether they plan on going to camp with the current receivers they have on the roster) – “Yeah, currently right now.  But you know you’re always waiting to see if any other opportunities arise.”

(On what the team accomplished in the first two days of the draft) – “I think filling a lot of needs, but getting the best players available too. Again, we added speed, size, toughness – all the things we talked about adding to the roster.”

(On if this can be a potent offense) – “It remains to be seen, but we’re excited with all the pieces we have.”

Leonte Carroo – April 29, 2016 Download PDF version

Friday, April 29, 2016

Wide Receiver Leonte Carroo

(On what he does well as a receiver) – “I catch the ball very well. I’m a very confident receiver that’s very physical. I rely on my speed a lot and I go up and make plays. I had 29 career touchdowns and I only had three career drops in my whole entire career. I take a lot of pride in the way I catch and also the way I block as a receiver.”

(On his ankle injury last season and whether it is okay now) – “Yes, sir. My ankle is 100 percent healthy and I’m ready to go.”

(On whether he had conversations with the Dolphins prior to the draft) – “Yes, sir. I actually went on a visit that went really well. I really enjoyed my visit. It was an awesome visit. I got to meet with all the coaches and now I’m happy to be a Dolphin.”

(On what it was like to see himself get drafted) – “It’s been a long process. I’m a very confident guy and I feel like I’m a guy who put in a lot of hard work throughout college. (I am) definitely a guy who felt that he was first-round talent and I’m just blessed to be in this position of being drafted and especially getting drafted to a great organization like the Miami Dolphins. I’m just happy for my family right now and all my friends and all the people that sacrificed for me to be in the position that I’m in today.”

(On if there was a receiver in the NFL that he compared himself to and looked up to) – “My favorite wide receiver growing up was Marvin Harrison. That’s the reason why I like to catch the ball the way I do because I’ve never seen him drop a pass. But as far as a receiver that I think I am, I’m a much faster Anquan Boldin, someone that has the ability to stretch the field and go deep and also be a possession receiver that’s very physical, as well. ”

(On how exciting it is for him to be playing alongside with WR DeVante Parker and WR Jarvis Landry) – “I’m very excited. As a sophomore, I got to play against DeVante when he was at Louisville, and I got to see what type of great, physical receiver he is. I’m a huge fan of Jarvis Landry. The accomplishments he’s made in the past two seasons … watching him at LSU, it’s an honor to play against those guys. I’m going in to have the mindset that I’m going to be as hungry as can be and learn from those guys. But at the same time, I’m going in to compete and try to win a starting spot as well.”

(On if he knows any players on the Dolphins personally) – “No, actually.”

Mike Tannenbaum, Adam Gase and Laremy Tunsil – April 29, 2016 Download PDF version

Friday, April 29, 2016

Executive Vice President of Football Operations Mike Tannenbaum, Head Coach Adam Gase and Tackle Laremy Tunsil

Mike Tannenbaum:
(Opening statement) – “We appreciate everyone’s patience. We’re back here to introduce Laremy Tunsil as the next member of the Dolphins. As we said a few minutes ago, we’re really excited that Laremy is here. (We) thought it was a great opportunity for the organization. We expect Laremy to come in and contribute. Where he plays, again as we said, Coach (Adam) Gase will decide that. But we’re excited that Laremy is here. Congratulations.”

Laremy Tunsil:
“Thank you. I’m excited to be here. It’s a blessed opportunity just to be in the NFL, just to be a part of the Miami Dolphins organization. ”

(On if he has had a chance to put his night into perspective) – “Like I said, (I’m) just excited to be a part of this organization.”

(On what he would say to Dolphins fans that think he has character issues) – “Just know they got a good guy that puts everything on the line for the team.”

(On what the past 24 hours have been like for him) – “It’s been good to me. I’m drafted. I’m in the NFL. So I’m happy.”

(On if he can clarify who hacked into his account) – “I don’t know (anything) about that. I’m here to talk about the Miami Dolphins.”

(On what happened today to make him ill) – “I don’t know what happened. I had an allergic reaction. The doctor took care of me so I’m good.”

(On if he felt woozy or fainted) – “No. I just had an allergic reaction.”

(On if it was something he ate) – “Probably.”

(On whether an allergic reaction has happened to him before) – “Yes, it has.

(On whether the text messages posted to his Instagram account were accurate) – “I’m here to talk about the Miami Dolphins.”

(On where he anticipates playing on the offensive line)  – “Anywhere they put me would be fine. If coach wants me to play quarterback, coach wants (me) to play receiver, tight end – hopefully tight end – but whatever he wants me to play.” (laughter)

(On whether he has previously played guard) – “Like I said, whatever position he puts me in will be fine.”

(On how much he knew about the Dolphins prior to the draft) – “I’m from Florida, actually, so I know a lot about the Miami Dolphins. Being from Florida, I knew a lot about the Dolphins.”

(On whether he grew up a Dolphins fan) – “No, I grew up a Saints fan.” (laughter)

Mike Tannenbaum:
“We just found that out.” (laughter)

Laremy Tunsil:
(On the Dolphins’ history of left tackles and where he hopes to fit into that lineage) – “Like I said, wherever you put me will be great. I heard a lot of good things about the tackles.”

