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Skylar Thompson – August 21, 2024 Download PDF version

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

QB Skylar Thompson

(This is the first time we’ve ever seen camp where you’ve taken the majority of the second team reps. What has that experience been like and what have you learned about yourself?) – “I’ve learned a lot about myself. It’s been probably one of my favorite camps because you truly have to just take every day as its own, and not look ahead, not get ahead of myself but just attack the day in front of me and making the most of the opportunities that I get whatever group that’s with. The twos, threes, whatever the case might be, just taking advantage of the opportunities and getting better. You strive for perfection at this position and everybody wants to be perfect, but I think what I really have enjoyed this camp is honestly making mistakes and then correcting them, whether if it’s in a live rep, later on a couple of practices later, or whatever the case may be. Just seeing the learning really apply to the actual practice or game, whatever the case may be, but seeing the time put into a mistake and being able to learn from it and apply it and not make that same mistake again has been huge for me. Just showing my leadership, I think that’s the thing that I really take pride in and hone in on in my role is just being a great leader and being a great teammate every time I step into the huddle. The guys believe in me and feel the confidence in the way that I speak, the way that I talk, the way that I call the play, all of those things, they make a dramatic difference in the huddle. Just being myself and having fun playing this game, it’s a great game. It’s a kids game, just reminding myself to have fun each day I’m out there.”

(How much different is this than during the season running the scout team, preparing the defense for not your offense?) – “It’s tremendously different, because you know when you’re running the scout team, we’re running the schemes of the teams that we’re playing. Sometimes where there is some carryover as far as we try to put it in our words, our terms so that we can get reps even though it’s not technically our offense. There are some times where it’s kind of hard to do that and you’re running some concepts that you haven’t really experienced or I haven’t experienced running before when you’re reading them out. But just trying to get the most out of it in those situations on the scout team and help the defense be prepared, whereas this, we’re in our offense every single day and we’re learning new stuff, taking it from the classroom, and applying it to the field. It’s all the stuff that we run each and every day and I’ve been doing for the three years, so it’s a little different in that way.”

(How has QB Tua Tagovailoa taken another step this year?) – “I would just say you hear his voice more. I’m not saying that in a way of like you didn’t hear it in the past. He’s done a great job of communicating with everybody and just telling receivers what he wants, whether it’s coming out of a route a certain way or running it a certain way or whatever. He makes it known how he wants it to be done and guys respond well to that. That’s been really cool to see from my perspective. But Tua is Tua. That guy – from the day that I came in here and met him, he’s the same person. I think it speaks volumes of who he is and his character and the values that he has. It’s been super cool to be a part of the room with him and Mike (White) and being able to be so close with those guys and grow with them through the journey. So it’s been really cool.”

(Can you express how big Friday is for a guy like you? How do you approach it?) – “Yeah, I’m approaching it just like I did the last two games. It’s no different, it’s just what’s next. That’s, like I said earlier, kind of the approach that I’ve been taking is just one day at a time. Whatever is at stake for the day, I’m going to attack the day and win the day, whatever that may consist of. I know it’s a great opportunity for me and a lot of guys. I think that’s what’s really cool about this time of year is you’ve got guys fighting for roster spots in their positions groups and all that type of stuff. It’s just making the most of your opportunities and being a great teammate on top of all that. I think that’s what’s been really special about this group of what we have this year and the culture that we’ve built here. It’s special, and there’s a lot of guys that are rooting for each other, pulling for each other, wanting their teammates to have success and see success. So I think that’s super cool to be a part of and very special what we’ve got going on here. Thankful to be a part of it, for sure.”

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