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Terron Armstead – August 29, 2024 Download PDF version

Thursday, August 29, 2024

T Terron Armstead

(I guess expectations outside and inside the building are different and you’ve played so much football. What’s different about this group that you felt going into this year?) – “We can’t worry about or control any type of outside narratives. The only thing we can focus on is the present day and getting better in that day. All of the narratives that we do have, we’re going to have to address those when the time comes. But for us and our expectations, we want to be the best – put our best product on the field every day. If we do that every day, we do that on Sunday, I’m pretty sure we’ll like the outcome.”

(This is probably the freshest you’ve been coming out of a camp, right? How do you feel?) – “I feel good. I feel great.”

(Do you feel like you’ve had enough work the last four or five weeks?) – “Still getting ready, still working some technique things. It’s always just a constant progression. That’s really the beauty of professional sports, like you’ve never made it. So even if I took more reps, I still got things to work on, still got to keep polishing, keep working. That’s my approach. That’s my mindset so I’m going to continue to do that, and I’ll be ready for the first game.”

(Did you get any work in with the old man over there? Did you get any work in with the old man?) – “For sure, he’s a legend. OG, triple OG, been doing this for a very long time at a high level and he loves the game like no other.”

(Veteran guys like yourselves, that’s needed on a team. So how much do you guys steady the ship when things aren’t – something we don’t see?) – “We got a great locker room, we do – top to bottom. It’s a very positive environment, so it’s not much steadying the ship that we have to do. There’s not many right and wrongs. Of course, we’re going to face some adversity through the season and that’s when you want the veterans to show face and give vocal experience and knowledge, but we have a really driven, focused team. Everybody seems to be after the same goals.”

(Everybody talks about the speed of this team – the motions and all that, but how much tougher does this team need to get? I know that’s your guys’ business.) – “Yeah, we got to show that on the field. There’s nothing I can give you right now with the cameras and a microphone, nothing. You got to see it on the field.”

(Non-football question. You’re a beard guy, what do you think of Head Coach Mike McDaniel and his new look for the season?) – “I like it, I like it. I like the look. I like the look, for sure. Mike is getting a little more swag to him. I saw a little first day of his tenure to now, the progression, the Miami transformation – he’s living.”

(How happy are you that the preseason is done and now it’s all focus on Jacksonville?) – “It’s time, man. It’s time. I feel like the preseason has been a little lengthy – it’s necessary. It’s important to everybody, myself included. We need that time to get ready, guys get opportunities, but it’s time, man. It’s time to get going, ready to get this season rolling.”

(Do you think you’ve had ample ramp up for where you want to be, what you’ll need for the regular season?) – “I’ll be ready.”

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