(On how his conversations with Head Coach Adam Gase have gone) – “Pretty good.” (laughter)

Mike Tannenbaum:
“Adam was really disappointed we took an offensive player.” (laughter)

Laremy Tunsil:
(On whether there is a player he admires) – “I liked Tyron Smith from the Dallas Cowboys.”

(On why he admires Tyron Smith) – “His game. The way he plays is nice.”

 (On whether he was able to sleep last night) – “Like I said, I’m blessed just to be here. It’s a great opportunity.”

(On handling adversity with an upbeat attitude) – “Like I said before, it’s a blessing just to be here, just to be in the NFL and to be a part of this organization.”

(On if he can shed light on his comments from last night) – “I’m just here to talk about the Miami Dolphins.”

(On the Dolphins’ willingness to draft him) – “They gave me a chance and (I’m going to show them) why. I’m the best player and I should be in the draft.”

(On the dangers of social media) – “Like I said, I’m blessed.”

(On whether he has seen QB Ryan Tannehill play much) – “No, but he texted me yesterday, so that’s a sign of (knowing) he has my back.”

(On what he would say to people about his character) – “No character issues at all.”

(On if he can help protect QB Ryan Tannehill) – “I’m coming here to help the team anyway I can.”

Mike Tannenbaum, Chris Grier and Adam Gase – April 29, 2016 (on Laremy Tunsil) Download PDF version

Friday, April 29, 2016

Executive Vice President of Football Operations Mike Tannenbaum, General Manager Chris Grier and Head Coach Adam Gase (on G/T Laremy Tunsil)

Mike Tannenbaum:
(Opening Statement) – “Good afternoon. Thanks everybody for coming. We’re obviously very excited that we’re able to draft Laremy Tunsil last night. We thought it was a great moment for our organization. Again, I want to thank Chris Grier and all the hard work him and the entire personnel department has done. We’re really excited that he was there when he was available at 13. We have a great vision for him moving forward. Unfortunately, Laremy had an allergic reaction this afternoon so right now he’s with our medical staff. And hopefully it’s just a quick, short-term thing. But with that, we’d be happy to answer any questions.”

(On any questions or worries that were raised after a video surfaced of Tunsil last night)  – “As Chris mentioned last night, we were very thorough in our process, starting with Matt Winston, our area scout. (We) felt good about his character. Obviously there were some mistakes that were made in his past. We were comfortable with that. All the research we had done; we’re very comfortable with his character. The decision was made by the entire organization, including Steve Ross, our owner. And we’re very comfortable with Laremy, the player and the person.”

(On the team’s current philosophy regarding high-character players)  – “We remain committed to that. And I think Adam (Gase), Chris (Grier), myself, Steve Ross – all the decision makers were in the room last night. We feel good about Laremy, again as a player and as a person. Obviously there had been some bumps in the road, but we’re comfortable with that. Moving forward, we’re excited that he’s here and think he has a bright future on the field, as well as off (the field).”

(On how much additional information Tunsil was able to share about the video) – “Again, as Chris alluded to, we looked at the entire body of work, the person going all the way back to high school. We were familiar with all the information. We were comfortable with making the decision that at 13, he was available. We were very excited. We’re comfortable with him and his character, his work ethic. We were obviously familiar with the video, but for us it was still the decision we felt was right for us.”

Adam Gase:
(On how Tunsil fits into the offensive line) – “We’re going to play the best five, so however that works out. We’ve got a long ways to go before we really have to make any kind of decision like that. Right now he looks like he fits in pretty good with that offensive line room.”

(On who would be most likely to play guard) – “We’ll see how it plays out. Like I said, we’ve got a long ways to go. I’m not going to make any predictions on anything and say what we’re going to do and give away what we’re going to do quite yet. We’re going to see how it plays out. We’ve got three more weeks of Phase 2, and then we’re going to have OTAs and a minicamp, and then we’re going to get through training camp. I think our first game is about four-plus months away, so we’ve got some time.”

(On what he sees in Tunsil as a football player) – “I see a guy that’s played at an extremely high level in a very good conference and a guy that’s going to be able to transition to our league very quickly. Obviously this is a guy that we felt like was one of the better players in this draft class, if not the best guy. And for him to fall to us at 13, it was a no brainer.”

(On Tunsil’s current ability as a run blocker) – “He’s going to be good enough as a run blocker. I know in this league, you better be able to pass pro(tect). If people don’t think he’s a good enough run blocker, we’ll figure out a way to coach him up on that one.”

(On if he has potential as a guard) – “We’ll figure out a way to get him on the field, whether it’s (at) guard or tackle. We’re going to play the best five.”

Mike Tannenbaum:
(On whether they anticipate Tunsil to be begin his career in the NFL’s substance abuse program) – “We’re comfortable with his eligibility. We expect him to be ready to go for rookie minicamp. Anything beyond that would be a league matter. Our expectations are (that) he’ll be ready to go.”

