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Steven Parker – December 9, 2019 Download PDF version

Monday, December 9, 2019

 S Steven Parker

(Does Head Coach Brian Flores or Defensive Coordinator Patrick Graham or Safeties Coach Tony Oden say anything to you right after that play or do they wait until today and Wednesday before talking through what you could have done on that play where you tried to go for an interception?) – “That’s something that you have to go back and review the film on. You actually have to see what’s the situation within the situation. Right there, I should have made the tackle or I should have went for the tackle rather than going for the pick. I probably did a little bit too much as far as trying to be the hero; but there are plays like that that happen throughout this game that you learn from.”

(Did the coaches say anything at the time or the heat of the action on the late drive? Or is it not discussed at that time?) – “No, it’s not discussed at that time because there’s still ball left to play in the game. You can’t just go off for one scenario; you can’t just go out for one play. You have to see how it’s all going to stretch out. There were some other plays that I know I left out there – that we left out there as a team – that could have changed that outcome.”

(Did you ever play receiver at any level growing up because the two picks this year have been terrific catches. Even in Pop Warner, did you play any receiver at all?) – “I actually started at running back back in the day, so I feel like that’s probably where I get some of the moves. As far as receiver, I played that in high school my senior year and got the opportunity to do that and bring home a state championship, so that was cool.”

(How close did you feel you got on that ball where you went for the pick?) – “I actually tipped that ball. I was super mad that I actually missed that pick because that was a play that earlier, we had run and they actually threw it to the same side and everything. I actually thought I was going to have a pick on that one. It was the same one that Nik Needham actually batted down and that was another one that we said that should have been another pick as well. There were plays out there that we had, but at the end of the day we’ll live with the outcome and we just have to go on to the next game.”

(Head Coach Brian Flores was visibly upset with the officials at the end of the game. He told us that he was more angry for you guys, for the players.) – “I would definitely say the coaches were more angry just for us because they know that feeling. Of course they’re right there next to us and we live with them right here in this facility, so it’s one of those things where it hurt deep as a group. There’s nothing that you can do as far as what (the officials) call or control what they call. It’s just one of those things where you just have to make more plays than what you actually had in that situation.”

(What does it mean to see coaches that are fighting for you guys?) – “It means a lot because they care. We know that they care. They put in a countless number of hours; but to actually feel what we felt and really be right there by our sides, that was a blessing. That was cool.”

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