Chris Grier:
(On the gap between Tunsil and the next highest rated player on their draft board) – “Not to get into specifics, (but) there was a big gap. This is a player that … It was an opportunity for us to add a good player to our roster that we’re happy to have. This guy is … You’ve seen all the things. There was talk about (how) some people were saying this guy was the best player in the draft. For us, it was an opportunity. We were comfortable. We talked to everyone from his high school coaches, college coaches, and we met with them. We had all the information on this player from February on.”

Adam Gase:
(On whether there was a specific point where they believed drafting Tunsil was a possibility) – “I think it was when Tennessee traded up to (No.) 8 and then they didn’t take him. That’s kind of where a couple of us sat up, got a little interested. (laughter)”

Adam Gase:
(On whether there was any hesitation about the decision) – “None. I’m pretty sure … Was I yelling at you to turn the card in?” (laughter)

Mike Tannenbaum:
“We were comfortable. Again, being in the draft room, all those scenarios are laid out. When he’s there – and it’s our turn – we were ready to go.”

Adam Gase:
(On what Laremy Tunsil had an allergic reaction to) – “We’re trying to find that out right now.”

(On whether Laremy Tunsil is OK following an allergic reaction) – “He’s with our medical people right now.”

Mike Tannebaum:
(On what caused the allergic reaction) – “He had been in the building for a number of hours. He’s with our doctors now. As soon as we have more information, we’ll let everyone know.”

(On whether South Florida can be a distraction to prospects and the potential dangers of social media) – “(To answer) the first part of your question, I think we fall back on an incredible process led by Chris (Grier), (Director of Player Personnel) Joe Schoen, (College Scout) Adam Engroff. Our college guys do such a great job (of) having information on all these prospects going back to high school. We’re very comfortable that when we select a player, that in our environment – on the field and off the field – that they’re going to be here and have a chance to be successful. As it relates to social media and how other teams make their decisions, I can’t speak for them. I can speak for us to say that we were comfortable knowing that, look, there are things out there that I’m sure he’s going to learn from. Obviously, mistakes were made. But again, our decision was based on the player and a big body of work. We fell back on a great process and felt like it was a tremendous opportunity for us. What he does moving forward is what’s really most important.”

Adam Gase:
(On how rare it is to have three first-round draft picks on the offensive line) – “It’s rare, but we’ll figure out a way to make it work. We’re excited as an organization. I’m sure our offensive line coach (Chris Foerster) … He’s going to be okay.”

Chris Grier:
(On whether drafting a cornerback will be a priority going forward) – “Again, we’re not one player away. We’re just going to follow the board again. Whoever the best player is for the Miami Dolphins, we’ll make that selection.”

Laremy Tunsil – April 28, 2016 Download PDF version

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Tackle Laremy Tunsil

(On what was going through his mind prior to being drafted) – “It’s just a blessing to be in the green room, just to be a part of the NFL, just to be part of the Miami Dolphins organization. It was a solemn moment, but hey, I’m happy for everybody that went above me. Like I said, I have a chip on my shoulder, and I can’t wait to play football.”

(On how long ago the video was taken) – “That video was (taken) years ago. It was years ago. Like I said, people (are) hacking my account. I don’t know what’s going. I can’t control nothing (about that). The only thing I can control is what’s going on.”

(On whether the video was taken two years ago) – “Right.”

(On why someone would try to sabotage his draft night) – “I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t know why they hacked my account. Hey, I’m just as clueless as you all.”

(On whether there are similar videos out there) – “No, sir. Not at all.”

(On whether his Instagram account was also hacked in addition to his Twitter account) – “Yes, they both were hacked. Like I said, I can’t control it. I don’t know what’s going on. It’s just crazy. It’s a crazy moment right now. I wish I (could) control it, but I can’t. I don’t know how they (are) hacking my phone. I don’t know how they (are) hacking my social media.”

(On whether the posts to his Instagram account were accurate) – “I don’t know what’s going on. Like I said, people are hacking my account. They’re hacking my Instagram account. They’re hacking my Twitter account. Like I said, I don’t know what’s going on. I’m new to this.”

(On whether he has a drug problem) – “I do not have a drug problem. You can check all of my college tests. I never failed one.”

(On who he believes hacked his social media accounts and why they would do that) – “Like I said, I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t know why they hacked my account. I don’t do (anything) to (anybody). I’m harmless.”

(On if he is angry about his accounts being hacked) – “I’m ready to play football. It’s the love for the game. It’s not all about the money. Like I said, I have a chip on my shoulder and I can’t wait to play for the Miami Dolphins organization.”

(On whether he would press charges against whomever hacked his accounts) – “No, I don’t want to press charges.”

(On what he would say to those who question his character) – “Don’t question my character. You can’t judge a book by its cover. I’m a good person, I’m a laid back guy. I don’t do much.”

(On whether the Dolphins knew about the video prior to the draft – “This video was launched like minutes before I got into the green room, and it’s crazy how somebody just hacked my account. And it’s crazy how they post videos like that.”

(On whether he can be a left tackle for the Dolphins) – “Whatever position they want me to play, I’m going to give it my all.”

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